Chapter 1445

"So... What is that...!"

"Good... Terrible..."


in the command center, Meikong, lakti and Lizi were shocked when they saw kouyi, whose whole body was full of terrible magic.

At this moment, in all people's feelings, kouyi was as if his whole body was surrounded by red aura. The whole person turned into a magic aggregate, shaking the atmosphere and making the atmosphere tremble and twist.

From kouyi's body, the amazing magic power was climbing, and then it was completely retracted.

In the process of rising, it seems that the spirit is growing.

The power that emerges from such kouyi cannot be simply called magic.


"shrinking magic...!"

Lizi seems to recognize the power of the body, pupil shrinkage, face is also unprecedented change.

It's something that Lizzie has never done before.

But at this moment, Lizi not only changed her face, but also shed a drop of sweat on her forehead.

Such Lizi, let alone others, is that Furong has never seen.

"What is retraction magic?"

Meikong asked out at a loss.

It wasn't Lizzie that answered her question. It was Furon.

"Thanks to you are still a magic gun swordsman, don't you know how to retreat magic?"

Furong looked directly at the figure of Kou Yi on the screen, and said so without looking back.

"Magic is a tiny miracle that human beings can possess. It is an interference force of things. After giving direction through engraving technique, phenomena can be formed and things can be interfered with. This is called magic."

It is the foundation of magic, and it is also the dependence on which human beings can interfere in things, create phenomena, and then have power.

"The retraction magic is to enhance the ability to interfere with reality, compress the magic power, and finally form the power."

Furon's cold mouth.

"Its function is the same as magic, only because it is the compressed magic power, which is much stronger than the pure magic power. If you use the retraction magic power to exercise magic, the power of magic will rise to an amazing level, and the increase level must be several times at least."

So, this is a higher level of power produced by refining magic.

"Part of the magic suit alchemy weapons of the artillery system are equipped with retraction magic furnace for refining shrinking and retreating magic. As long as the magic is injected into it, it can be refined through the shrinking magic furnace and play an amazing power."

Furon glances at the sky.

"Just like the magic gun sword you use, there is a retraction magic furnace on it. Don't you find it?"

After hearing the speech, Meikong woke up.

"Is it the cylinder on the magic gun sword?"

In the connection position between the handle and the body of the magic gun sword, there is a cylinder like the magazine of a revolver.

That's the shrinking magic stove.

"Most people have no way to make their own shrinking magic power, because it requires a very amazing magic control power, that can carry out this work in their own body, compress their own magic power, convert them into shrinking magic power, so they need to use the shrinking magic furnace to compress and refine the magic."

Furon spoke word by word.

"But, with the second most powerful magic control of" Chester hill, "COE Sevani did it

In other words...

"she can treat herself as a refining furnace, control it with magic power beyond ordinary people, and refine her huge magic power into shrinking magic power with the highest conversion efficiency."

Furon's eyes seemed to be able to cross over here and cast them on kouyi.

"The reason why a woman as steady and virtuous as she is entitled to the title of" annihilation Ji "is that her shelling is enough to become a force to destroy everything."

Use yourself to refine the shrinking and retreating magic power, and use it all on the artillery.

Kuoyi, who was full of red aura, was in the rear. Facing the army of demon beetles who did not dare to move forward, he raised his magic gun Wand - "Yao Guang".

"Hum --!"

Under the atmospheric buzz, with the injection of a large number of shrinking magic, it seems that they are calling for all the light in the world. Countless light particles come from the surrounding airspace.

The light condenses and forms at the muzzle of Khoi's magic wand.

This is the greatest firepower of kouyi, a real full shot.

"Magic gun stick combat skill --" Aurora annihilation gun "

When such a sound falls from kouyi's mouth...


The red light enough to light up the whole sky condensed into a light beam, which was released from the front end of the magic gun wand in kouyi's hands.It's a beam of light that can penetrate the sky and the earth.

Huge beams of light all the way through the atmosphere, like a lightsaber sweeping across the sky, burst into the front.

The magic beetles touched by it are evaporated in a flash.

On the path of the light beam, the army of demon beetles, which were forced to stop by the blast wind and heat wave in front of them, were all in a flash, and none of them survived and were completely eliminated.

If the air war demons in the "Mister hill" just lit a flame on the black cloth named the magic beetle army, let it expand and gradually burn out the cloth, then the gunfire of kouyi was to completely annihilate the black cloth, as if the light had dissipated the darkness, making all the magic beetles disappear soundlessly.

After the demonic beetles were completely eliminated, such an all-out artillery bombardment scattered the blast and heat waves in front of them, rubbed the air defense barrier of "Mt. Smith" and swept it toward the other side of the sky.

By the time the light beam disappeared, it would be a long time later.


standing in the same place, the magic gun wand in kuoyi's hand emits a lot of steam, and in the space in front of it, where the light beam just passed, is also emitting smoke.

The amazing heat was blowing around.

All the people looked at such a Koo Yi, showing a look of horror.

This is the ace gunner of "Chester hill.".

That's the biggest firepower of "Chester hill.".

In the face of this angelic girl's shelling, nothing is meaningful.

With pure destructive power to crush any existence on the path, this gentle, kind and peace loving girl has the power opposite to her appearance.

It can turn everything touched into dust to annihilate the beautiful princess who brings silence and peace.

This is -- "Ji Mie.".


no matter on the battlefield or in the command center, everyone lost their words.

Only Luo Zhen, looking at such Kou Yi, suddenly smiles.

After the shelling just now, a large part of the demon beetle army was finally eliminated.

More than 80% of the demon beetles have been wiped out, but less than 20% are left.

In this regard, the situation reversed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!