Chapter 2113

"Since you don't want to do it, I'll take them."

When such a voice, which was obviously aimed at Luo Zhen, came out.

Its body, the majestic magic in surging, all of a sudden attracted the attention of all people.

"Then I..."

Frey tried to say something, but was interrupted by rocky.

"You watch over there."

Rocky said this to Frey in an unquestionable tone, and then glanced at Luo Zhen.

"Let's see my strength now. Come here, wise angel."

At Rocky's call, the angel behind him raised his head and came to rocky with a clanging mechanical sound.


Luo Zhen eyebrow a pick, suddenly a smile, pour also didn't say what, quietly stand in place to watch.

Iluli, yeyeyeye and Xiaozi see that Luo Zhen doesn't mean to make a move. They also stand still, but maintain their vigilance.

Rocky went to abain's group alone, making the audience around him a little agitated.

"Isn't winter of fenbuhr going to do it?"

"Does the sword emperor intend to take away the prey of" winter of fenble "

"That's interesting."

In the audience, such a dialogue will gradually appear.

It seems that everyone thought that the opponent of abain group would be Luo Zhen, but they didn't expect that the person who finally stood up was rocky.

Even abain's face sank slightly, so he opened his mouth.

"Are you going to be the pawn of" winter of fenble "? The sword emperor

That's what abain asked.

It was Rocky's cold hum.

"Who is that fellow's pawn?" Rocky then coldly said: "it's just that I just need some opponents to test my current strength, and you can't get into that guy's eyes, even the desire to let others hand, so I just managed to come over and accept it."

On hearing this, abayinton became angry.

"You will pay for your arrogance," sword emperor

As a result, abain waved his hand, and the puppets around him immediately released their magic power one by one, so that the magic power was injected into the body of an automatic puppet, which started the magic circuit in their bodies.

The next second, all kinds of attack magic start to bloom.

It's like a fireball.

There's a hurricane that keeps rolling like a sandstorm.

There are crisscross blades and darts.

There was a spray of venom with a pungent smell.

There are also various attacks such as smoke, sound waves, gravel, clods, and electric shocks, each of which is a common but effective magic trick, especially useful in group war.

That's what a bunch of glove holders have achieved over the last two months.


"the angel of wisdom."

In the face of all kinds of attack magic, Loki is still cold to reveal the command.

“I'm ready。”

As soon as the angel's eyes lit up, she responded with electronic sound like a machine, and the mechanism behind her was unfolded, which made a dagger come out.

The hot wind is rolling on the wise angel.

That is the magic circuit of the wise angel, which can release the hot air freely and control it.

With the help of the hot wind, the sword of the wise angel will be turned into a sharp weapon that can easily cut steel.

As a result, a pair of short swords shot out like a meteor, flying freely in mid air, crossing a beautiful track, while cutting to the attack magic.

"Poop!" "Poop!" "Poop!"

In the sound of chopping, under the attack of a dagger, whether it is a mass of flame, a hurricane like a sandstorm, a crisscross blade or a venom that can corrode everything, they are cut off and smashed one by one and annihilated in the air.

The short sword will release extremely hot wind, even the flame and storm can be cut off.

"Spin it."

Rocky then put the magic into the angel.


As soon as the whole body was transformed into a piece of iron, the whole body and the arm became a piece of iron.

In a twinkling of an eye, the angel turned into a big sword close to the height of an adult. While spinning, it released hot wind. It looked like it was burning up and turned into a rotating sword of fire.

This scene is exactly the reason for the appearance of Rocky's login code named "whirling burning sword".

The sword was spinning all the time in the air, and rowed through a beautiful arc, cutting to the front of the Legion.The puppets in abain's group made one by one react in a hurry. They manipulated their own puppets, either to attack, to defend, or to simply dodge. The result was not even useful.

The burning sword turned by the wise Angel seems to have come back to life completely. Sometimes it turns into a shooting meteor, sometimes it turns into a flying dart. Sometimes it changes its direction flexibly like a crescent moon. Sometimes it shuttles through many attacks. It avoids the attack and cuts off one automatic puppet one after another Be merciful.

That move, if you change to the previous rocky, absolutely can't do it.

However, after learning heart and eye, Loki has been able to see through all the attacks of his opponent, and can also see the best track of movement. Under his control, the intelligent angel is completely transformed and shows amazing power.

Originally, with the magic loop of "hot air operation", the smart angel has almost nothing to do, and its attack power is absolutely sufficient. In addition, it can change direction and speed up by spraying hot air, and its mobility is impeccable. Now, with Rocky's technology, many of the enemy's automatic puppets can't even touch its edge. Instead, they are cut off one by one.

It's the same with gorem, including abain.

"How... How could this be..."

Abain was completely stupid.

In particular, when he saw his automatic puppet was cut off by a big sword falling from the sky, and even released a terrible high temperature, which directly burned out and evaporated without leaving any parts. Abain almost collapsed.

"How can the gap be so big...!"

Abain could not accept the fact.


"that's the gap."

Rocky came to abain's face and looked down at him.

"You can't even win me. Why win that man?"

Rocky's words make abain's face extremely ugly.

"Hand in your gloves."

Rocky looked at such abain, as if lost interest in it, so impatient to speak.

Abain wanted to resist, but found that on top of Loki's head, the big sword with hot wind was spinning there.

Abain's mouth twitched, and finally became disheartened. He took off his gloves and threw them at rocky.

Seeing abain's performance, the rest of the glove holders gave up hope and took off their gloves and handed them to rocky.

A total of 19 puppet envoys group, so rocky to one person to solve, all the exit.

Such strength, let a lot of people in the audience were surprised by the noise, but also let those high-ranking night club participants are dignified.

Even the head of the college was very surprised.

"I didn't expect that the" sword emperor "could understand the" heart and eye ", so the night meeting will be interesting

Obviously, Loki's details, keen people have seen through.

"See that?"

Rocky came back with the angel of wisdom and looked at Luo Zhen.

"Yes." Luo Zhen smiles and says, "you are really stronger."

Luo Zhen admits that.

It's just...

"because it's too strong, you should be very upset now?"

Luo Zhen's words made Rocky's eyes twinkle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!