One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan, twelve each, plus a bowl of clear soup.

Zhang Xin's eyes widened and almost came out.

"You are all fools!"

"Where do you sell pee cow pills so expensive? Even put gold?"

"Cheated you!"

"Yang Song is a profiteer. You are a group of fat sheep."

"Why don't you go to the meatball king when you have money?"

Zhang Xin is heartbroken. There are people in Los Angeles and so many people are willing to spend 1999 to buy 12 pee pills!

He thought it was black enough to set the pee pill at 199 yuan.

I didn't expect Yang Song to be darker.

What's more, I didn't expect that there were so many crazy people with silly money in Los Angeles.

"I've long said I would raise prices."

"How much less?"

"How many girls do you have less?"


Zhang Xin regretted, and the Empress Dowager regretted.

He looked at Meng Shihan's long legs, crisp breasts and charming face, and his heart was dripping blood.

If he had set the pee pill in the store at 1999 a few years ago, such a beautiful woman would be his.

Meng Shihan was very angry. The bastard looked at her with dirty eyes. Most importantly, he dared to insult Yang Song.

"One price, one goods."

"If you make a pee pill, it's worth the price."

"Shut up, little bitch!" Zhang Xin angrily said.

"I am kind-hearted. I want more people to taste delicious food before I lose money."

I completely forgot that I was on the price level half a minute ago.

"Let that bastard Yang Song get out. I'll challenge him!"

"Pee cow balls, only our ball king can sell them."

"I Zhang Xin is the well deserved king of Meatballs!"

That's Zhang Xin's mouth.

Meng Shihan said, "if you say challenge, challenge?"

"Your concubine dare not?" Zhang Xin likes to use the method of motivating.

The diners cut: "brother song is very busy. Not all the slag from where deserve to challenge brother song."

"Brother song's time is precious. He has no time to talk to you."

"Do you understand the rules? It's business hours."

Zhang Xin has challenged other cooks before. Zhang Xin still wants to pretend to be stupid and doesn't want to pull the cart and horse.

Aunt Yang will be fined.

"How much, give them!" Zhang Xin is a local tyrant.

For such people, aunt Yang was very experienced. She wrote out a list and fined money. She turned and left.

Zhang Xin is proud: "there is nothing that money can't solve."

Aunt Yang came again with someone: "disturb the street order and pay a fine!"

Zhang Xin's people gave money again.

Aunt Yang went out for ten meters and turned back. There was nothing else but "fine".

"Haven't you punished?"

"If you don't change, then punish. If you don't change after repeated education, we'll call the police."

Zhang Xin's people dare to be cruel and rogue to young people.

Met a group of aunts and uncles.


Your aunt and uncle told Zhang Xin with the most simple wisdom of life: "you are too young!"

It's easy and bloodless. Zhang Xin's people can only take things away.

They still refused to go, so they sat at the gate of Baifeng Pavilion. No, they couldn't sit at the gate of Baifeng Pavilion.

Without their territory.

Zhang Xin hasn't seen Yang Song for two hours.

Diners either lined up or gathered in front of Yang Song's kitchen.

"It's art."

"It's amazing!"

"Enjoy brother song's cooking. I really enjoy it."

Zhang Xin can't squeeze in at all.

At the end of business at noon, Zhang Xin thought he could always see Yang Song.

Don't think what you think is false.

At the end of business at noon, Lu Yonghe appeared with his things.

"Brother song, I'm here with a guy. I have to push it for you today."

Lu Yonghe was happy to give Yang Song massage. Looking at Yang Song's eyes, it was like a big girl seeing her sweetheart and excited.

Yang Song: don't look at me like that. It's scary.