Chapter 2587

"How could...!"

Seeing that the magic pillars with the same origin were killed by many mysterious maidens and fierce Warcraft, Rafe's face was livid and hard to see.

Don't say it's Rafe, it's a crowd of followers of Luo Zhen's body week who look at this scene, all of them are in a trance.

Especially looking at those mysterious girls, a group of followers are Qi Qi to see Luo Zhen.

Because, from the people clearly see, those mysterious maidens, are all waved by Luo Zhen, directly summoned out.

In other words, those girls are all Luo Zhen's demons.

After the absolute contract, the soul of the mixed demons.

In this way, how can followers have no words?

But now, obviously, it's not the time to say that.

A group of followers can only secretly write down this account and tell themselves that after the end of this incident, there are more things to ask the hateful Lord.

Then, the followers could not help but rush to the enemy line and join the battle. Only Matthew raised his shield and protected him in front of Luo Zhen.

As for Attila, I don't know how many times she used to destroy the magic pillar and killed her.

Unfortunately, these magic pillars are just like stubborn weeds. Every time they are uprooted, they will appear again immediately. They will never die.

Relying on this, they blocked the surging Black Sea, and the slaughter of many women and many Warcraft. They had a feeling of being entangled in the ashes.

Seeing this, Rafe's face looked better.

"No problem. It's manageable."

Ralph told himself like this.

Although, in any case, RAF did not want to admit that the demons would be driven to a desperate situation by a group of inferior creatures. However, as long as the "general bureau" is still in this temple, they can be reborn, reappeared and never disappear.

"We are immortal, and you still have no chance of winning."

Rafe thinks so.


"really? Can't my blade kill you? "

With such a sentence, a small figure appeared in front of Rafe.


Rafe didn't even have time to speak, so the petite figure raised a scythe in his hand and rowed through a fast arc. He cut the raw one in half.


Ralph let out a painful scream, his body in two fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any grudge against you, but since all of them have become his servants and followers, I have to kill you."

The little girl whispered.

And see this girl, protect Luo Zhen Matthew surprised.

"Miss Anna!"

This is Anna.

After many days' absence, Anna, who had fallen into a deep sleep because of her contract with Luo Zhen, finally woke up and was summoned.

What's more, Anna's breath was much stronger than in the past, and it was a little stronger than Goliath.

Of course.

After she died with gol, Anna and gol became one because of the contract with Luo Zhen and were recorded in Luo Zhen's soul together.

Who made Anna and golgoth exist together?

Therefore, while Luo Zhen and Anna concluded the contract, golgoth was involved and integrated with Anna into a whole.

Therefore, Anna now has all the power of golgoth, plus the original strength, has been far superior to the previous state.

The blade of killing immortality held by Anna is specially used to kill monsters with immortality. For those creatures with immortality, it can be said that it is a natural enemy.


"it's useless!"

With a crazy roar, on the ground, Rafe, who was cut in half, struggled to recover.

"We are but a branch and an extension of my Lord! As long as my Lord is not dead! Even an indestructible blade can't kill us! "

Ralph growled.


Anna smacked her lips and raised her sickle again. As soon as she wanted to start, her ears moved, her body leaped, and she jumped open.


At the same time, a magic pillar, like a giant whip, thundered down on Anna's position one second before, such as the pillar of heaven toppled, shaking the ground.

Anna, who jumped up high to avoid the attack, fell on the pillar flexibly. She ran and waved a sickle. She cut through an eye on the pillar, making blood splash and howling.Anna was also entangled with the magic pillar.

All the demons and Warcraft, except Matthew, who still stayed with Luo Zhen, all the others joined the battle field of killing the magic pillar, making the temple full of swords and swords, roaring and trembling, and the explosions and shouts also lingered together, which could not be subsided for a long time.

Luo Zhen has been quietly watching this scene, look calm, step is not moved.

In that way, it seemed that all the fierce and fierce fighting that happened in front of him was just like a child's family, like the farce of neighbors, and it seemed so small and insignificant.

Rafe saw such Luo Zhen in his eyes, with both anger and shock in his heart.

At the beginning, the young man was just a tiny individual worthy of attention. Even a small Chaldean couldn't get out. Even if he had excellent quality, he was cynical against the surrounding system. In Rafe's opinion, all the behaviors of the adults around him were so ridiculous.

Who ever thought that today, this young man is able to stand on the temple of time, looking down at all the battles with a calm look and forcing this place into a desperate situation?

Rafe hated it and didn't understand it.

"It's a human being. Why can you be so strong?"

"It's a trivial existence. Why can it be so terrible?"

"He's not even a regular human being. He's just a lucky experiment."

"Why on earth?"

As the highest technician in Chaldea, Rafe knew Luo Zhen's past like the back of his hand.

Therefore, Rafe really did not understand why the humble child who had been able to survive only by inexplicable miracles had come to this level and height.

It made Rafe scream.

"Don't you hate human beings? Don't you hate magicians

"It's they who gave you birth and consumed you casually."

"In that case, why do you save them?"


Ralph sent out a frantic question.

Hearing this, Luo Zhen turned his head and looked at Rafe.

Eyes, still calm.

"You can't understand, demon."

That's what Luo really said.


"instead of caring about my mood, I'd better think about what I should do next."

Luo Zhen chuckled.

"Your opponent has come too. Are you ready to face her?"

As soon as he said this, he was stunned.

And then...

"... I finally saw you again, Rafe."

With such a voice, a figure came slowly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!