Chapter 854

"Hum --!"

In the Chaldean control room, the air was finally disturbed and hummed by the diffuse magic.

The frightening magic power rose from Roman, as if some shackles had been untied bit by bit, which made Roman's original ordinary body no longer carry a sense of transcendental power and existence.

"Check... Detect amazing magic reaction...!"

"What's going on here...!"

"Dr. Roman...!"


In the commander's room, one by one, the staff began to cry out one after another.

Under the action of Roman's amazing magic, the command room was like a typhoon or an earthquake.


An instrument, as if it had been overloaded, exploded and burst into flames.

"Crack, crack, crack...!"

All kinds of expensive equipment began to crack, so that the glass and parts are constantly jumping out of it.

The staff and technicians in Chaldea fled in panic.

Olga Marie, who was closest to Roman, retreated directly and made a sound of horror.


At this time, Olga Mary's voice is full of shock and shock.

No way, the governor of the Chaldeans did not expect that Roman could have such a terrible magic.

Not only Roman, but all the people present were astonished and shocked. If Luo was here, he would have the same reaction?

You know, Roman is not a magician, but a real ordinary person, that is, there is no magic circuit, and there is no magic literacy. The understanding of magic is limited to knowledge. In Chaldea, he is just a doctor, and there is no other identity. It is not until Olga Marie becomes an evil spirit that she has to become the spokesperson of Olga Marie Reaching some instructions and decisions.

Such a Roman has absolutely no magic power, let alone magic.

Of course, the source of magic is vitality. As long as it is human beings, they can actually draw some magic power from it, but it is absolutely not something that can be huge to this extent, on the contrary, it is very weak.

So, at this moment, Roman's magic power is unbelievable. This is a weak and useless doctor.

Only Da Vinci...

"calm down! Romani

Da Vinci raised his hand to resist the magic of the storm, while shouting at Roman, who was standing in the center of a typhoon.

"If you go on like this, it's not easy for you to plant the" limit "will be untied. It's a miracle only once, ok...!"

Da Vinci called out to Roman.

Obviously, this omnipotent genius is actually aware of the current situation.

The man knew some of Roman's secrets, so he knew what was going on and what was going on.

It was because of this that Da Vinci could not help being anxious.

"Calm down!"

Da Vinci kept raising his voice.

Unfortunately, Roman seems to have heard nothing, still staring at the screen showing the fifth special point, as if he had lost his soul completely, the whole body burst out of magic more and more terrifying.

That is beyond the subordinate level, and even close to the level of the Holy Grail.

If it goes on like this...

"that" restriction "will really be untied..."

Da Vinci's expression is extremely ugly.

Just when things are about to become irretrievable...


Olga Marie suddenly exclaimed in surprise and surprise.

"Look at that!"

Olga Marie used the owl's wings to point in the direction of the screen.

"This is..."

Da Vinci looked at the past and was stunned and then pleased.


Even the original sluggish standing in place Roman's whole body magic for a tremor, and then slowly disappeared.

In his eyes, only the mood of surprise and joy remained.


the fifth special point is the North American continental basin.

It's extremely fierce, and even terrifying, fighting is going on.


With the earth shaking roar, Berserker's axe and sword fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground to pieces and setting off bursts of dust.

Ku chulin dodged the terrible blow with astonishing speed, bathed in dust and strong wind like riding the wind and waves, and retreated abruptly.But just as he avoided Berserker's blow, the flaming figure burst into front of him.

"Pay for your folly, mad king."

Garner made such a declaration coldly, while burning all over the body, while holding up the magic gun in his hand, like a bunch of fire, stabbed Ku chulin like a storm.

At first glance, it was just like countless flame beams flying to Ku chulin. Even the ground was slashed by the high-speed moving gun, sending out a burnt smell, which was extremely frightening.

In the face of such an attack...

"worthy of being called" the hero of almsgiving ", but juggling is still effective."

Ku chulin responded with an extremely direct sarcasm, and the magic spears in his hand danced with gunflowers. During the twinkling period, he actually took all the attacks of Garna.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

The rapid impact of magic gun and magic gun makes the sound of cross attack ring rhythmically, and also makes Mars and sparks burst.

Countless light wheels were blooming between the two guns, which seemed to be the afterwaves produced by the impact of fire and magic.

Ku chulin and the top followers are all the exception of the existence of Garna a close match.

No, as the battle progressed, Ku chulin gradually gained the upper hand.

That's also natural.

"Have you increased your strength with the blessing of the Holy Grail...!"

Garner had a keen insight into this.

"Yes, I'll give you a death."

Ku chulin pulled up a cruel smile, and the magic gun in his hand was shocked, and jarna's magic gun was opened.

It's just that...

"it's disappointing that you should become a person who is complacent about this kind of power instead of being tempered by yourself."

With such words, skaha suddenly ran into Ku chulin's arms. The magic gun in his hand suddenly turned into scarlet flash for several times. Under the ominous magic, it stabbed Ku Qiulin's chest.

The goal is the heart of Ku chulin.

"Clang --!"

In the sound of sword halberd's loud collision, the magic gun shot out like lightning was thrown away by the same fast magic gun, and burst out a burst of fierce strength.

Ku chulin let the magic gun spin like a wind wheel, a parry, with the gun tail shot away skaha's fatal blow.


"no matter what kind of power it is, as long as it can kill and kill each other, it is the best power."

Ku chulin, as his master, is still as cold as before.

"Even if it is a dead thorn, if you can't kill people or have power, it's just worthless waste. How about abandoning it?"

Ku chulin said that the magic gun he inherited from his master was like a miscellaneous stone on the road. He didn't even have a trace of nostalgia.

"Don't tell me that you don't understand this truth. You can kill the queen of shadow kingdom."

With that, the magic gun in Ku chulin's hand shook again. Like a poisonous snake, it ran out and bit skaha's throat.

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