This time, the security guard of the casino was a little impatient. When he was thrown out, he also mended his feet, "Damn it! If you dare to make trouble again, I'll break your leg! Break all three legs together

Before Li Yiwei spoke, Tang Yuying threw down another 10000 yuan and tied it up neatly with rubber bands. He didn't need to count the weight.

Li Yiwei smiles, bows to her and turns to another big casino across the street.

Maybe with endless sources of gambling capital, Li Yiwei's speed of coming in and going out is getting faster and faster, which means that this guy's luck is worse. He can't cover his money when he gets it. He can change chips here and export it there.

He is not a gambler, but a property porter. He is responsible for moving Tang Yuying's money to the casino. It's so simple. From another point of view, he moves money faster, but it is the improvement of work efficiency.

In the evening, Li Yiwei became more and more immature. He gambled for a whole day and didn't have a rest. He didn't know how many times he went in and out in the sun and air-conditioning environment. His body was empty. Because he had no food in his stomach, he finally fell down when he came out to collect money for the last time.

One second, Li Yiwei still had a cheap smile. The next second, his face suddenly changed. He only felt that everything in front of him was spinning at a high speed. It was like drinking too much. His feet were unsteady. He took two steps to the side and fell into the fountain.

But what's rare is that he choked two mouthfuls of water and was pulled out by the kind witnesses. Li Yiwei was lying on the ground coughing. After the clear water coughed, he was still coughing. At this time, he found that he was vomiting instead of coughing.

Clearly nothing to eat, but the stomach is like a river and a sea of general suffering, desperately vomiting but nothing to spit out, just drink two saliva also did not, at this moment in my heart with someone hard to grasp the pain.

Li Yiwei's appearance scared the passers-by who pulled him out of the fountain pool. He hummed twice and scared everyone away.

He leaned against the fountain, clutching his chest.

When he opened his eyes, the world was turning. When he closed his eyes, all he saw were dice and playing cards, hearts, spades, squares and clubs, flashing wildly in the darkness before his eyes, which aroused his disgusting conditioned reflex.

"It's over, it's over I can't get sick now. I can't afford to get sick. It's over... "

Li Yiwei tried his best to stand up and hold his throat in one breath. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, which was the hidden wound he had left when he was beaten by the security guards of the casino.

He didn't feel it all day because he was in a high state. Now he is sober, and he cries with chest pain.

He suddenly thought of Tang Yuying. Maybe he can ask Tang Yuying for help.

But on second thought, all day long, he didn't know how much money he had taken from others. He couldn't remember how much money he had taken. How dare he send it up now?

Li Yiwei suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and the pain in his chest was relieved because of fear. He reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at Tang Yuying's position, thinking that if the other party didn't notice him, he would sneak away and never go back to his hometown in his life!

As a result, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Tang Yuying standing in front of him.

Ha ha, it's a bit embarrassing.

What's more embarrassing is that without saying a word, Tang Yuying dropped a pile of money, which is exactly 10000 yuan.

"Yuying, what are you doing? I'll stop gambling. Cough!" Li Yiwei coughed fiercely twice. He didn't pretend it. His chest ached faintly. It seemed that he really had internal injuries.


Tang Yuying also dropped 10000 yuan, but also rushed to the direction of the casino nunuzui, motioned him to go in to continue.

Li Yiwei's face is hot, and the sound of money slapping on the ground is the same as smoking on his face. He tries to avoid the sight of the other party and passers-by.

"I I'm serious. I won't gamble any more. You take the money back. "

He felt that his mouth was a little dry, so he turned around, took a handful of water from the fountain, put it into his mouth, and patted his face by the way, otherwise his face would be hot enough to fry eggs.


Still don't talk, just throw money!

"Yuying I know you are humiliating me. I thought that over the years, all those little unhappiness didn't exist... "

Li Yiwei didn't want to be humiliated. Holding his breath, he just got up from the ground and picked up 30000 yuan. He held it very hard. Then he forced a smile and put the money into Tang Yuying's hand.

"The money I don't think I'll be able to do it yet. I really can't help it. "

Run! What are you talking about!

Li Yiwei thought in his heart, is this still to be pondered? Nine million plus those borrowed intermittently today, even if you tear down the whole person, you can't even sell the organs, and you can't even sell another ten!

"Wait a minute, I feel my hand is back. Otherwise, you can go back to gamble with me. The 30000 yuan is your gambling capital."

Tang Yuying suddenly opens his mouth and stops him. The latter's heart is thumping. But he has seen with his own eyes how good this woman can be when she is lucky!

I have to say, Li Yiwei's mother's heart!

If so, there is still a chance to win back!He turned to look at the woman's 30000 yuan, and his eyes burst out of his eyes!

Li Yiwei stretched out his hand to hold it. Halfway through it, he suddenly thought of the four kinds of playing cards in his mind. Suddenly, he felt the conditioned reflex of vomiting and waved his hand in pain.

"No more gambling! I'm not going to gamble any more. I'm going home... "

Hearing this, a smile finally appeared on Tang Yuying's expressionless face.

Taking a plane to xiaolizhuang thousands of miles away, Li Yiwei is brought back by Tang Yuying. He timidly walks to his own door and finds that the two walls that have been knocked down have been repaired, and his parents have moved back to their original home.

Although there is no furniture at home except a broken bed, it is much better than living on the edge of the ground.

When Li Changwen's daughter-in-law saw her son appear, she first cried out in pain, then rushed up like a madman, scratched and scratched, slapped in the face. Li Yiwei bowed his head and dared not fart.

After she had enough crazy fighting, she said thanks to Tang Yuying, but she didn't mention paying back the money. Moreover, according to her behavior, she always wanted to drive Tang Yuying out and close the door.

Maybe she is afraid of being poor, or maybe Li Changwen's daughter-in-law is such a person, but poverty magnifies her shortcomings.

"I've brought your son back. Should you pay me back? In addition to the nine million, he has lent me an extra one hundred and seventy thousand these days. I'll help you to erase the change. I don't want the 70000. I'll exchange it for 10 million. "

Li Changwen's daughter-in-law's face changed greatly. Her face was like painting green paint. It seemed that she could see the green water dripping down her face, but it was amazing.