"I don't understand. Why are there no problems, but no guests are willing to order?" Chef Liu was disappointed.

The most proud thing in his life is this soup.

"I have made this soup at many high-standard banquets, and it has also brought me countless honors. Countless old diners are most interested in this soup, but now no one is willing to order it."

The most melancholy thing in life is probably to fall in the most proud place.

Yang Song took another sip, put down his spoon and said:

"Master Liu, this soup boldly combines vegetables and fruits. What's the purpose?"

"Clearing heat and detoxification, treating cough and moistening lung."

Radish and green fruit are common, and their effects are common sense.

Yang Song sighed and said, "that's it. Taking medicine is better than dietotherapy. The reason why there is this soup is to clear away heat and detoxify. But you put sugar in it in order to suppress the taste of radish. The green fruit tastes sour and astringent. You stewed the soup after soaking in the water. The taste is good. Can your soup clear away heat and detoxify?"

Chef Liu was stunned.

Yang Song then said, "there is nothing wrong with the chef's cooking and pursuing a better taste, but we can't forget the original intention of making food. The first is to have a full stomach, not hungry, and have the strength to do things. The second is to make the body comfortable and healthy. Delicious food can only rank third. We can't abandon the basics."

Turnip stew tastes strange. Many people don't like the taste. Chef Liu puts white sugar in it. The white sugar accumulates heat, which is opposite to the effect of turnip.

After the green fruit is soaked in water, the detoxification effect is lost by more than half, and less, which can make the most touching sour feeling.

Chef Liu's soup is more perfect and less like stewed green fruit soup with white radish.

It's like you go to eat spicy food. The cook sends you a sweet fried pepper that is not spicy at all.

"I've been taught, chef Yang." Chef Liu bowed deeply to Yang Song, "I'm off track. It's too wrong."

"You just drilled the tip of an ox's horn for a while. Now you are transparent. If you go further, you will have a smooth road." Yang Songdao.

"Chef Yang, and mine."

"I don't understand."


Yang Song's words are meaningful. Every sentence comes to the point, and the chefs are more excited.

"Don't worry, take your time, take your time."

Yang Song's five senses are becoming more and more acute, especially his tongue.

"Your oil is explosive and crisp. You turn the fire too big. The edges and corners are a little old. You are afraid of getting old. You collect the pot and put it on the plate early, and there are some raw, resulting in this old and raw situation.

When you try cooking, add the fire bit by bit, and adjust the fire bit by bit at the moment of cooking. You can't cook a pot and ignore the fire. "

"Yes, that's what I am. I'm afraid of getting old. I stir fry a few times and quickly get out of the pot." This is a chef with a flat head. He admires Yang Song: "brother song, it's like you've seen me cooking with your own eyes."

Yang Song said a compliment and went to taste another dish.

He tasted every dish and knew what the cook had done with chopsticks.

His advice hit the nail on the head.

"Brother song, thank you. You are really a great family style. You deserve to be a representative of our Los Angeles chef industry."

"We are convinced!"

Yang Song, who didn't know when he would become the chef representative of Los Angeles, politely said, "just give some suggestions. You don't blame me for teaching."

The chefs said, "brother song, you didn't just give us suggestions. You also pointed out the solution. This is Shien."

The chefs bowed 90 degrees: "thank you, teacher."

Cooking pays attention to inheritance. It has always been said that the disciples of the church starve to death.

Many great chefs cover their skills strictly. When they find that other colleagues make mistakes, they have accumulated virtue without laughing behind their backs and blaming face-to-face. How can we talk about advice?

Yang Song doesn't hide.

"You are so polite. Get up quickly. I'm just a young boy. I can't afford such a big gift."

Yang Song was a little shy. Twenty or thirty chefs bowed to him. Most of them were older than him.

He is used to respecting the old and loving the young.

"We are all chefs. We know what your advice today means to us. Chef Yang, brother song, thank you very much!"

"You deserve our gift."

Yang Song thought he just said a few words. It's no big deal.

But he forgot that he had tasted too many delicious foods. His tongue and smell were very sensitive, and he could sensitively find many problems that were ignored or ignored.

He judges the advantages and disadvantages of each dish accurately, which can not be done by anyone, which has inspired the chefs trapped in it.

In addition, Yang Song also gave a solution, which proves that he is not fishing for fame and reputation, but really helping others.

"You are so selfless, it's everyone's style!"

Since then, as long as Yang Song appeared in the mall, countless people helped him carry his bag and open the way.

Even when he came back from a toilet and accidentally passed the door of a hotel, he would be invited in.

"Chef Yang, I've got a good Jinhua ham. Wait, I'll bring it to you."

"I have a batch of very fat wild Tricholoma matsutake here."

"Cordyceps sinensis, this is 5A. Here you are."

Really good ingredients are often valuable and have no market. It's hard to buy them, but some people give them to Yang Song.

"No, don't be so polite. I can't take it." Yang Song repeatedly refused.

Chen Ming popularized science on the side: "there are 80000 Jinhua ham, and the wild Tricholoma matsutake is comparable to gold. This high-quality Cordyceps is sold in two ways, which is more expensive than broken diamonds."

Yang Song couldn't ask for it: "I just went to the toilet and came back. It's not suitable to go back with ingredients at the same price as diamond and gold."

"You're welcome. You must!" Both the chef and the restaurant owner insisted.

"Such good ingredients are most suitable only for you. They are wasted on others!"

"Yes, you must."

"If you don't accept it, you won't give face. It's our honor if you accept it."

With the continuous increase in the turnover of the food area on the fourth floor, the business on other floors has gradually warmed up.

High tech shopping malls have gradually come to life.

Everyone makes money, so they don't care so much about money.

Among the restaurants in the food area on the fourth floor, because of Yang Song's relationship, although they are peers, they have a good relationship with their brothers.

Benign competition brings the word-of-mouth effect of diners, and business is getting better and better.

However, everything has two sides. Even brothers of the same school will inevitably be competitive.

For example, there was a wind of comparison between them, and they specially pulled a group for this purpose.

"See? This is my family's wild land in the suburbs. There are countless guinea fowls in it. The fattest ones are I'm going to give to brother song."

"My hometown is from Sichuan. We have the most fragrant pepper there. I'm going to dig it out with soil and give it to brother song."

"Do you know what kind of fish this is? Li Bai likes to eat perch in taohuatan. I even give hairtail to brother song."

"My chicken will be ready in another week. It's fast from the suburbs to the city."

"Hum, I'll drive my pepper myself. Don't touch it. I'll give it to brother song. It only takes three days."

"My plane is on standby. Even the hairtail can be sent to brother song tomorrow."

"Compared with me, you are all brothers!"

Yang Song: the trend of comparison is not desirable. Don't send it again. The newly bought warehouse can't hold it.