Only Wen Jiu and his two brothers are so arrogant.

They are Wen Shunli and Wen Shengli.

True brothers, the same father and mother, can withstand the paternity test.

The name style is very different.

The three brothers of the Wen family had dinner, warmed wine, ordered a hundred kebabs of mutton and three glasses of beer.

Mutton kebabs with beer is definitely a pleasure in life.

But boss Wen Shunli has to say, "third, I'm three tall now. I can't eat so many greasy barbecues. I'll just taste one of the mutton kebabs. Eat with second."

Wen Shengli also said, "I don't eat. I don't eat a bite. You don't have a barbecue in Los Angeles. At least I'm a man with ten houses. I can eat this kind of casual mutton kebab? It's not mutton that eats grass, grasshoppers and dew on the Siberian prairie. It doesn't deserve to appear in front of me."

In a word.

Both the boss and the second son of the Wen family dislike such a mediocre food street, which is not a five-star restaurant.

"Third, you can't. My brother and I came all the way to see you. You don't have to eat sea cucumber shark fin. You don't even care about ginseng bird's nest. You actually let us eat mutton kebabs in this small restaurant. There are only mutton kebabs!" Wen Shengli patted the table with the paw of a bear with a gold ring.

Wen smoothly put it in a more advanced way: "third, you tell your brothers the truth. Are you having difficulties in life? You can't live? Why are you reduced to eating this kind of junk food?"

There is a level of black!

Wenjiu explained, "didn't I order beer? You can order whatever you want."

They're not children. They're brothers. They order their own food. Don't they eat well?

I haven't seen you for three years. The two brothers prefer to pretend to be forced.

Not his own. He can knock people with bricks.

Wen Shengli pulled the Laven wine: "where has all your money gone? Have you been cheated by women? Now the poor can only eat this junk mutton kebab?"

Wen Shunli pulled Wen Shengli apart: "you're good to ask. Be tactful. The third child also wants face when he grows up."

Wen Jiu: your third brother, I'm over thirty years old and have grown up long ago.

"How much money were you cheated? How many women cheated you? Tell me, my brother will accompany you to the police station."

What's the euphemism of this horse rider?

"I'm not a woman, I'm not cheated, and I'm not cheated!" Warm wine always has an impulse to beat my brother.

However, if you play two, you will suffer a loss. The key is that you can't win and lose.

"Don't be embarrassed!"


The old man and the second son of the Wen family expressed their passionate brotherly love for their youngest brother with pure and unflattering eyes.

The brothers are so bastards that they don't want to talk.

"Mutton kebabs -" Meng Shijia came to serve, and Chen Ming gave wine.

The two of them wanted to take the opportunity to observe the two brothers who could make the forthright uncle warm wine speechless.

The roasted mutton kebabs exude charming meat flavor and tempting golden yellow.

The fragrance dripped into people's nose, and the mouth unconsciously began to secrete saliva.

The bad mood of warm wine was instantly cured. There were delicious mutton kebabs. What's the reason to take care of two silly brothers?

Yang Song personally baked mutton kebabs, no matter how many times you eat them, they are unforgettable.

"I don't know how brother song roasted it. Every time I eat this mutton kebab, I think of the scenery of cattle and sheep in the wind and grass. I once herded sheep in my childhood."

"That little lamb in my childhood, I herd sheep before the sun rises every day. At noon, I don't go home for dinner. I hold my sheep and look for wild fruit all over the mountains. If I can't find wild fruit, I eat dry food. In the evening, when the sun goes down and the moon rises, I go home and raise sheep for a whole year. Anyone who sees it says that my sheep are well raised and must be delicious!"

The last sentence is really a turning point.

Thought it was warm childlike fun, but

"But then the sheep was sold." Warm wine murmured.

Fortunately, the remaining guests in the store are acquaintances. They know each other and know that they will make some strange moves when eating here.

Everyone is used to it.

Warm wine and then eat, then say, immersed in memories.

"Later, I raised another sheep. I have experience. This sheep is better. My parents also promised me not to sell the sheep this time and leave the sheep for the new year. However, the sheep fell off the mountain in autumn and can no longer be found."

It's really twists and turns. Uncle Wenjiu wanted to eat his own sheep in his childhood. Why is it so difficult?

"I'm not discouraged. The third time I raised five sheep, this time I finally succeeded. Our whole family ate my sheep ha ha..."

This story tells us that as long as you keep sheep, you will eat them one day.

Since then, warm wine and mutton have forged an indissoluble bond.

"What about mutton kebabs?" What makes warm wine immersed in the memory is the mutton kebab, and what makes him wake up from the memory is the disappeared mutton kebab.

In Baifeng Pavilion, the plate qualified to hold a hundred strings of mutton kebabs is a meter long, white and clean porcelain plate, and a hundred strings of mutton kebabs look like a meat mountain on it.

Now, the big porcelain plate is clean, leaving only a few seasonings and two or three oil flowers.

Nothing else.

Wen Jiu: "where's my mutton kebab?"

Wen Shunli drank beer and looked up at the invisible day.

Wen smoothly found the menu: "another 50 mutton kebabs!"

Chen Ming came out and explained, "sorry, guest, you can only order 100 mutton kebabs at most at each table."

Wen Shunli said again, "then change me a table."

In Baifeng Pavilion, he is definitely not the first person to play such a little smart.

Chen Ming added, "mutton kebabs have been sold out."

During the business hours of Baifeng Pavilion at noon and at night, Yang Song will prepare 300 kebabs, which will be gone when they are sold out.

Every time, someone lamented that he was slow and couldn't grab more strings.

It was suggested that Yang Song add kebabs. Yang Song said, "no, I'm not free."

He can't be busy at all.

The menu in Baifeng Pavilion is getting thicker and thicker. Guests can order anything. It's hard to keep 300 strings of barbecue at a time.

In the Baifeng Pavilion, except for the veteran Yang Jiajun, ordinary people can only order 30 kebabs at most.

Warm wine was all used on mutton kebabs.

"Brother, don't you just eat a bunch and try it?" Warm wine stared at a pile of signs next to him and visually inspected no less than 30 strings.

Wen Shunli thinks the ceiling above his head is very beautiful.

"Second brother, can't you even taste it?"

Wen Shengli was even more outstanding. He put no less than 50 strings of signatures next to him.

Thinking of finally getting together, he boldly ordered a hundred mutton kebabs. In order to eat warm wine at noon, he thought of eating warm wine. As a result, he didn't eat as much as usual.

Sure enough, brothers are used to pit.