Chapter 1611: :Eel understands

But very quickly, Yu Fei ran over with a plastic bucket and suddenly fell in front of her.

Dozens of loaches and rice eels poured out in one fell swoop, just like snakes, they were burrowing in a low voice.


Chen Yulin's hysterical ghost screamed, and springs generally jumped from the ground.

There were a few rice eels that didn't need to be greeted at all. They just swam over and drilled up into her trousers. She was so scared that Chen Yulin kept screaming and almost didn't urinate.

Because her hands and feet were still tied up, Chen Yulin could only roll desperately on the ground, and finally got rid of a few moray eels, her entire face was already green in fright.

"Miss! I heard that the eel knows women well, are you satisfied with the size of this one!"

Lin Tian grinned and caught the biggest rice field eel, and shook it directly in front of Chen Yulin.

This thing is as thick as a rolling pin, twisting her body constantly, almost plunged her head into Chen Yulin's chest.

Chen Yulin collapsed. While moving backwards desperately, she shouted frantically: "Take it away! I said, I said everything!"

"That's right! This is a good girl!"

Lin Tian nodded very satisfied, but did not let go of holding the eel.

while staring at the eel tightly, Chen Yulin said in horror:

", the foreign race's stronghold in Fengcheng, this is the last one. Our superior was killed by you just now."

"In Toyota Town not far away, the entire town has been occupied by aliens, and now it has become a new base camp for aliens."

"The foreign race is constantly gathering forces, harassing you through other places, trying to distract you."

"What is your final plan?" Lin Tian put away his smiling face and began to straighten up.

Chen Yulin stammered again: "I... our plan is to control the city gates. First, let the mutants come in and destroy them from the inside, and put in the main points."

"After that, wait until all the troops in Toyota Town are assembled, and then attack inside and outside with the aliens..."

"Huh! The abacus beads are really loud!"

Lin Tian waved his hand expressionlessly, and Chen Yulin was immediately taken away and locked up.

But Lin Tian waved his hand and asked someone to bring President Niu out of the toilet.

Looking at the demon-faced President Niu, Lin Tian said blankly: "Chen Yulin has done all the tricks just now. As long as you agree with her confession, I will let you leave here alive. Lin Fengxiang said that I couldn't do it!"

"I... I said! Don't embarrass me! I'm an ordinary businessman. I forced them to this level!"

Mr. Niu knelt down on the ground crying and said all he knew.

What he said was basically the same as what Chen Yulin said. The alien race had long planned to move to the vicinity of Fengcheng from a distance that was not conducive to the attack.

The most ideal location is naturally Toyota Town, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

He also explained that now Toyota Town is guarding a terrible monster. The aliens have gathered almost half of them. According to the plan, the general attack can be launched within two days.

Moreover, the current strength of the alien race, plus the mutants created after the slaughter of Toyota Town, may have a total of 30,000 or 40,000.

The total strength of the entire Fengcheng city, including the militiamen, would not exceed five thousand. This disparity in strength is not insignificant.

"Very good! Take him back to the camp and lock him up, and when it's time to give him a shot!"

Lin Tian waved his hand gently, President Niu immediately looked at him in amazement, and then hysterically scolded him for being untrustworthy.

Lin Tian smiled disdainfully and said: "Are you stupid? I have said that I can't do it by Lin Fengxiang. You don't know how to do it, and who is to blame!"

"Asshole! You must not die!"

The cow yelled at him like he was crazy, but he was immediately pulled up by the soldiers with a few big mouths, and was carried away like a chicken.

At this time, a large number of soldiers over the camp heard the movement and rushed over.

When the two captains arrived with the team, they had already heard Lin Tian's people report the situation, but Lin Tian still concealed his true identity.

When the two rushed over, they hurriedly asked: "How is it, did you catch a big fish?"

"Two bosses, I can post this time! The last stronghold of the alien race was given to us, and a few big inner ghosts were dug up, and a major news was pried out!" Lin Tian said with a smile.

The two brigade captains hurriedly asked, but Lin Tian sold it off, he took everyone back to the camp, and gathered all the officers before he was willing to speak out.

Lin Tianxian told what he knew, then he patted the table and shouted vigorously:

"They should all be wiped out by us here. Before Toyota Town can respond, we just dispatched troops to wipe them out!"

"Now is a very critical time. We must take advantage of the fact that the opponent has no troops and is not ready to kill them by surprise!"

"All of us must unite, prepare weapons and manpower immediately, and I will personally take people to knock down Toyota Town!"

But as soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, the captain of the city defense brigade stood up and opposed:

"No! This kind of thing can't be quick and quick. The terrain of Toyota Town is special, easy to defend and difficult to attack! Although it is a good time, but we can't handle it with the number of people alone!"

"I immediately contacted Nilin and asked them to send someone to quell the chaos. At the moment of the decisive battle, it is no longer what our training camp can handle.


"The speed at which they send reinforcements will be a few days later because of the distance. We only need to stay on for a few days until they come over!"

His views have been recognized by some people However, most officers still agree with Lin Tian's active offensive strategy.

"I don't agree with you, that would be too negative. We can't rely on Ni Lin for everything!"

"Don't forget, what is the purpose of our training camp."

"The soldiers and soldiers here are real soldiers, we are no different from Nilin!"

"Of course, Nilin must be in contact. But we can't just sit back and wait. We must delay them before the other party builds up their forces, or they will be breached before the reinforcements come!"

The city defense captain frowned, and had to admit that Lin Tian's arrangement was more far-sighted, and Lin Tian's words convinced everyone.

"Let's quickly discuss the layout, and after the arrangements are made, we will set off immediately!"

Without waiting for the city defense captain to finish tangling, Lin Tian directly decided.

Then the captain of the city defense brigade had no choice but to let people inform Ni Lin, and at the same time Lin Tian had already begun to make arrangements.

In order to concentrate strength, naturally there are not too many people left behind in Fengcheng.

While the three groups set off together, both captains decided to lead the group themselves.

Because Du Hua was still unconscious, Lin Tian was the main action, and the two of them worked together. )!!