Chapter 1490

After that, the whole "Mister hill" began to stir up like a hindsight, letting students of all disciplines walk on the street and start to go in all directions.

There's no way. Even if we don't know what happened, Luo Zhen and others make a lot of noise. First, Luo Zhen and real fight each other on the street, then the army of magic beetles attacks, and then real invades the underground magic refinery of Wanrong Jinke. In this way, if you can't disturb others, then the people in this floating city will be How big is the nerve?

Especially at the magic refinery, since the last time he saw the magic of foreign countries, Furon attached great importance to the security there. After receiving the information, he immediately took the lead in action. Not only did he send a large number of empty men to the airspace to meet the demon beetle army, but also sent another batch of empty men to the magic refinery. The soldiers were divided into two ways, and the two sides must be dealt with It's all settled.

It's just that by the time they act, it's already over.

The air soldiers who were sent to fight against the devil beetles in the airspace not only did not see half of the devil beetles, but also saw the battlefield as if the fire of purgatory had been burned once. Not only was the air full of scorching smell, but also the temperature on the battlefield was extremely high, which made the spacemen with protective clothing feel uncomfortable and sweat like rain in an instant. It can be seen that they were here not long ago How amazing the fighting has been.

When they arrived at the scene, they only saw the body of reyar, who was cut in half and died with his eyes closed. Nothing else was found.

Yuli reported all she had seen and heard to Furong in the first time, which made her think deeply.

It wasn't long before Furon announced.

"Ray nuya, a sophomore in medical and medical science, used the blood and flesh of the devil beetle to gain magic power and coveted power. He even attracted a large army of demon beetles. His crime is unforgivable. He has been killed by Lorelei anezhen, a sophomore in air combat, and the attacking army of magic beetles has been wiped out by him, and the alarm is lifted."

It seems that Furon summed up the series of events in real.

But on the face of it, there is nothing to blame.

At the beginning, it was real who devoured the flesh and blood of the devil beetle and gained the magic power. He became the human type Demon beetle. He was also the one who attacked the magic refinery. The demon beetle army would not attack without any reason. In summary, the reasons for all the events were summed up to him, of course.

At least, that's what Julie thinks. It's real who started everything. It's just that his plot was broken by Luo Zhen.

What Alice and Chris did was hidden in the dark.

Luo Zhen also didn't mean to expose this incident. When asked, Luo Zhen directly nodded and admitted that he was the one who solved real and he was the one who solved the demon beetle army, but did not mention Alice and Chris.

As for the two girls, they also pretended not to know, but their faces were not very good-looking and their eyes were deeply tired.

Presumably, these two girls must be very concerned about what Luo Zhen had done to herself, and tried every means to examine her body, but she found nothing abnormal. She was so depressed that she couldn't even sleep soundly?

But that's what happened.

In any case, the incident is over.

However, real devoured the flesh and blood of the metamorphosed demon beetle to obtain the incantation power. He transformed the adult type Demon beetle, and even refined the collapse force by combining the magic power and the incantation power. This confirmed the existence of the collapsing force, which caused a lot of sensation in the book of "miestergang".

In the past, people never knew that human beings could obtain incantation power through such a method, and they didn't know that the collapse force really existed. Now that these two things happened at the same time, it would be strange not to cause a sensation.

This information has even been shared with other floating cities, which will soon become known to all.

Of course, Luo Zhen's victory in the face of the man-shaped demon beetle with collapsing power still made many people excited and discussed it warmly.

Only Luo Zhen, totally indifferent, still either studies the formation of foreign magic in the magic refinery, or instructs the girls of E601 team such as Meikong, lakti and Lizi on the training ground. They can live as they like, as if nothing has happened.

Only one thing, Luo Zhen made a decision.

That is...

"," you are going to participate in the competition of "air combat martial arts ceremony...!" "

In the office of the chief of the air combat demon guide section, when Luo Zhen tells his intention, everyone loses his voice one after another.

There were four people who lost their voice, namely, Furon, biefang, kouyi and Yuli.

Especially Yuli, she's so excited.

"Is this... Is it true? Master Luo Zhen

Yuli couldn't hide her excited voice.

Luo Zhen immediately laughed and nodded."It's true. I have this plan."

When this was said, all the people were clamorous.

"You boy, you are willing to go to the front line at last."

The other side seldom burst into laughter and slapped Luo Zhen's back.

"In that case, we can fight together again."

It was rare for kouyi to get a little happy.

Both of them were Luo Zhen's children. From the beginning of entering the school, they formed a 128 team with Luo Zhen. Under the leadership of Luo Zhen, they dominated the whole air combat magic guide family of "Mister hill". The days when they fought together and grew up together were very worthy of missing.

Even if Luo Zhen chose to withdraw later, both the other side and kouyi expressed their understanding, but they could not be unhappy to be able to fight side by side with Luo Zhen again.

And the other side and Kou Yi happy words, has been hoping Luo Zhen to come back, not to mention, the whole head has become light, become trance up.

Even if it was Furon, it was hard to laugh at this scene.

Isn't that for sure?

"It seems that the real S128 secret service team is coming back."

That's right.

The real S128 team is coming back.

Only the captain Luo Zhen exists in this team, the team is complete.

Because, the S128 secret service team that dominated the whole "secret service Gang" was led by Luo Zhen.

With Luo Zhen, this team is really the strongest team.

No one can defeat it.

Furong was also watching this team grow up step by step, creating a legend of people, to say that there is no sense of this, it is impossible.


"why do you want to participate in the air combat martial arts ceremony

Veron is still puzzled and asks.

You know, Luo Zhen was not willing to come back in any case before, now suddenly announced that he would come back, everyone would be confused.

"There's nothing to hide about this...


Luo Zhen pondered for a while and immediately chose to tell the truth.

"In fact..."

Luo Zhen told the truth of the previous events one by one.

Including Alice and Chris behind the scenes.

Of course, it includes Jess.

Along with Luo Zhen's explanation, people's expressions were shocked at first and then became serious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!