Lance let out a low roar. He put his legs on the horse's belly and drove the horse forward. "My idea will not change. Your holiness, you should change!"

The Pope looked at the dead figure with a smile and muttered to himself, "Oh Dear Knight lance, I believe you will change."

Meanwhile, ender, the great mage's mentor, was reading a letter that had just been sent to him in his humble residence.

This letter has the magic mark of his student Elena, which shows that it is a secret and very important thing.

After reading the letter, Ender looked solemn. Suddenly, a fire broke out in his hand, burning the letter to nothing.

He got up and took out a book he had written in his early years from the same simple bookshelf. He could see that there were many revised annotations, which showed that he attached great importance to the book, or handwriting.

The above detailed records of his views on the study of light divination, including the method of restoring light divination and so on. It is purely for research purposes. Because of its unique ideas, it can be used as a model for future generations to study alternative magic, so Ender cherishes it very much.

I never thought that when I was young, I could use it one day when I was old.

He probably went through the contents of the book, woke up the dusty memory, and then took down another book, nerve.

Ender held the nerve in his left hand and spread it out on the pages of the second and third stanza with his right hand. After meditating for a moment, Ender pressed his right hand on the page of the book and whispered the mantra, "the spirit of God runs on the water, and God says There must be light

Before his voice fell, a familiar white light lit up under his right hand!

Different from Li Tianyi's drawing white light from the book, ander imitates the light from other light sources in the room. When he calls out white light, the light in the room obviously has a process of darkening and then brightening.

The mantra used by ander is similar to the formula used by Li Tianyi, and the magic circuit is similar to his mental method, which is based on nerves.

That's why we say that God of light is taking a selfish Road, and others can't bypass their nerves to step on his road.

"It seems that the Pope is aware of his crisis and doesn't intend to go along with the trend. It's not a good thing for everyone."

Ender closed his nerves, and the white light in his palm died out. He got up with a sigh and was ready to go out. It happened that someone knocked at the door.

Open the door and it's the pope!

The Archmage obviously did not expect that the pope would come to his humble residence in person, and there were no guards behind him.

If the Pope appears here alone as the president of the magician Association, if it is spread out, it will certainly set off an undercurrent.

"Why does it smell like burning paper? The grand master has a large collection of books here. You must be careful. No matter which one you lose, it's a great loss. "

The Pope speaks slowly and without emotion. It's hard to know what he's thinking. It's not easy for a young Pope in his thirties to be calm in front of a Mage at least 130 years old.

He picked up the book, opened it, and put his finger in "the spirit of God "I didn't expect that there were nerves here. I thought that magicians were all naturalists who abandoned theology."

"Magicians draw strength from nature, but they are tolerant and can tolerate people's intolerance. We believe in the existence of God, but we don't believe that there is only one God I'm sorry, I'm not aiming at your holiness. When you get old, you are easily confused. "

Ender put on his eyes and rummaged on the messy table. It took him a long time to find the silver pot making coffee under a pile of paper.

The Pope stopped him and said with a smile, "the Archmage is not confused at all. If you can have nerves here, it is a good proof of this. You are not confused, but drink less coffee."

His last sentence was a little puzzling, and Ender asked, "why, what else should I pay attention to?"

"Of course, regular coffee drinking can lead to addiction, dependence on caffeine and damage to the nervous system."

Ender squinted and looked up and down at the Pope. "You're not the Pope. Who are you?"

"Ha ha ha, I said that the Archmage is not confused at all. As expected, you have seen through it!"

The Pope laughed and turned back. It was Li Tianyi who watched the situation secretly!

Ander was stunned. "Mr. Li, you shouldn't be here. The Pope has already entered the city. If he sees you, the original plan will surely fail!"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter that he won't come to you. The Pope has his dignity and reserve. If you go to meet him, how can he come to you?"

Li Tianyi threw the nerve to the bookshelf. He felt the breath of holy light on the nerve page. He was very familiar with it. It was similar to his Shanzhai version of light magic.

Ender nodded with a smile. "Mr. Li is right. Your metamorphosis is too real. I didn't notice any flaw. If it wasn't for your strange words and remarks about the nervous system, I wouldn't have found that the Pope was fake."Strictly speaking, this flaw was deliberately sold by Li Tianyi.

The Pope strictly pursues theology and scoffs at the theory of nature. The so-called nervous system cannot come from his mouth.

"What I'm talking about is a serious suggestion. Caffeine is addictive. As a mage, nervous system problems will definitely affect the use of magic."

Li Tianyi smilingly took down an introduction to alchemy from the bookshelf, which was also a research work of Ender when he was young. "I know what you want to ask. I came to you because I am interested in your alchemy."

Ander suddenly asked, "Mr. Li once said that alchemy and alchemy in your world are interlinked. Then you should be able to understand all the contents in this book. Just take the relevant books and read them. Why come to me at this time?"

"Reading belongs to reading, learning new knowledge, of course, still need to have the guidance of a good teacher, I ask you the mystery of alchemy, you are my teacher, please teach me."

Li Tianyi, the famous Taiyi Jinxian, even bowed his head to a mortal to show his respect. If it spread to the fairyland, it would certainly arouse the ridicule of all the fairyland's families, and ridicule him for doing too much. It's clear that he can use soul searching directly, and there's no need to really study for nothing!

Ender shook his head and waved his hand. He was afraid to preach, "this is not good. Mr. Li's attainments in mysticism are far higher than mine. You are visitors from the alien world just like those other species. I should learn from you the knowledge of the alien world. How can I turn it around?"

"Ha ha, you are also a different world to me. Well, you teach me alchemy and I teach you the nine turn golden elixir skill, so that you can reflect on your own choice from another way. It may be helpful for you to compare the two."