Yang Song is going to introduce the quick-frozen steamed stuffed buns. Otherwise, he must suck himself up. If he doesn't need to pack himself, he must see that the machine is not capable of giving it any strength.

Of course, there is rolling skin. If the machine can't do it, Yang Song has to roll skin.

He did think so.

When he really rolled out 1230 pieces of dough himself, Yang Song gave up.

"Isn't it good to live?"

Yang Song began to incarnate the crazy devil of Party A's father and frantically squeeze Party B's son.

"Think of a way, you must think of a way to make the steamed stuffed bun skin thinner. I don't have high requirements. It's OK to be thinner than 0.8 inside."

The steamed stuffed bun skin is not too thick altogether.

The workers are going crazy.

"This is a pumpkin braised meat bag. It's not suitable to make the skin thin. Think of a way. It's 0.3cm thicker."

"And the pleats of steamed stuffed bun. It's too few. I like twelve pleats."

"Can you find a way to moisten this dough?"

"It's too wet."


"You don't know what I mean? It's the kind that's dry and wet. You know what I mean?"

"I think this flour is almost interesting. Can you add some corn flour?"

"Corn flour is only suitable for making turnip meat bags, leek meat bags and vegetarian steamed stuffed buns. Other steamed stuffed buns still have to use pure white flour. Corn flour can't be mixed too little or too much. I want to look at a lot, but in fact there is little."


It is said that the colorful black, colorful white and evil bastards seem to like to make such comments.

How much yang song once despised, how fragrant it is now.

Zhang Xiaoyang's quick-frozen factory is worthy of being the best in Asia, and the workers have met Yang Song's requirements.

"That's good. I thought I put forward too many conditions. I might not be able to do it. Unexpectedly, everyone did it. It's so powerful!" Yang Song sighed with emotion.

Wan Ruixin, the head of the quick-frozen factory, grinned. "I'm afraid you don't know how many times you've died in our crooked house."

There are two reasons why Wan Ruixin and others did not directly press Yang Song's head into the noodle machine, nor did they see how sharp the machete for cutting meat in their freezer.

One is that the money is in place, the job is done, and the bonus is three times more.

Only give twice, and they won't agree.

Second, because Yang Song's quick-frozen steamed stuffed buns are processed every day, they can have a taste of each batch of works.

"This is the steamed stuffed bun with the best taste after our quick-frozen factory starts up."

"I like spicy snow cabbage filling."

"Burning chicken legs is the king's way."

"Cuiyu cabbage is the legendary filling of cabbage and tofu. Why is it so delicious?"

"Fish vermicelli filling, what a surprise!"

"Sanxian Bao is absolutely amazing."


The problem of steamed stuffed bun skin was finally solved. Yang song just relaxed for less than two minutes and had to continue to adjust the stuffing day and night.

The stuffing cut by the machine in the factory can't meet Yang Song's requirements at all.

Yang song can only cut fillings with Gu Baiwei every night.

They cut the stuffing of steamed stuffed buns for seven days, and the diners of Baifeng Pavilion also ate potato stewed ribs and rice for seven days.

I haven't even seen Yang Song's face.

There is only a small bowl of sour plum soup in addition to 6991 potato ribs rice set meal, potato stewed ribs and rice.

Attention, it's a small bowl.

Diners eat potato spareribs at noon and potato spareribs at night.

not to mind taking the trouble.

"Although the potato ribs rice is delicious, it's really delicious, but I want to eat Dongpo elbow."

"I want to eat braised meat."

"Brother, when will brother song come back to make pee pills?"

"Isn't braised mutton, Babao gourd duck, squirrel mandarin fish, prawns in tomato sauce, jadeite and jade shrimp, roast gluten, roast mutton kebab, beef kebab, roast fish, roast steamed stuffed bun, roast chicken wing, roast duck leg, roast mutton leg and roast flower duck delicious?"

"Brother song, come back quickly. We want to order."

"So decadent? Don't you like potato stewed ribs? Let me help you eat some?"

"Get out!"

Diners said that we don't like potato stewed ribs. We just don't just eat potato stewed ribs.

They want to eat more and fly higher!

Yang Song finally walked out of the factory of quick-frozen food with Gu Baiwei.

A whole 200000 quick-frozen steamed stuffed buns are ready. As long as Yang Song gives an order, a brand-new freezer will appear in all major supermarkets in Los Angeles, containing the quick-frozen steamed stuffed buns made by Yang Song.

Yang Song hasn't ordered yet. Major supermarkets have prepared the place to place the freezer, bought the freezer, and even the propaganda color pages have been prepared in advance.

In order to compete for Yang Song's share of steamed stuffed buns, several supermarkets even took the line of business war.

According to Chen Ming, the business war is quite fierce.

"Brother song, you don't know that Zhou Siqi, the boss of the supermarket on that Sunday, bought an aristocratic freezer just to hold your steamed stuffed buns."

"It's just a freezer. Just buy it. What's the matter?" Yang Song thought it was a small matter and it was not worth telling him.

"The total length of the freezer is less than three meters. You can't take down 100000 yuan."

Yang Song: "that boss Zhou is too hard."

"You think it's over?" Chen Ming bought a pass. "He bought twenty of these freezers."

One hundred thousand, twenty is two million.

Yang Song was surprised. He didn't look like a person who could afford a villa: "can he put it in the supermarket?"

"I can't put it down." Chen Mingdao.

"Then why did he buy so much?"

"Monopoly. In order to make other supermarkets unable to buy it, he cleared the market. Brother song and Zhou Siqi are your brain powder."

Yang Song: "I didn't think of it."

Before he named the quick-frozen steamed stuffed bun, someone spent two million.

"It's more than that. Some supermarket owners are fighting for the storage of your steamed stuffed buns!"

Yang Song: "why did it fight?"

Baifengge will not consider small supermarkets this time. Only supermarkets with an area of more than 500 square meters are under their consideration.

There are only eight supermarkets in Los Angeles that meet this condition.

Yang Song: "as long as they have been tested, all eight of them can serve my steamed stuffed buns."

It's not worth fighting.

The detection conditions are also very simple.

The first is hygiene and the second is passenger flow.

Ensuring food safety is basic, and the whole behind is nonsense.

It seems that in the beginning, there was a fixed customer base near Baifeng Pavilion.

Now, hasn't someone come from all over the world to taste it?

Yang Song's Baifeng pavilion has driven the development of this area.

Other restaurants are opened in the gathering place of diners. Yang Song follows diners wherever he opens his store. That's his skill.

"Is nothing wrong?" Yang Song doesn't want to sell steamed stuffed buns and cause bloody conflict.

"It's all right. It's all group bosses. It's very empty. It's estimated that the kidney is bad." Chen Ming is totally different from the solidarity spirit of being a capitalist and everyone should respect and love each other.

He is worthy of being a capitalist.