Chapter 817


The man behind the scenes of Renli Shao has stepped in.

The reason why the country composed of people in Celtic mythology was able to win the aboriginal country so quickly was because of the behind the scenes shooting of the people's government.

Of course, it's just one shot.

Besides, he hasn't shown up in person.

However, on the day when the "power" exercised by the other side came, the queen saw the terrible scene with her own eyes.

"It's just a moment, then the whole country will be wiped out, and all the neutral followers will be killed on the spot, and only one rider will escape seriously..."

speaking of this, even the Queen's tone has become a little bit of fear and fear.

Naturally, Ku chulin saw the scene of that day.

"... that's not the area we can reach." Ku chulin was silent for a moment, and then said mercilessly, "but since you can easily receive the fruits of the war and kill all the enemies, there is no reason not to eat them."

Thanks to this, Celtic Kingdom wiped out all the aborigines, and almost solved all the neutral followers.

Today, it is estimated that only a few riders remain on this continent.

One of them escaped from the country that had been destroyed, and the other had a deep relationship with the other before he died, trying to defeat each other all the time, so he joined the Celtic Kingdom, but after the other side began to flee, he resolutely left and began to chase each other.

In addition, the remaining neutral followers also had two horses, which had deep roots in their lives, but were only good aspects. Therefore, when one of them was found by Celtic Kingdom and captured back, the other side actually took advantage of the Celtic Kingdom's troops to attack the aboriginal countries and directly opened the door to destroy one of the riders, and then there was no spare power to continue the war Fight, in the queen and other triumphant return before the return of hate.

If it's just like this, it's OK.

Even if there are still a few riders left, the North American continent has been completely dominated by the Celtic kingdom. It is only a matter of time before they are eliminated.

But I don't know if it was the relationship between the underworld and the Mafia. After that, the several riders of the Greek god system were suddenly summoned to this continent to form a Greek Kingdom. When the Celtic kingdom was victorious, they quickly occupied the south, suppressed the power of Celtic kingdom in the north, and finally formed the two mythological countries of the north and the south The situation of confrontation.

How can the queen not hate seeing her hegemony taken away?

"Although we have solved the followers of the two opposite horses, we have also lost a lot of followers here."

When the queen came to this special point, she used the power of the Holy Grail to summon Ku chuulin, and made a transformation to create the existence of the evil mad king.

And then, the queen summoned five riders, together with herself, forming a very standard seven riding.

However, one of the seven riders was killed by the neutral follower, and two of them were killed by a sudden follower of Greek mythology. As a result, there were only four cavalry left on the side of Celtic kingdom.

But after that, Ku chulin took the same ruthless hand when the Greek Kingdom cheered for the victory. He directly liberated the treasure, killed one of the enemy's riders on the spot, and then turned back to kill another rider. Only when he met the fierce hero, did he retreat decisively and no longer entangled himself.

Even so, Ku churlin ruthlessly killed the third rider during his retreat before returning to the north.

For this reason, the Greek theocracy, which dominates the southern kingdom, seems to be in a rage. He has repeatedly clamored to wipe out all the Celtic kingdom. However, what he has done is totally contrary to this. Instead, he has just sent the brave hero out to harass the Celtic army, which is nothing but waste material among the wastes, Incompetence in incompetence.

However, it is undeniable that the other side still has considerable combat power.

"When the other party comes, there are also seven cavalry. After three of them are killed by xiaoku, there are still four left. Although the tiny garbage that dominates the country is not a horse's combat power, it is estimated that any soldier can kill him, but if there is a great hero, it is not a problem to make up for the lack of combat power of several riders. Even if we have a small library here, we will face the great hero It's also very troublesome. "

To sum up, the two sides are fighting fiercely now, but no one can do anything about it.

Under such circumstances, the sudden appearance of skaha, even the Chaldeans, has brought about changes that are not good.


"if the old woman joins hands with the Chaldean monarch and joins the Greek side, the Holy Grail can only summon new followers to fight against it."

The queen can only make that decision.

With the power of the Holy Grail, even miracles like the call of the spirit can be realized countless times. It is not a problem to summon a large number of followers.However, followers are not really obedient demons. They may be betrayed if they summon them casually, not to mention that the more followers are summoned, the Holy Grail in the hands of the queen will summon more neutral followers for the purpose of checking and balancing, and the situation will be very bad at that time.

Therefore, if possible, the queen does not want to summon new followers, but she has to do so when she has to.

Of course, Ku chulin understood this.


"we have to get rid of one of the guys before they join forces."

Ku chulin did not hesitate to say that to the queen.

"Keep your eyes on the front line, on the Greek side."

With that, Ku chulin picked up his magic gun and went to the battlefield.

The queen laughed.

Laugh with extraordinary joy.

"Sure enough, such an evil, rude and powerful little library is my favorite

This is absolutely irresistible charm for the queen.

After all...

"I'm mayf, Queen, and lover and dominator of all men -- MEFF."

In Celtic mythology, in the legend of Ulster, there is such a queen.

She is the queen of Connaught. She is engaged and married with many kings and warriors. Sometimes she is just a lovelorn girl with physical relationship and a lady forever.

She likes good men most, especially powerful men. For her own desire, she will get each other's hands in any case, and will not allow any disobedience. She will take countless men as her own.

It was she who led to the biggest war in the legend of Ulster, and she took an eye on the son of light in Ireland, but she was rejected by the warrior, which made her resentful. Finally, she ended up with Ku chulin and let him die in the wilderness.

But it is undeniable that because of the refusal of Ku chulin, the queen is deeply infatuated with it, which can be said that she loves and hates her.

That's why she made a wish to the Holy Grail to make Ku churlin a king of evil who could stand by her side.

This is the queen of Celtic Kingdom, mayf.

"Fight for me."

"Be conquered by me."

"This is the real warrior, the real good man."

Meifu's happy laughter was always ringing and moving for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!