Chapter 770


Under the fluctuation of space, several figures appear from the swaying space and come to the square in front of the station.

And the identities of those figures do not need to be recognized, and their names can be called out at once.

"It seems that we are late."

The head of the college looked at the scattered automatic figures and the rising Daedalus, and a fine light flashed in his eyes.

"Is it solved?"

Magnus is looking at Luo Zhen, a little silent.

Behind Magnus, all the automatic puppets of the team arrived.

However, in Ivana still in the role of the city of Liverpool's song, these girls a face is not very good-looking appearance.

However, these girls are taboo dolls, and also get the magic support of Magnus, but it is not out of control.

Such a group appeared in the square in front of the station.

"Learning... Dean..."

IO reflected this, and his eyes were full of vacillation.

The Dean also looked at Io with regret in his eyes.

"What a pity, Professor eliard." The head of the college said with regret: "originally, I had great expectations for your talent and research, but I didn't expect it turned out like this."

The president's words make everyone feel uneasy.


IOU seemed to want to say something, but he was interrupted by the dean.

"Anyway, go back to college first." The head of the Academy said in an unquestionable tone: "the whole smart city of Liverpool has fallen into the turmoil of the automatic puppet out of control. Only the college has opened the border in time to block the magic attack and protect everyone. Since there is no way to use magic here, it will be very dangerous to stay here."

Even if Luo Zhen defeated a large number of them, there are still tens of thousands of automatic puppets in the whole smart city of Liverpool. If they all come here, it will be a bit of trouble.

Not to mention, Daedalus's body is also equipped with ammunition, once the shelling downward, that can not use magic, no matter how powerful the magician has to hate.

As a result, the head of the college has no intention of consulting, let alone soliciting the opinions of others, and has made a decision directly.

"Magnus, please."

The Dean spoke to Magnus.

"Sickle cut."

Magnus also quietly out of the voice, so that the side of the team, holding the sickle scythe stand out.

On its body, the fluctuation of magic is at work, which seems to be ready to launch magic and transfer space again.

"Wait... Wait...!"

As soon as IO wanted to tell Magnus that magic could not be used in absolute monarchy, Magnus had already acted.


With the explosion of blood spurting from behind Magnus, Magnus' hands were put on the back of sickle cutting at the same time, so that the ten fingers extended ten hot magic lines, even to the sickle.


Sickle cut body suddenly also burst out the amazing magic power.

This magic, actually will sickle the magic to start very smoothly.


Eorton was shocked.

In this moment, the people disappeared in place at the same time, making the whole square in front of the station lost the trace of people and became silent.

Soon, the silence was broken and countless automatic dolls came from all directions.

However, after losing the target, these automatic puppets can only wander in the square and have not left for a long time.


Royal College of ingenuity, wall purgis, gate.

Here at the gate, a large number of students and professors are walking.

Some of them are writing and painting on the wall, some are providing magic power, some are moving all kinds of magic tools and magic stones to this side, placing them in all directions, and some are activating the skills engraved on the wall, so that the whole college is covered by an invisible barrier.

The college is so open to resist the outside world like an invisible storm of songs, so that the power of "absolute monarchy" can not penetrate.

However, the academy can only resist, but can not make an effective counterattack. Once out of the gate, I am afraid that it will be immediately affected by "absolute monarchy", unable to use magic, let alone let the automatic puppet bathe in the song.

Then, a group of guards are still in line here, even in a circle, even Avril is waiting here.


In the circle, the space fluctuates abruptly, which makes the figures appear one after another.

"Head of the college!"

"Head of the college!"

Students, professors and security guards were all in a state of mind and made a sound.From the fluctuating space, it is Luo Zhen and his party.

"Hard work for you."

The head of the College offered his consolation to all the people around him.

Magnus has already put away the magic line of "Red Wing array" and let the sickle fall.

Of course, for Magnus to be able to use magic under the influence of "absolute monarchy", IO is still very surprised.

So they all went back to the college.

Moreover, as soon as they came back, night, illuli and violet felt that their bodies had become much more relaxed. Magic was also able to be used as usual, which made the three people breathe a sigh of relief.

Luo Zhen was the only one with the same look, staring at the head of the college.

Because, from the attitude of the head of the college, Luo Zhen has already guessed what will happen next.

"It would be great if everyone was safe and sound."

The head of the college was kind and smiling at everyone.

However, his courage was growing stronger and stronger. The guards around him waved in the same way, either setting up rifles or letting automatic puppets the size of monkeys jump out and stand out, just like Edmond's army did before.

"Learn from... Dean..."

IO seemed to notice something, shaking his voice.

"I'm sorry, Professor eliard."

The Academy's long face was expressionless.

"Let us arrest you, please."

This is the current situation.

"Catch... Catch..."

IO repeated the words foolishly.


Night, iluli and little purple were shocked.

But that's an undeniable fact.

"Just an hour ago, his royal highness issued a notice to the royal family, claiming that he would control the whole smart city, and took all the people of the city as hostages, demanding that the current king relinquish his throne and become a rebel."

The voice of the Dean resounded throughout the hall.

"According to the search of the Academy, you had a private contact with the rebel crown prince Edmond, and provided your research results to the rebels, which led to a crisis in the smart city. Now you are suspected to be an accomplice of the rebels, and you are formally arrested."

With that, the head of the college directly ordered.

"Guard, take ionera Eliade."

The order of the head of the college immediately received the response of the guards.


So, one by one, the guards came forward one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!