Braised rabbit meat, steamed fish with lotus leaves, sweet and sour fish, stewed duck, boiled beef, pickled pork soup, stewed vermicelli with pickled cabbage, fried taro, tiger skin pepper, fried lotus root slices, cold mustard

Two big tables full.

One table for adults and one table for children.

Relatives and friends get together and haven't started eating. It's in a good mood.

The food just started, and everyone was happy.

In particular, Yang Song's cooking is enough to amaze everyone.

Chen Dakui's family became Yang Song's licking dog.

"Fourth brother Yang, why is Komatsu so good? We often cook these dishes at home. Why does it taste different from him?"

"What did Komatsu do? What's the word? Four words."

"Good wine and good food."

"We usually cook pig food."

The people at both tables kept eating with their heads down.

Straight eat neck sour, just can't help but raise his head and shake a few times, and then eat.

"This rabbit meat is really delicious! It's really a rabbit caught in the back mountain? How do I think the rabbit raised by Chang'e in the sky probably tastes like this."

"And this fish doesn't even have a thorn."

"Why is steamed fish so delicious? It looks simple. There is only one fish on the plate. How can you eat it? It feels fresh and fragrant!"

"And this sweet and sour fish, just put some vinegar and sugar? Our family also let it go? It's always mashed. It's not as delicious as you do."

"Even this lotus root is fried so delicious."


Yang Song is persuading wine.

After eating and drinking in the second half, Chen Dakui suddenly sighed: "fourth brother Yang, you have a good son. The days have come through. We still have to endure. The third Yang is really alas. Forget it."

Yang Song is in a hurry: I have to say this.

"I know their family. Yesterday, I took my grandfather's memorial tablet to my house."

"What? Making trouble with ancestors' tablets?" Chen Dakui was so angry that he patted the table.

Chen Erkui also said, "it's also retribution. Isn't Yang Dabao most in love with Yang Laosan?"

Chen sankui tugged at him.

Yang Laosi stopped talking about Yang Laosan: "I won't deal with their family in the future."

He doesn't have this brother.

"Yang Laosan is like a mad dog. He bites people everywhere. We work for him. We give him little money. We don't buy insurance. Now we always deduct all our money."

"Last month, Hu Da broke his hand. Yang Laosan's mad dog threw people into the hospital and didn't pay any compensation. He directly opened Hu Da!"

everybody will be deterred by the danger.

"He hasn't changed his safety rope yet?"

"What kind of safety rope to change? Even helmets only buy us second-hand ones. The two new Wu boys don't even have second-hand helmets."

"I'm still in arrears. Every time I ask him for a salary, I'll be scolded by him at the top of my voice."

Yang Song said, "why not change your job?"

"I can't change it. Where are so many jobs in the countryside? What's more difficult is that Yang Laosan doesn't know who to learn from. He deceived all of us to put his fingerprints on him and said that he must work for him for 30 years. Whoever dares not to work for him and go to another road construction team, he will call the police and catch us."

Yang Song: even competitive contracts have appeared.

"Can you show it to me?" Yang Songdao.

"We didn't. We pressed our fingerprints and kept them at Yang Laosi."

The meal ended with bitterness.

After returning, Yang Song and Chen Ming sat on the roof, looking at the boundless wilderness, silent for a long time.

"We have to see the agreement." Yang Song said, "I always feel it's not that easy."

Chen Ming also said, "it's said that the city routine is deep. I didn't expect someone in this village to have such a deep heart."

In the evening, Yang Song and Chen Ming went to widow Du's house again.

In a rough voice, Yang Song asked Yang Ming, "where is the agreement your father cheated those workers to sign?"

"Hehe, are you the dogs of that group?" Widow Du was cruel and only gave Yang Ming a wot with pickles. He was so hungry that he didn't have strength. At this time, he was still in the mood and his mouth was dirty.

"He's too full. From tomorrow on, don't give him anything. Everything will be fine if he's hungry for two days." Yang Song wanted to smoke the boy, but he thought his hands would be dirty.

Chen Ming said, "why don't you give him some pickles."

Yang Song wondered: why?

"Only pickles, not water. He will recruit in five hours at most." Chen Ming smiled.

What is hunger? Thirst is really unbearable.

Yang Song: "you are cruel."

Widow Du narrowed her eyes and smiled: "two bosses sent two snakes in. In less than five minutes, he must have cried, grandpa told grandma and begged for an explanation."

Beautiful snakes are probably the same: "there are many snakes in the woods outside the village."

It's easy to catch it back.

Yang Song and Chen Ming: the beauty snake is cruel enough to the man she once had.

"No, it's a snake. In case something really happens, I have to go down and catch him." Yang Songdao.

Chen Ming: "my son should be that thing."

"What are you afraid of? Throw two cauliflower snakes in. If they are not poisonous, scare him." While talking, widow Du grabbed two snakes from the pottery pot and threw them down.

Soon, Yang Song and Chen Ming heard Yang Ming howling at the bottom. It was as miserable as his dead father.

"Help! There's a snake whining... I told you, my father hid the list under the wardrobe, the money under my father's pillow, and I didn't find the bank card or passbook!"

When he found his bank card and passbook, he probably ran to the City long ago.

"If only you had been obedient?" Widow Du blew a copper whistle twice, and the snake ran out, came back to her, twined and spit at her feet.

"Good boy, come back." She opened the jar, and the snake crawled back obediently.

I didn't expect widow du to train snakes.

Yang Song was surprised and calmed down: "Chen Ming, are you afraid?"

"No... no... afraid." Chen Ming's tongue is big.

Yang Song: "get off me."

What's the matter with him being held by a man with long hands and feet?

"Oh, oh, oh." Chen Ming still can't stand steadily and can only hold the wall.

"Brother song, to tell you the truth, it's easy to meet snakes in the countryside. Let's go back early." Chen Ming wants to teleport back to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a good place. There are no snakes in Los Angeles.

At least he lived so long that he had never seen a snake anywhere except in the nature museum.

"Don't be afraid, the snake is not poisonous."

"It's not poisonous. It's disgusting to see it." Chen Ming rubbed his goose bumps.

Yang Song slipped him a bag of things: "take it with you. The snake will be far away from you."

"What is this?"

"Realgar." Yang Song said without changing his face.

Widow Du moved her nose and winked at him with a smile.

Where's realgar?

"I know. Snakes are afraid of this." Chen Ming tied it directly around his neck.

He's a disgusting snake.

Asked about the place, the two of them went to Yang's third house and took out the list without difficulty.