Chapter 1510

This is really a problem that has to be considered.

Because, having collapse force and not having collapse force are two concepts.

If we can have the power of collapse, then, as long as it is not like real, it is almost impossible to fail in the human world, or in the world including the devil beetle.

In that case, even kouyi can only compress 10% of his magic power. However, the refined retraction magic has been able to annihilate a large army of demon beetles in one fell swoop. It also requires the collapse force that is compressed to the limit of 100%. If someone can use it to fight, is it possible to lose to others?

Not to mention anything else, even Luo Zhen has become much stronger after he has high magic power.

To put it bluntly, even if he doesn't compress the high magic power to the limit and only uses ordinary high magic power, Naro Zhen can easily hang himself before he has mastered the advanced magic power. Even if he can't do the second kill and crush and kill in tens of seconds, it's still appropriate.

Under such circumstances, with the collapse power comparable to the high magic power, the humanoid demon beetles can crush kouyi and others even if they have no combat experience.

Therefore, having collapse force and not having collapse force are two completely different concepts. The gap between them can be called heaven and earth.

The existence of a collapse force holder can even determine the victory or defeat of a war.

As long as the opponent is not an outsider like real, the general Kong Shi has little chance to win.

In this case, the biggest problem is how many disintegrator holders the enemy has.

"At the moment, as far as we know, three of Jesper's people have bankpower: Jess, his secretary and Alice Wight."

Luo Zhen raised his eyes and looked at the crowd.

"Of the three, except Alice, who is weak and has a fragile and naive side, if you can grasp her weakness, you may be able to deal with her, and none of you can cope with the other two."

Jess is a ruthless hero.

Only Jess's interests were in chilstoy's eyes.

If such two people want to find out their weaknesses and target them, even Luo Zhen dare not say that it can be done easily.

Therefore, for these two people, Kou Yi and others have little chance to win.

"Frankly speaking, if these three people join hands, they may be able to attack the positions of human beings one by one, not to mention that they still have a large number of subordinates distributed all over the world. If the purpose of the other party is not to rule human beings, but to eliminate human beings, it should have been done by now?"

Luo really said so calmly.

"Gus can fight against the enemy in the past, even if he has no power to fight against the enemy, he can do so easily Taking the opportunity to destroy the high magic furnace and so on is our disadvantage. "

In this way, if there are other holders of avalanche force on the other side, the war situation can be called despair.

"Now, the only thing we should be thankful for is that the Pope has not been born for a long time, and even Jess doesn't know where he is. Otherwise, Jess would have taken over the power of human beings and ordered the world."

Luo Zhen's eyes have been swept from one of his companions.

"If I guess correctly, I'm afraid the enemy will make a big move next."

Smell speech, everybody's expression becomes incomparably serious.

All the people present were not idiots. It was very clear what Luo Zhen meant by that.

"The Pope did not come out of the world, but he used the reward of" exposing the truth of the world's creation "to the winners, and gathered the top talents of the floating cities in various academic parks to" vibe. "

"Jess started to act blatantly. Contacting me and courting me was only the first step. His ambition has been exposed without fear. He should be well prepared to challenge the position of the ruler of mankind."

"The current" vibe "can be roughly divided into papacy and Jesper, both of which have begun to fight against each other and fight against each other."

"That's why the Pope needs people from all over the world."

"That's why Jess had to pull me in as much as he could before."

Luo Zhen expressed his ideas one by one.

"I'm afraid that the Pope has already known the true face of Jess and that he wants to do harm to himself, so he will hide himself and never show up. He will quietly recruit people and prepare to fight against his own Jess. Only then will the matter of" air combat martial road sacrifice "come into being

"Jess also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to expand his camp, show his strength to the world, and conquer mankind with the posture of absolute strong."

"Both sides have started to play with the world as the stage.""And we are the only variables that break into this stage."

Hearing this, people nodded heavily one after another.

"What are we going to do next?"

Yuli raised the question.

That's exactly what Luo said.


Luo Zhenyan simply spits out this word.


The other side, kouyi, Mina and Youli were all stunned.

But it's the best way to deal with it.


"we know how high the threat of the avalanche holders is and how much advantage the enemy has thus occupied. Human beings can't be their opponents. Now they are completely at a disadvantage. Then, the popes will not fail to understand."

Luo Zhen suddenly smiles.

"The only people who can deal with the holders of avalanche force are those who have the same power as the avalanche force, or have the same strength as the avalanche force - the holder of higher magic power."

In other words, Rozen is the essential fighting power of the papacy, and the only threat of the Jesuits.

"Now, the jespers have come to contact me in order to eliminate my threat, and it's the papacy's turn."

Luo Zhen has some intriguing remarks.

"If you want to act, it's not too late for me to wait until I have weighed the papacy."

Although the purpose of Luo Zhen's visit is to stop Jess's plot, it is still open to question whether he should join the papacy.

Luo Zhen is not a naive person. He will choose his position and stand in line.

If there is no problem with the papacy, and Luo Zhen has the same interests, then Luo Zhen certainly doesn't mind cooperating with them.

If there's a problem...

"knock Jess down, I'll do it alone."

That's what happened.

Looking at Luo Zhen, who is smiling, the other side, kouyi, Mina and Youli all look at each other and smile bitterly.

Although there are many questions to ask, we can see Luo Zhen's calm attitude and expression. Unconsciously, everyone was influenced by him and became calm and relaxed.

Intuition tells people that as long as they follow Luo Zhen's instructions, they will eventually be able to lead to victory.

This is the leadership and personal charisma of human heroes.

So they said no more.

In this way, the first day of arriving at "vibe" passed away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!