Yang Song is still cooking sauce at this time.

"How slow!" Like a rooster, tsuri Kenjiro held his head high and was satisfied: "do you want to delay time? Can the judges eat your noodles if you delay a little longer? Joke."

Yang Song ignored him and continued to stir the flour sauce with a small spoon.

"If you lose, you lose. You have to afford to lose." Tsuri Kenjiro even seems a little painstaking.

Yang Song timely threw some scallions into it.

Tsuri Kenjiro didn't finish: "fool, why do you throw scallions inside? Be careful that they will paste and pad your teeth when you eat."

When the water boiled, Yang Song began to cook noodles.

"You don't know how to grasp the time. When the noodles are cooked, the sauce will be cold."

It probably forgot the truth that the villain died of talking too much.

Yang Song slowly cooked the noodles, slowly cooked the dishes and poured the sauce.

Even raising your hand is lazy.

When the little sister in cheongsam came, Yang Song only asked her to send a bowl.

"Chef Yang, there are three judges. You still have two bowls."

"I know. Just give me a bowl. It's very hot. It's not suitable for eating too much."

The little sister in cheongsam reluctantly took the bowl away.

The melon eaters stared at the remaining two bowls and saliva began to secrete.

"Will I have my share of the remaining two bowls?"

Yang Song picked up one of the bowls and sent it off the court. All the people raised it: "is it for me? Is it for me?"

He handed it to Meng Shihan.

"Sure enough, brother song didn't forget women at any time."

"There's another bowl?"

"Yes, there is another bowl. Brother song has a daughter-in-law at present."

Yang Song took the last bowl and ate it himself.

The old Lu sitting in the middle is responsible for mixing noodles. He does it first and then. He hasn't responded yet. When he mixes it for the third time.

Gulu Gulu

The next two judges began to swallow their saliva.

"How on earth does this make fried sauce? Why is it so fragrant?"

With the stirring, the fragrance of poplar Pine's fried sauce drifted away. To be exact, it volatilized completely.

"Lu Lao, it's my fault. How can you mix noodles when you're old?"

"I'll come, the three of us. I'm the youngest, young and strong."

"Get out of here."

Fried sauce noodles, the process of mixing fried sauce is fun.

Lu Lao quickly mixed it again for three times, and it was completely mixed.

This is like a signal. The judges on both sides of the road quickly cut down their chopsticks and fished noodles into their own bowl.

I thought they were bound to fight for face.

As a result, the chopsticks pulled into the bowl and the side separated automatically.

"Three faces?"

Yang Song gave them a bowl of noodles. In fact, there were only three noodles in it, but they were long enough.

One of them is three small bowls.

"So mysterious? I'll try it. How does it taste?"

Kenjiro tsuri couldn't help being nervous: "do you think you can do magic?"

One noodle for each person, slick and slick, with dishes and noodles, it's very convenient to eat.

"This face bounces its teeth!"

"This soy sauce is fragrant, fragrant, Beier fragrant!"

"And why is the cucumber silk on the yard so delicious?"

"Cong Xiang always has a sense of hierarchy. How do you do it?"

The three judges ate all the dishes and noodles cleanly, didn't understand, and unconsciously scraped the sauce on the bowl wall.

"The scallion oil boils well, maintains the cooked aroma of scallions and the sweetness of raw scallions. Once cooked in a lifetime, it echoes very well. It's delicious."

"There's also this fried sauce. The meat grains in it taste very texture. The burnt and crisp ones are fried, soft, tender and juicy lean meat grains. Chef Yang actually separated the fat and lean meat of streaky pork? This knife technique is beyond human imagination."

What is streaky pork?

Fat and thin, the two are difficult to separate, this is streaky meat.

I want to distinguish the fat and thin of streaky pork, test my eyesight and knife work.

"Separated the fat and thin of streaky pork?" Tsuri Kenjiro was surprised to open his mouth and couldn't close it for a long time: "it's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. Did you old guys eat wrong?"

The average age of the three judges is only 45, and the oldest Lu is only 50.

"He Guo was as good as his third grandson when he invited us. What is this face doing now?"

Tsuri Kenjiro ran to Yang Song's stove: "give me a taste of your fried sauce."

Yang Song frowned and didn't want to.

"Don't pretend to be confused. I saw that you blew up a lot and received it in that ceramic jar." He pointed to the 700 milliliter porcelain jar next to him.

Yang Song: "I can give you a taste, but it can't be free."

"Why? I can also taste my fried sauce for you." Kenjiro tsuri has also done a lot, just to pretend to force after winning later.

"Here you are, try the champion fried sauce!" He's going to play hard when he wins.

Yang Song: "in China, free food is not popular."

Tsuri Kenjiro was so angry: "how much? I'll give it to you."

He took out his wallet and pulled out a bunch of colorful bills.

Yang Song: "only soft sister coins are accepted in cash."

"I didn't!" He yelled at Yang Song.

"Credit card or mobile phone transfer is OK."

Tsuri Kenjiro couldn't transfer money by mobile phone. He swiped his card and Chen Ming sent it to the POS machine neatly.

"Six hundred dollars, thank you." Yang Song said, dug a spoonful of sauce into the bowl and handed it to tsuri Kenjiro.

Chen Ming pulls his mouth: brother song is a little black.

Tsuri Kenjiro stuffed the sauce into his mouth and was about to make a light hiss and say two sharp sarcastic words.

He was stunned, as if he had been struck by a series of lightning.

"This fried sauce has a strong soy sauce smell and the smell of pork grains. People can't help chewing meat grains. The crisp and juicy meat has reached a perfect unity with the heavier soybean sauce after chewing, followed by slightly sweet onions and scallions, as well as the deep-seated scallion oil. It's very refreshing and fragrant. How can you think so?"

This reminds Kenjiro of his childhood.

It was in the countryside. His grandmother always made fried noodles for him. The green onions pulled from the field and the dew with them were like crystal pearls. The pork was just killed in the morning, and the well water was soaked with ice.

Kenjiro tsuri, who runs crazy outside and is sweating, can kill a big bowl every time.

"This sauce tastes like my childhood grandmother."

Kenjiro tsuri's eyes were moist.

His grandmother may not have the ability to cut the fat and lean meat of streaky meat. It's just the taste of fried sauce noodles from his childhood grandmother, which is the best taste in Koichiro's memory.

Only the sauce squeezed by Yang song can awaken my good memory.

"So what? Just because the sauce is fried well doesn't mean you win. Don't forget that fried noodles are not only sauce, but also noodles. My noodles are better than you this time. The judges have praised it!"

Tsuri Kenjiro added, "and I have a more accurate grasp of the heat. As soon as the sauce is cooked, it is poured on the surface."