C131 Abandonment of Darkness and Retention of Light

Name:Super Bodyguard Author:Xiu Shui Lan
After Chen Zilong's body hit the ground, he didn't even make a sound and directly fell down. Chen Zilong who was lying on the ground seemed to be in a coma. Without a sound, he fell to the ground and did not move. But shortly after, black blood started to seep out from Chen Zilong's seven orifices.

The boss of Yun Zhou city's Small Saber Association, Chen Zilong, was killed without much resistance. This ending caused many people to be astonished.

Kuang Long's heart skipped a beat. With his many years of experience in combat, he was very sure that Chen Zilong was already dead. That seemingly ordinary punch of Zhang Yang might have actually shattered his heart. How could a human live when their heart was broken?

Kuang Long had seen a killing method that was a hundred times more brutal than this, but this was the first time he had seen someone's heart being shattered so easily and cleanly by a single punch. Chen Zilong's strength was slightly weaker than his. If he wanted to defeat his opponent, it would definitely take a lot of effort. However, Zhang Yang had taken his opponent's life in one move.

"Just how strong is he? Is this still the force that humans can wield? " Kuang Long could not help but rejoice inwardly. No wonder Li Li valued Zhang Yang so much. Zhang Yang was really too terrifying. If he offended Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang would probably kill him with a single punch as well.

Seeing this scene, Kuang Long instinctively felt reverence towards Zhang Yang. This was a form of subservience towards the strong! There are no other factors. Since the baldy had long seen Zhang Yang display his full strength, he didn't feel it strange at all. Unlike Kuang Long, he was Zhang Yang's brother.

Zhang Yang stood in the hall with his hands behind his back, not saying a word. Several of Chen Zilong's trusted aides dared to go up and test Chen Zilong's fate, but when the lackeys shook Chen Zilong left and right without any reaction, and when they reached his nose and found that he was not breathing at all, they couldn't help but fall to the ground in fright, saying, "Dead, Brother Long is dead."

"What?" Hearing the news of Chen Zilong's death, these members of the Small Saber Association couldn't help but become noisy. A few hot-blooded young men were still yelling about seeking revenge against Zhang Yang. However, before they could reach Zhang Yang, they were slapped down by the bald man.

"All of you, shut up!" Looking at the boiling scene, Zhang Yang could not help but shout loudly. His voice was like a loud bell, resounding throughout the entire billiard room!

Zhang Yang killed Chen Zilong with one punch. In the eyes of these lackeys, he was the same as the Demon God of Death. Such a fierce person, who would dare to make a sound against Zhang Yang?

"Chen Zilong deserved to die. I wanted to let him go, but he just had to court his own death. I can't blame anyone else." Zhang Yang said calmly. Killing Chen Zilong was not a burden to Zhang Yang. He still felt at ease.

"I'm not a random person who would kill an innocent person. You are all Chen Zilong's subordinates. You can all leave now!" Zhang Yang glanced at the nearly one hundred people present and said calmly.

When some cowards heard this, they immediately fled like a wisp of smoke. However, there were still dozens of people who did not leave. Looking at them, Zhang Yang asked curiously, "If you don't leave, are you going to take revenge for Chen Zilong?" If yes, do it all at once, and I'll take it all! "

Zhang Yang was extremely arrogant. Normally, there would definitely be people who would come and take care of him. However, in this situation, none of the thugs dared to make a sound.

Zhang Yang's invincible strength had shocked everyone. Even if all of them went up together, no one dared to hit their chests and say that they would definitely do something to Zhang Yang. If they didn't dare to anger Zhang Yang, they would follow Chen Zilong's example.

"Boss, I have something to say." The one who opened his mouth was the knife-scarred man. When he faced Zhang Yang, he was trembling with fear. It was obvious that Zhang Yang was pressuring him like a mountain.

Zhang Yang had a good impression of the knife-scarred man. He was a man who knew his place, not to mention, was not a fence-sitter. Zhang Yang nodded and said calmly, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Boss, it's like this. All of us have been living in the Small Saber Association since we were young, making a living by being a helper. Now, I think …" Boss, if you don't mind the past, I want to bring my brothers to join in. " The knife-scarred man said carefully.

It would be for the best if the other party surrendered. As for Chen Zilong, this' black head ', he deserved to die. By doing so, Zhang Yang could be considered to be removing harm for the common people. However, Zhang Yang couldn't decide whether the knife-scarred man would join his camp. It would still be up to Raging Dragon and Baldy, the two guys responsible for managing the underworld business, to do that.

Zhang Yang looked at Kuang Long to see his opinion. If he were to say that he would kill him, then he would definitely stop him. After all, the boss of the Small Saber Association was already dead.

Kuang Long's mind was much better than the baldy's. He quickly replied in a low voice, "Brother Muddy Dragon, this knife-scarred man has a good reputation in the underworld. We can let him join us.

Zhang Yang nodded. After all, this Kuang Long was very shrewd. If it was the bald man, he would not be able to figure out this move.

"Sure, but I also hope that your words will be the last. If I find out that you have second thoughts, your outcome won't be that much better than Chen Zilong's." Zhang Yang said calmly, but the killing intent in his words caused the knife-scarred man to tremble in fear.

"I dare not, I dare not, to be honest, Chen Zilong is truly a sinful man, he treated our subordinates normally too. If it were not because I did not want to carry the name of a traitor on my back, I would have brought my brothers to another place." Boss doesn't care about the past, I still have time to be grateful. " The knife-scarred man said sincerely.

"I hope so." Zhang Yang nodded. At this time, a clever lackey had found a chair out of nowhere and put it in front of him. Zhang Yang respectfully said, "Boss, there's a chair. Take it."

Next, Zhang Yang's team took care of Chen Zilong's dead body and discussed how to bring the influence of the Small Saber Association over. The Small Saber Association was also one of the biggest gangs in the city, occupying the entire city and controlled more than a dozen entertainment venues under Zhang Yang's control. It would take a lot of effort and effort if they wanted to completely control the Small Saber Association.

"Masters, now that Chen Zilong is dead, the rest of Little Saber Guild will know of this news tomorrow. At that time, Little Saber will definitely have no leader and will be torn to pieces. If the bosses trust me, I will bring some people to convince them to join us tonight, what do you think?" The knife-scarred man said. He knew that this was an opportunity for him to show off. Whether or not he could be highly valued by the other side, he would have to show off now.

Zhang Yang nodded. The solution suggested by them was very feasible. However, he didn't have much experience in this aspect, so he asked Raging Dragon and Baldy about it.

The bald man didn't have any objections. He was only responsible for charging into the battle. As for thinking, he would leave it entirely to Zhang Yang and Kuang Long. Kuang Long nodded and followed Zhang Yang's words, "This is the best."

As this matter could not be delayed, the knife-scarred man, in order to strive to show off in front of the other bosses, immediately went to the other Small Saber Association's venues. He was also the number one fighter in the Small Saber Association, and the popular person beside Chen Zilong had a very high status in the gang.

To put it bluntly, the gangsters were doing this for the benefit of others. The reason why they joined together to rob Mad Dragon's weapons was also for the benefit of others. If they joined Mad Dragon's side now, they would similarly gain better development.

The news of the death of Chen Zilong, the head of the famous Small Saber Association in the underworld of the Cloud Prefecture City, spread throughout the underworld of the Cloud Prefecture City that same night.

Not long after the knife-scarred man left, Zhang Yang, Raging Dragon, and the others also left. According to their previous plans, they would go to the Society of Excellence to get revenge on their boss while annexing his territory.

If all went well, the gang power of Kuang Long would reach an unprecedented level.

"Brother Muddy Head, the most correct thing I, Kuang Long, have done in my life is to take you in. Of course, you are beside the boss now and not my little brother now, I have to rely on you in the future." This time, if we do not have your help, we will have to pay a great price to annex them. " The wild dragon sighed.

"We're all in the same family, why do we have to be so clean when we're all working for the same boss? If not for Big Bro Kuang Long's support, I wouldn't be where I am today. " Zhang Yang said with a smile.

It was already early in the morning. When Zhang Yang, Kuang Long, and the bald man arrived at the headquarters of the Heroes' Guild, there was no one walking on the street in a leisure club that was opened 24 hours a day.

"Nightless City." Looking at the sign in front of the clubhouse, Zhang Yang could not help but smile. "Nightless City, I'm afraid it will disappear today."

At this moment, there were still a few customers inside the Nightless City clubhouse. When Zhang Yang's group of over 30 people entered, they immediately attracted almost everyone's attention. Several sleepy doormen immediately greeted them, "Brothers, do you want to drink or eat? We are here to eat, drink and have fun. "

"Serve your mom. If you're a customer, then scram. Don't splash blood all over your body." After a roar from the baldy, the scattered customers immediately left. Some even ran off without closing their accounts.

The people who often played in these kinds of places all knew that they were obviously here to cause trouble, or perhaps it was a massacre caused by the underworld. This wasn't something ordinary citizens like them could get involved with, so they ran as far away as they could.

However, the police officers nearby had already received the news that they would not be coming out today! It was because Li Li had long used his connections to settle everything that Zhang Yang and the others dared to arrogantly bring their men to sweep the scene without any worries.

The boss of the Meeting of Heroes was a man with his nose facing the sky, who was as ugly as he could be. However, according to the baldy, this man was very skilled, and was an expert at it. He was not one of the few in the Society of Heroes, and was not one of the top three in the Cloud Prefecture City. The baldy had fought with the opponent before, and the opponent had viciously taken care of him.

"Bald dragon, you bunch of losers actually dare to bring people to wipe out my face?" After picking up the bald man and his gang, the man with the pointed nose immediately started swearing.

"Losers? "It seems like you think you're very strong. How about we play a round?" Zhang Yang restrained the baldy who wanted to curse at him. He believed that scolding would not solve the problem at all.

"Who are you?" He glanced at Zhang Yang. He knew about Kuang Long and the bald man, but he didn't know about Zhang Yang. He just assumed that Zhang Yang was his lackey.

"Who I am is not important. What do you think? Do you dare?" Zhang Yang said in a provocative manner. It was the best way to kill the boss in the ring. It was akin to annexing a small saber.