Chapter 1980

It was a thrilling battle.

The two sides of the fierce war are absolutely unequal.

One is the owner of the sacred spear nailed to the skin of the world, the manager of the tower at the end, and a goddess who has been blessed by the three Holy Grails.

One is that the round table knights are famous for their low strength, which can only be compared with ordinary human knights, and their strength is not even one armed Knight of first-class followers.

If there is a fight between the two, in an instant, the victory or defeat should be divided.

Because there is no comparability.

Compared with the former, the latter is too small.

You know, the former is comparable to the existence of the crown position, but the latter does not even know whether to calculate the tactical level, the power gap is too big to imagine.

Therefore, if the two sides fight, the result is absolutely instantaneous, the latter is killed by the former as the end result.

As a matter of fact, just now, under the siege of alter, Matthew and Luo Zhen, altoria could find an opportunity, and in an instant, he severely damaged Bedwell and nearly killed him on the spot. Thus, it can be seen that the power gap between the two sides is just as great.

However, at this moment, in the face of Bedwell's attack, altoria was suppressed.

"Ha, ah, ah, ah...!"

Bedwell's body was full of holy and noble aura, and his body was also beating with mysterious and profound runes. Like a god possessed body, he constantly bullied himself and attacked altoria.

In her hands, the brilliant sword wielded brilliant slashing strokes, like flashing lights. During the dance, it was like the storm and the light of the sword, which enveloped her one after another.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang...!"

Altoria tried to wave the holy spear in her hand, and fired off the chopping attacks one by one. She provoked bursts of cross attacks, which could not be heard. However, she was forced to retreat and completely suppressed by the stormy attack.

At this moment, Bedwell's power rose to an astonishing level. His sword's cutting was quick and fast. During the wielding period, not only the sword light flickered like the aurora, but also the atmosphere was cut and stirred. As a result, the whirlpool of the atmosphere spread like a storm in the places Bedwell passed by, which made the earth crack.

Altoria was under such an attack, facing the astonishing speed of the chop, and feeling the terrible impact of the holy gun which collided with her. For a moment, she had no strength to fight back.

"How could...!"

Altoria didn't seem to accept the result.

For altoria, Bedwell was too weak. Even if there was a sword, it would not be able to make waves. It was nothing to mention, so small that it could not be any more small.

But now, this tiny human being shows such amazing power. How could she accept it?

Of course, Luo Zhen is also a human being, but Luo Zhen had two gods at the beginning, who were only protecting him, and he was the last emperor of human beings. Altoria had already known that he was extraordinary and special, and would not be unable to accept his power.

But Bedwell is different.

In the face of bedeville, altoria's heart was completely disordered, her divinity was shaken, and her abandoned human nature showed a faint sign of returning, which made her heart shake irresistibly.

Therefore, altoria's aloofness and indifference completely disappeared, and she was dominated by her feelings as a human being.

At the moment, altoria cried out.

"Don't be too aggressive! Man

Altoria picked up the storm, set up the holy gun, and drove the East starling under her to bedeville in her powerful hiss.

Bedwell did not retreat at all.

The original lune depicted in his body plays a power comparable to power, and the effect is close to magic.

Luo Zhen is characterized by the high magic power which is compressed to the limit, and the output effect of "Red Wing array" is ten times, which promotes the power of the great God's engraving to an amazing level.

In view of this, Bedwell only felt that a huge force that he could not believe was constantly pouring into his body, which made his strength soar. He did not lose to any Knights of the round table, let alone the gods. He was unprecedentedly powerful.

With such a powerful force, and a sense of indomitable determination, what is Bedwell afraid of?

"Choke --"

Bedwell did not hesitate to stimulate the power of the holy sword, to the storm like altoria, cut off a split day like a sword.


The storm enveloped in altoria was immediately cut off by the brilliant stars, cut cleanly, and dissipated in the invisible.

"Shua Shua...!"

Bedeville's Blazing Sword made him cut out several sword lights.

"Pooh "Pooh "Pooh

The light of the sword fell on don starling and cut through its limbs.There was a flash of blood on don Starling's limbs.


The white horse of the divine steed howled and hissed.

"Damn it!"

Altoria fiercely raised the holy gun and released a dazzling beam from its tip.


The beam hit the earth, setting off an amazing explosion of light.

Bedwell, on the other hand, leaped forward to avoid the direct attack of the holy gun. However, he was blown away by the wind and waves caused by the light explosion and rolled on the ground for several times.


Meanwhile, the sound of burning came from Bedwell's body.

"Ga..."! Ah...! "

Bedwell uttered a cry of anguish.

The use of the sword with the present strength undoubtedly makes the power of the sword even greater, but Bedwell's price is also increasing.

And Bedwell didn't care.

"Ha, ah, ah, ah...!"

Bedwell rose from the ground and continued to rush towards altoria.

"Don't come here!"

Altoria actually yelled like this, holding up the holy gun, so that the holy gun burst into full bloom.

The light turned into countless beams of light, like streamers, burst out and enveloped Bedwell.

"BAM, BAM, BAM...!"

The explosion suddenly and continuously.

One after another, the beams of light directly hit the earth and bombed the land for many times, just like gunfire, setting off bursts of light explosion and impact.

Bedwell dodged the incoming beam in confusion, but was still in bursts of light explosions, sometimes blown up, sometimes crushed, sometimes rolling on the ground, sometimes hit by the rubble, became black and blue, even blood on his forehead, dyed red cheek.

But even so, Bedwell rushed forward, trying to dodge the beams and bursts of light, roaring at altoria.

It was sad and solemn.

"Mr. Bedwell!"

Matthew couldn't bear to wet his eyes, and his shield hands were shaking.


altoria did not know when to hold the sword tightly, and she did not rush out.


looking at this heroic scene, Luo Zhen was inevitably shocked.

The knight named bedeville showed his loyalty at the cost of himself in front of everyone.


altoria has been shocked by this scene, and her already shaken heart is even more uncontrollable.

"Why don't you give up...!"

Altoria asked in a loud voice.

Bedwell only gave a grim smile to the question.

"Because I still remember your smile, Wang."

With these words Bedwell charged forward.

On the sword in hand, unprecedented light is blooming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!