Chapter 1558

The bloody night, announced the end.

The massacre, which started not long ago, was forced to stop after the dragons in the sky disappeared as if they had never appeared before.

Asmod, who was still chasing a team in the ninth man-made island, was called back after that.

The wounded fired flares in succession to seek help from the outside world.

The dusk barrier acting on the ninth man-made island disappeared at a certain moment, as the last device with rock fall was destroyed by S128 secret service team.

A group of kongfu teams immediately gave up the game without hesitation, and left the ninth artificial island with the injured in their respective teams, and accepted the rescue of "Weibel" people.

This night, doomed to sleep.

Let alone the ninth man-made island, vibe, has been greatly shaken.

As we all know, the ninth artificial island was attacked by unknown outsiders. All the representative teams were almost slaughtered by unknown monsters, which instantly shocked all the people in "vibe" and even more shocked the members of the floating city alliance.

In order to deal with this matter, Haldeman, as the representative of the organizer and the representative of the Pope, personally announced the suspension of the ceremony and sent a police team to investigate and rescue the ninth man-made island.

At the same time, in view of the cause and process of the incident, members of the "floating city alliance" headed by haldman also personally met with the empty men one by one, hoping to learn something from them.

However, this matter, in the end, was not settled.

The astronauts only knew that they had been chased by unknown monsters. Meanwhile, the communication crystal was blocked and could not communicate. Even the ninth artificial island was blocked by the dusk barrier and could not escape at all.

As for the mastermind of the operation and the cause, no one knows.

Of course, people still know who solved the incident.

That is, the red lotus Fire Sea and the summoner and servant of the dragon group, a mysterious figure who is unknown.

However, many empty men learned about the process of the incident and the existence of the red lotus Fire Sea and the Dragon army. Countless people also looked at each other and did not know how to react.

Finally, since there was no mastermind or a solution to the incident, the incident should be dealt with without intention.

Members of the floating city alliance headed by haldman announced that the monster attacking the ninth man-made island was a new kind of devil beetle. I don't know when to set up a nest in the ninth man-made island. Due to the holding of "air combat martial road sacrifice", many astronauts fought in the ninth man-made island. They were shocked and attacked by them.

The existence of the red lotus Fire Sea and the Dragon army was completely concealed.

Members of the Legislative Council immediately warned the members of a representative team that they could not disclose the incident, or they would be severely punished.

Therefore, to the outside world, people only know that a new species of devil beetle attacked the ninth man-made empty Island, leading to the suspension of the "air combat martial road sacrifice". The rest of the people did not know about it. In this way, they casually covered the curtain for the incident.


palace of noaysses, office of the president.

Led by eumyer, the team representing "vibe" stepped in here and returned to the front of its leader.

"We're back, Lord Jess."

He bowed his head to Jess, who was sitting behind his desk.

Behind him, one by one the humanoid beetles represented by "Weibel" all lowered their heads, but their expressions were still in a trance.

Looking at the scene, Kirsty, standing next to Jess, had a solemn face.

Jess also looked at the crowd, and after a while opened his mouth to umiel.

"Tell me the details. Don't miss a word."

So Jess ordered.

"... yes."

He was silent for a moment, then nodded his head.

So he told Jess what he had seen and heard.

After hearing eumier's words, Justin was silent.

On one side, Kirsty's face became more and more dignified.

"Do you mean that Lorelei agnezhen not only has the same qualities as you, which directly transforms magic into fire and heat, but can also summon countless dragons?"

That's what Kirsty confirmed.

Especially when it comes to the word "dragon", his tone is full of uncertainty. Obviously, it is impossible to imagine that the creature he mentioned actually appeared on the ninth artificial island.

Although the world is not without mystery, there are not only various kinds of magic beetles, but also a variety of rare and strange species. At most, the existence of dragons is similar in appearance. The real dragon in mythology has never appeared.So, it sounds like a daydream for eumier to say that there are dragons appearing and killing lizziette's army.

Kirghirsti knew that eumier would never shoot for nothing.

Not to mention that it is impossible to make such a joke with the character of umiel, but to say that the trance performance of those people represented in "vibe" tells others how incredible they have seen.




"the ability to transform magic into fire and heat is not enough, but dragons appear in groups, which is really unbelievable."

Kirsty couldn't help saying what she was saying.

He did not answer.

Even if she was belligerent, she could not adjust her mood when she saw the scene.

Jess is even more so.

"I didn't expect that human being could do that." Jess said calmly: "think carefully, when I was in" Mister hill ", he let me see a powerful female swordsman. Later, in the mansion, I saw the magic weapon of alchemy like having life and the existence of sneaking attack on me. Now it's the dragon group."

"Lorelei agnezhen."

"There must be some big secret in this man that we don't know yet."

Jess asserted.

"What shall we do?"

He asked directly.

"For the time being, don't frighten the snake." Jess seemed to have a plan for a long time, and he said: "that human being is still too deep to understand. I feel that I am underestimating him constantly. Therefore, before seeing all the details of him, we have to make preparations for the proxy war in addition to the air combat martial arts ceremony."

Make another preparation.

What this preparation is, people naturally know.

"I immediately let my body go to the gate." Jess decided so and said, "Kirsty, you're with me."

"Yes." Kirsty agreed without hesitation.

"Umiel, you can continue to fight on the" air combat martial arts sacrifice. " Jess turns to umiel and orders.

"Yes." Umiel nodded and said, "what about ligherit?"

"Leave her alone." "She's no longer working," Jess said coldly

Hearing the speech, people nodded again.

In this night, the wheel of history has taken another step forward.

No one knows what the outcome will be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!