Chapter 1056

"I, my countrymen, are in your blood now..."

Aguilar was the first to react, becoming a little flustered.

No, it's not only Aguilar, but the rest of us are a little flustered.

"Are vampires kept in human blood?"

"Is that ok? are you all right? Yao Jun

The ancient city and Gusha were both surprised and flustered.

You know, the beast is a magic polymer from the other world. It is portable with will. Although it can be raised in the blood and driven by people, only vampires can use them.

Because, at the time of materialization, the beast will absorb the vitality of the host at an amazing speed.

If ordinary human beings summon the sentinel animals, it will not take long for them to absorb their vitality. Even if the long-lived species can survive for a long time, they will not survive for long.

Only the immortal vampires have unlimited vitality. So even the weakest vampires have the conditions to summon the beast. The difference is only whether they can successfully summon or serve them. If they can, they can raise them in their own blood, or they can degenerate into Huns. That's so simple.

Under such circumstances, Luo Zhen actually said that he was raising a family animal in his blood, and he was also the fourth true ancestor of the strongest vampire, nine of them.

How can such a thing not make people panic?

"Don't worry."

Seeing Aguilar, kusha and the ancient city all flustered up, Luo Zhen spoke in a hurry.

"They are only boarding in my blood now. As long as I do not call them, they will not absorb my vitality. They will only absorb the vitality of the host when they are materialized. Do you know that?"

Smell speech, everybody this just a little at ease come down.

Only that month, I heard another intelligence in Luo Zhen's words.

"As long as you don't call them?" That month he said calmly, "that is to say, if you want, you can call them at any time, right?"

That month's sharp accusation made Luo Zhen scratch his cheek.

"Well, at least that's what I feel. That's right."

Luo really admitted that.

This is the current situation.

Originally, when Luo Zhen forcibly pulled Yuan Chu out of Shasha's body, the nine captive animals under his control entered Luo Zhen's body with him.

According to that trend, the nine beasts should be sealed together with the original.

However, it was only when he woke up this morning that Luo Zhen found that the nine animals under his control had not been sealed.

The reason is simple.

"They voluntarily showed their submission, willing to accept my domination, and lost the consciousness of confrontation against me, so the seal automatically filtered their existence and let them live in my blood. I just found out their existence and owned their domination."

I really took the initiative to explain what happened.

That is to say...

"in order not to be sealed, do the animals recognize you as the main body?"

Some of the ancient city suddenly said such words.

"What clever beasts! They know how to escape the seal in this way."

She is a little admired.

Only Aguilar, who suddenly shook her head when the crowd suddenly saw it.

"I... I don't think so."

Aguilar was hesitant and uncertain.

"The reason why my compatriots will voluntarily show their surrender is not to protect themselves."

This point, Aguilar said is incomparably positive.

There is a beast of the fourth true ancestor in Aguilar's body, so her words are representative.

This is what Aguilar said.

"The compatriots will show their submission, not so much to escape the seal, but to identify with the qualification of Yao."

What qualifications?

Naturally, it's the right to be a master.

This is the reason why the animals show their obedience.

"If you can seal the original seal of the fourth true ancestor, your compatriots will recognize your talent and strength. In addition, the nine matrixes absorbed by the original are not only part of the beast, but also the beast itself. The beast carries their will. Therefore, the sentinel animals choose to submit to you who defeated the original one."

Aguilar said this in a somewhat complicated tone.

But maybe that's the truth?

The significance of the existence of the matrixes is to become the carrier of the domestic animals, and they are a part of the animals. When their existence dissipates, their willpower, spirit and blood memory will turn into the family members' possession.

That is to say, the nine beasts have the will and memory of the nine basic bodies as the carriers, and they can be regarded as themselves.In this way, the matrixes were originally made for the purpose of seal, and they were originally regarded as useless puppets. It is natural that the animals have a little resistance to them.

If the original power was not too strong, and they had a lot of control over their own animals, perhaps they might rebel.

Therefore, when they were originally sealed by Luo Zhen, the nine beasts who were separated from his control recognized Luo Zhen's ability, voluntarily expressed their submission, handed over the control to Luo Zhen, and then boarded in his blood.

"In addition, my fellow countrymen are also afraid of your followers, so..."

Aguilar said this timidly, which made Luo really understand.

Presumably, the nine beasts were also frightened by the power of Attila, right?

Therefore, knowing that Attila was Luo Zhen's follower and Luo Zhen was Attila's master, the nine animals simply recognized Luo Zhen's sovereignty.

One by one, Luo Zhen got the approval and submission of the nine strongest domestic animals, and let them live in their own blood.

Now, Luo Zhen can feel that he can summon the nine beasts at any time.

It's just...

"even if the compatriots submit to you, you will be human after all. If you call on them, you will be sucked out of vitality. I don't think it is advisable to do so."

Aguilar rarely took the initiative to express his own ideas, although the expression is still timid, but very convincing.

However, aguilara didn't know that since Luo Zhen could use the seal in his body to pay for his magic, he could also make the seal in his body pay for the vitality of the beast, and even generate magic power later. Luo Zhen didn't need to transform his own vitality. He could directly extract the endless vitality in the seal. This is what Luo Zhen did to himself The layout and setting of the seal.

In view of this, it is not a question of the vitality of the beast.

The problem is that Luo Zhen can't afford the magic they need to summon them.

In the case that the seal has not been untied, even if the magic of Luo Zhen can summon the beast, it is bound to reduce the strength of the beast?

At least, the strength of the strategic level can not be exerted. It is estimated that the strength of the beasts summoned by Luo Zhen is only at the tactical level, which can only match the second and third generations, and can not reach the level of Zhenzu.

But this also means that Luo Zhen will be able to play the equivalent of the second and third generation of vampires.

In addition, these captive animals all have very special abilities. Perhaps, with the power of the captive animals, Luo Zhen can be superior to the royal family of the second generation.

This is already a great benefit.

Not to mention, Luo Zhen can have more than twice the magic power of the fourth true ancestor as long as he unties the seal, even if it is the first mantra.

At that time, the beasts will not only restore their original power, but also become stronger.

(maybe that's why they're willing to show their surrender, but maybe it is.)

That's what Luo thinks.

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