Chapter 1998

"Well, if the trade starts rashly, the jade will be damaged..." the old man said weakly. This is the first time he has successfully separated the stone layer. Now the jade wrapped with the homogeneous layer is his achievement, and he doesn't know what to do to peel off the homogeneous layer, and he doesn't want to destroy his own achievement, so he doesn't know how to start for a while.

Aunt scolded again. Seeing that the old man seemed determined not to start, she really couldn't stand it. Pointing to the manager next to her, she said in an ordered tone, "go and wash that layer of mud. Do you want me to wait so long for such a simple job?"

The manager was suddenly named and stunned. After reaction, he was afraid that he had no exemption agreement. If he damaged the jade, he could not pay for it? When the manager thought of this, he immediately shook his head and said, "it's against the rules, madam. These things shouldn't be asked to do, and I won't! If I damage madam's jade, I can't afford to lose my life!"

After complaining to his aunt, the manager thought it wouldn't work, so he said to the old man standing there, "don't do it quickly! I tell you, if you don't finish your work, you can pack up your bags and leave now, right away."

Hearing the manager's threat, the old man began to feel embarrassed again. At his age, he finally found a job as a guard in the gambling quarry. If he didn't have this job, he couldn't live! The old man has no choice but to bow his head when his dream is in front of reality!

The old man looked at the jade whose surface was still stone, prayed in his heart, and then began to spray water on the jade. A layer of stone on the surface was immediately wet by the water. The old man remembered that just now he saw that Zhang Feng did this, and then he brushed the stone surface with a brush. In an instant, a layer of stone was scraped off.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the method is right. He just doesn't know what will happen next.

The old man slowly scraped it off bit by bit, but he couldn't make any mistakes, but the past went against his wishes. Suddenly, the old man shook his hand with the brush, and the brush fell straight to the ground. The whole person seemed to be out of his mind and looked at the jade.

At this time, he stripped the homogeneous layer almost, but he saw that the jade was broken, but he just didn't do anything and didn't find any abnormalities in the process. However, the jade is so... Broken?

The old man didn't know what to do for a moment. People around him suddenly became stupid when they saw that the old man didn't know what he was doing.

At this time, Zhang Feng, who should have been among the onlookers, suddenly appeared next to the old man. Seeing his lost soul and looking at the jade, we can know why he was stunned.

Zhang Feng said, "it's not your fault, it's a stillbirth." Zhang Feng took the jade and wanted to have a closer look. There was no mistake in the jade opening process, but the jade was strangely broken. He had only seen this phenomenon once.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone was in a fog. They almost didn't know what he was talking about. Stillbirth? This is not a dead fetus!

When Aunt heard this word, it was unlucky to hear it. She had a hunch that something had happened to the jade, but she couldn't see the jade clearly under the stage. Aunt shouted, "what do you mean? Make it clear!"

Aunt is now in a hurry. She has lost the first game, but if she loses the second game again, she will win two of the three games. The competition will be over. Zhang Feng won. She spent so much money, and the jade opened by Zhang Feng was given to Zhang Feng according to the rules. If she loses, she will lose everything.

There is another person who is as anxious as aunt Qin Dong. He has seen jade for so long. Of course, he has heard of the meaning of stillbirth in the gambling world, but this is the gambling stone he is looking for. If he finds such an unlucky thing, how will aunt deal with him? Qin Dong now has an impulse to run away.

When Zhang Feng heard his aunt ask, he answered her. Anyway, he didn't have to compete in this game. He won again. Zhang Feng said: "Stillbirth, as the name suggests, means stillbirth. This jade was originally a very top-grade jade, but due to various reasons such as environment, transportation and so on, the jade was damaged and broken to varying degrees. In other words, it had nothing to do with the old man's stone opening. It is also said that the person who bought the stillbirth stone spent three days There will be disasters in the future. It seems that madam, you are in bad luck. You can pick one of these 10000 gambling stones. "

Zhang Feng's last sentence obviously meant something. Sure enough, aunt listened to Zhang Feng's words, turned to Qin Dong and asked, "is what he said true?"

When Qin Dong heard what Zhang Feng said, he was trembling all over. At this moment, his aunt looked at him with the same eyes as he wanted to eat people. He was so scared that he was stupid. He said tremblingly: "madam, it's just a legend, and no one has confirmed it. He just wanted to scare you. If you believe it, he will succeed!"

Qin Dong hurriedly wanted to explain. As a result, he didn't know what he had said. When he spoke like this, he was not explaining for himself, but telling his aunt that what Zhang Feng said was true. This is really an ominous sign that only one in a million can pick it.

Generally speaking, people who gamble on stones, especially those who use their wealth in the cause of gambling on stones, regardless of whether they are superstitious or superstitious, generally care about things such as auspiciousness or disaster. Some people even choose stones and worship brother Guan before opening stones. In addition to asking for a stone to turn into gold, they also ask to help themselves find a spirit stone that can eliminate disasters and disasters.

It is said that jade raises people. Of course, everyone wants to get good jade, so aunt drives to death jade. Anyone who has played gambling stone knows how unlucky it is.

After listening to Qin Dong's words that Zhang Feng lied to her, my aunt didn't calm down at all, but became more angry. After all, anyone who gets such unlucky things will be angry. My aunt still scolded Qin Dong: "I hired you so long that you chose a dead jade for me? Aren't you the first feng shui master in China? The feng shui master chose a dead jade for me? What kind of feng shui master are you? I think you are a liar."

Aunt pointed to Qin Dong's nose and scolded. Obviously, dead jade made her very angry. The rich have money, and what they pursue has changed from interest to longer life and healthier body.

Therefore, such an unknown thing is aunt's bottom line, not to mention whether the legend is true or not, but she has opened a dead jade, which is enough for her to be unlucky for several months.

Qin Dong looked at his aunt as if he wanted to eat him. Now he didn't want to ask her not to drive him away. He just wanted her to let him go. As long as she didn't do anything to make him desperate, but now it seems impossible.

Although Qin Dong knew there was no hope, he had to try his best to defend himself and said, "madam, people can make mistakes, right? I don't know it's dead jade! If I knew, would I dare to give it to you? Just because I chose so many jade stones for you, let me go this time."

Qin Dong usually knows that Aunt actually pays great attention to health preservation and longevity. She doesn't want money to buy nutrition. We can see how much she loves her life. Now he chose a dead jade for her. It's estimated that he is not the jade to die, but him!

Aunt may be too angry. She didn't know what to scold him for a moment. She sat down angrily. She squinted and saw that Zhang Feng didn't see her teach Qin Dong a lesson, but opened his second jade at the stone terrace.

Aunt now wants to hit people when she sees Zhang Feng. Seeing that he is still leisurely and comfortable cutting jade there, she suddenly remembered that she just saw that Zhang Feng was a random gambling stone, that is, the piece in Zhang Feng's hand is probably just an ordinary stone, not a jade at all.

In this way, aunt feels she hasn't lost yet. Qin Dong was right just now. Zhang Feng's luck is the first piece of such a good white jade, but luck can't always be on his side! As long as Zhang Feng opens a stone this time, even if she is a dead jade, it is at least jade, and she will win.

Aunt thought of this, but she was not so angry. She said to Zhang Feng, who was opening a stone, "I opened a dead jade. Are you arrogant now? But don't be arrogant too early. The outcome of this game is still uncertain. If you open a stone, I will win." aunt found the reason for her pride and began to talk high and arrogant again.

Zhang Feng, who was carefully cleaning up the homogeneous layer, stopped his actions when he heard aunt's words, looked at her, and said, "you're right, that's the rule. Even if I drive out jade now, I have to compare it with the dead jade. If my jade is bad, it's your victory."

Zhang Feng said such words, but he was full of confidence from beginning to end. He didn't mean to be nervous or timid at all. As he said to master Li, this is a gamble that knows the result. What's to be afraid of?

It's just that this kind of gambling is too boring. If it wasn't for the jade, Zhang Feng wouldn't be interested in this competition that knows the results. Therefore, he suddenly had an idea to make the gambling more interesting, or to maximize his own interests.

After listening to Zhang Feng's words, the aunt was slightly satisfied with the expression on her face and said, "you know, although it's a dead jade, it still looks good." the aunt repeated that her jade was good, and she didn't know whether she wanted to tell others or herself.

Zhang Feng nodded in agreement, took another look at the dead jade and said to his aunt, "madam, you have a good eye. If it wasn't a dead jade, it would really be a very good jade."

Zhang Feng said and sighed, as if he was a little angry. When aunt saw Zhang Feng's appearance, she thought he sighed because he couldn't compare with her jade. Immediately, her confidence was like a surging river. It poured into her heart continuously, and there was a satisfied smile on her face.

Zhang Feng suddenly put down his stone cutting tools, like a broken can and said to his aunt, "well, madam, I suddenly think of a new way to play. Why don't we change the rules of the game, and then I admit defeat in this game."