Chapter 1071


Luo Zhen, who was walking in the lane, suddenly stopped and looked forward. His eyes began to become a little intriguing.

Seeing Luo Zhen's performance, sauerkraut also stopped.

"Did you find out?"

Sauerkraut felt some admiration in a low voice.

Luo Zhen shrugged.

"Although it's not obvious, even if a senior magician comes, he may miss it, but it's a pity that I've already seen the flow of magic."

For Luo Zhen, who has the ability of "psionic vision", as long as it is the magic flow in front of his eyes, it is basically impossible to hide it.

So, come here, Luo Zhen found out in the first time.

"Is there a boundary for driving people here?"

Luo Zhen said so with affirmative words.


Sauerkraut also did not hide, while frankly admitted, while making a voice.

"Follow me, please."

Said, the snow vegetable then moves toward the front by itself.

This girl is probably trying to guide Luo Zhen, so as not to rush in.

Of course, Xuecai is not worried that Luo Zhen will get lost because of the boundary, but that Luo Zhen will break the border.

After yesterday's confrontation, Xuecai understood that Luo Zhen was a more powerful magician and charmer than he had imagined. If he just wanted to break the boundary, it would not be too difficult.

In this case, it is better to guide Luo Zhen and take him to the destination.

It's just that after all, Xuecai underestimates Luo Zhen.

"Don't go on purpose." Luo Zhen shook his head, looked at the border in front of him, curled his mouth, and said, "after seeing this boundary, I will push back the center of the boundary through the flow of magic. The whole border exists only to protect it. That should be the place where you want to take me?"

In this case...

"let's go straight there."

Luo Zhen plays a ring finger, let Luo Zhen and the space around the potherb flicker.

By the time the swaying of the space was over, the two had come to a building.

It was a low red brick building in the middle of a hotel street full of lovers' hotels, occupying an area like an alien.

"To... To?"

Pickles are hard to hide and shake.

"Actually through the border to detect the destination, directly jump to the space to transfer over...!"

This ability, once again, refreshes the understanding of Luo Zhen.

On the contrary, Luo Zhen didn't care at all. He just looked up at the building in front of him.

The windows are decorated with painted glass with history.

Old and faded signs hung on the door.

From the perspective of the store, this is probably an antique shop selling imported old furniture. On XianShen Island, which is full of modern buildings, it is a rare ancient brick building, which looks like a grocery store without buying gas.

"This is where you want to bring me?"

Luo Zhen turned his head and looked at the potherb.

"Yes, yes."

The snow vegetable this just reacts to come over, take a deep breath, slow down the surprise in the heart, just open the mouth to explain.

"This is the office of Lion King's office in XianShen Island, which is specially responsible for contacting or replenishing expatriates."

The explanation of sauerkraut did not surprise Luo Zhen.

"That's why it's built in such a place?"

Luo Zhen nodded.

The special building of No.6 ban is very dense, and there are many dead ends in the view of incantation.

The Lion King's office set up a liaison office with that feature. It looks like a deserted antique shop in order not to leave an obvious impression. In addition, there is a driving border. Maybe even the management community of the artificial island can not pay attention to it and ignore the management and exploration of it.

"Why do you come here so often?"

Luo Zhen seemed to be relieved of the same voice.

"Yes, may I ask you something?"

The snow vegetable looks puzzled.

"No... nothing."

Luo Zhen quickly don't open his eyes, in case the girl can see through some association in his heart.

"I always feel suspicious..."

however, Xuecai frowns, and maybe he cares about Luo Zhen's strange behavior all the way?

This girl, it seems, really does not know the real use of this hotel street.

I wish she had a little self-consciousness to avoid spreading unnecessary rumors.

"Anyway, please come with me."

The snow vegetable decided not to investigate any more, sighed.

Then, the snow vegetable reached out to the door of the antique shop and walked into it amid the creaking sound of the wooden door and the solemn doorbell.Luo Zhen didn't have much prudence and went in with the snow vegetables.

The next second, the panorama of the antique shop will appear in front of Luo Zhen.

Just like the appearance, there are shops full of all kinds of antiques.

However, Luo Zhen from these antiques are aware of the hidden magic and spiritual power, and even the magic power is fluctuating.

Obviously, the antiques here are not ordinary goods.

I'm afraid all the antiques here are similar to this kind of things, or they are the ancient heritages derived from the magic power and spiritual power after a long time.

Of course, they are not necessarily the property of the Lion King organ. Most of them should be dangerous seizure recovered by the Lion King organ.

Managing these people is not only the person in charge here, but also the existence who can speak on behalf of the lion king.

"Later than I thought, young people can't respect the old people a little, don't let us wait for a long time?"

Such a voice mixed with some complaints came out of the shop.

It is a bit of frankness and free and easy, like jade hitting each other as clear and sweet sound.

The owner of the voice is not a man, but a cat.

I saw, in the store, the direction of the counter, there is a black cat lying there, looking at this side, the eyes show is extremely vivid knowledge and vicissitudes.

Seeing the black cat, Luo Zhen raised her eyebrows immediately.


That's exactly what happened.

At present, the black cat is someone's type God, and its owner manipulates it remotely through the way of empathy with the black cat, borrowing its mouth to speak.

That is to say, the real person in charge here is not here, but in the distance without knowing where it is.

Maybe the other party is in the other corner of XianShen Island, or not in Xianshen island. He just acts instead of himself through Shishen.

This is not a very difficult thing to do. As long as one can manipulate the type God, he can do the same thing more or less. The difference is only how much feeling he can share with him and how far he can manipulate him.

If it's Luo Zhen, even if the type God is in another country, he can share all the feelings with him and manipulate the type God like a sub body.

And the owner of this black cat, I'm afraid, is not much worse than Luo Zhen?

He put down his guitar box and knelt on one knee and hung his head.


Snow vegetable greets the black cat and calls each other so.

It seems that the other party is the master of potherb.

"Jixin potherb has brought the target character Nangong yaori. Please tell me."

Sauerkraut is polite and respectful.

"Well, you'll have to listen."

Black cat, in a casual tone, turned her head and looked at Luo Zhen.

"Are you the brother of the Witch of the void?"

The black cat makes such a noise.

"I'm yuantangyuan, the person in charge of the XianShen Island office, and also the instructor of the swordsman apprentice there."

"Please give me some advice."

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