Yang Song was supposed to help people nearby cut vegetables. By the way, he gave some kitchen Xiaobai instructions on how to make delicious dishes that don't kill people. The starting point is very simple.

The lineup developed is huge.

First, the chefs in Los Angeles.

During that time, many diners went to the restaurant for dinner. They were surprised to find that the chef was not at home, only the second chef was there.

"What's going on?"

"The chef went out to improve his cooking skills and left us to see the store." The second kitchen is holding a kitchen knife and carving flowers.

"But we're here to eat the chef's food today."

"Ha ha." Second Chef: "do you think I want to stay here? The chef went to brother song to teach me how to cook. I also want to go. Poverty stopped me."

"Let's change it."

"See the table on the second floor by the window?"

"See, what's the matter?"

"They just changed. They asked five restaurants in a row. The chef was not there, and three of them were not even the second chef."


Similar scenes were staged one after another in various restaurants. The second chef who was left at home was like a purdah complaining woman. The second chef who was taken by the chef to see brother song was as excited as a bride.

It was put online again.

Shocked, all the chefs in Los Angeles disappeared for

The biggest surprise of this year, brother song came out to teach cooking.

Los Angeles is stable.

The eastern suburb food street was officially renamed baifengge food street.

SongGe has 3000 disciples, including 880 chefs.

I never expected brother song to do so.


No matter how magical the title is, there is only one result.

Yang Song teaches cooking for free.

Not only do chefs from Los Angeles pour out, but chefs from all over the country smell the wind.

The rent near baifengge food street suddenly soared, and the hotel price also rose a lot.

There are still people who can't live in.

The bridge section once staged in Los Angeles Hotels has been shown one after another in hotels across the country.

"Make an appointment?" Operator little sister: "but our chef is not at home. Yes, the three chefs are not at home. Would you consider the second chef? Of course, the excellent second chef is not at home."

"Sorry, our shop has been closed for renovation recently. It's not decoration, but the people in the kitchen have gone to practice their cooking skills."

"Please look forward to our business again. The chef said that when we return from brother song, we will surprise the diners."

"Yes, it's the Baifeng Pavilion in Los Angeles."

"Please don't joke. Brother song is our chef's idol. If you doubt brother song's cooking skills, we may black him!"


Half of the Chinese chefs have come to Los Angeles, many of whom are the ones who lost the challenge to Yang Song.

When Ichio Nozawa heard about it, he quietly followed his grandson to watch, but there were too many people at the scene. He couldn't see anything at all.

Fortunately, it was broadcast live.

Liu Haiyang, President of the Los Angeles Food Association, personally sat down and stared at the scene. Whose cook dared not abide by the rules and didn't need Yang Song at all. Liu Haiyang was able to take the cook and distribute him to his hometown and send a letter to the local food association to ridicule.

"Your chef may not have been weaned. He came all the way to Los Angeles to make a fool of himself. Have you considered that the onlookers would be disgusted? In addition, a video of the chef's clowning behavior is attached. We have a picture and the truth."

Yoshio Nozawa looked around the crowd for three days and finally got a good position to see what Yang Song was doing.

"You're really teaching people to cook."

"What is there to teach these ordinary people?"

"Half of the people don't deserve to be called chefs. They are just low-level chefs who can cut vegetables. It's worth your time?"

"The benevolence of women can't be a big deal after all."

The chefs who came to ask for advice also lined up to get the number plate. Yang Song received 100 chefs every day and gave some guidance.

He is not only a good cook, but also a good teacher.

Everyone is different, and the situation of learning to cook is also different. Yang song can teach students according to their aptitude.

Many chefs consult the same dish, and Yang Song gives different instructions.

"You've almost mastered the heat. Don't practice Mapo Tofu first. Go to practice egg fried rice. I'll give you a list of ingredients. When can you use a large iron pot to fry rice with more than ten kilograms of eggs with good taste, and when can you make Mapo Tofu again."

"Mapo Tofu is not only spicy, but also delicious, and the aftertaste should have a trace of sweetness. If you want Mapo Tofu to taste better, you can't sprinkle pepper all the time. You put too many kinds of pepper."

"Similarly, your heat control is not very good. You are too careful, lest the heat pass, but almost mean it. Go to practice oil explosion double crispy, fry 20 plates, and show me the plate you think is the best."

Yang Song has a stove around him. There was only one stove, but now there are six. He even opened the kitchen of Baifeng pavilion to chefs.

Others came not for advice, but to smash the field.

"Squirrel mandarin fish, I'm a great cook from Jiangsu and Zhejiang." Wearing a chef's hat and a little brother behind him, the chef's surname is Fu and his name is Fu Yidao. He is one of the great chefs in Pearl Restaurant. The most commendable dish in his life is squirrel mandarin fish.

Coincidentally, squirrel mandarin fish is also a very popular dish in Baifeng Pavilion. Even now, you need a lucky draw to eat it.

"It's said that chef Yang is young and can cook a good squirrel mandarin fish. I'm here for advice." Fu Yidao personally opened the glass bell jar to show the squirrel mandarin fish he brought.

The people on the scene are all experts in cooking. Naturally, we can see how brilliant this squirrel mandarin fish is.

"The color is golden, red and bright, without any defects, indicating that when frying, you have a good grasp of the oil temperature."

"The patterns opened by the double unloading knife are very beautiful. The knife flowers are evenly spread on the fish. After frying, the whole fish is still fresh and interesting, which is very strict with the knife workers."

"You can smell such a rich sweet and sour flavor before you taste it, which shows that the seasoning is also good."

"It's full of color, smell and flavor. This squirrel mandarin fish can be said to be full score."

"Pay a knife to take a full score squirrel mandarin fish out. It's said to ask for guidance. In fact, it's to smash the field."


"How's it going? What's chef Yang Song's impression of our Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine? What else do I need to improve?" Fu Yidao held his hands in his chest, full of confidence, as if he wanted Yang Song to come down: "please teach me by chef Yang."

Yang Song fanned with his hand and carefully smelled the smell of squirrel mandarin fish.

Fu Yidao sneered: "although I'm crazy about my age, chef Yang is a teenager, and I know the truth that I'm not ashamed to ask questions. Please teach chef Yang."

Many people's faces have changed.

"This knife is too rampant!"

"It's bullying brother song to smash the field with squirrel mandarin fish that he has studied for more than ten years."

"We all come to ask brother song for advice and benefit a lot. We really can't bear to be humiliated by this bastard."

"Why don't we make a scene, smash his fish and drive him away."

"That won't work. The old boy will come again."

"Brother song kicked the iron plate this time."

"What now?"

Yoshio Nozawa also watched from the outside: "Yang Song, before you accept my challenge, are you going to lose?"