Chapter 737

In this way, a very chaotic and extraordinary night passed.

As a long time lost for half a month of actual combat, this night's night will bring everyone more powerful visual and sensory feast than imagined.

The Knights of the cross, originally considered to be able to dominate the night club, was ravaged in one way or another.

The executive director of the night club was killed, and the execution of the night meeting was manipulated and arranged by human beings. The culprit was wanted and arrested by the college. Finally, he escaped, so that those who exposed the other party and prevented the "Knights of the cross" from doing whatever they wanted were determined to catch up with them.

In the end, the only contestant who stayed in the field had not had time to leave, and suddenly met the challenge of "sword emperor" who had been demoted independently.

All of these are like the development of the wind and waves, let the students in the college watch a real feast.

Of course, when the night meeting was over, all the events were announced to be over.

Under the pursuit of the guard and the discipline committee, Alice managed to escape from the college with the magic of "virtual image" and Xin's "vibration of complete control".

At the night meeting, rocky and Rosenberg launched a fierce battle that was beyond everyone's expectation.

Faced with the MK5 type smart soldiers who have been specialized in the static aspects of molecules and thus have amazing defense force, rocky is unexpectedly caught in a bitter battle.

After all, Luo Zhen can easily solve Rosenberg, and even see through the weaknesses of Rosenberg's skilful soldiers, which does not mean that rocky can do it.

Generally speaking, Rosenberg's strength is also very good. Just like Alice said before, this person has the strength equivalent to "thirteen people". This is not just a casual remark.

In this case, it seems natural that Loki will be in a tough fight.

Fortunately, compared with Rosenberg, Loki's ability is better than that of Rosenberg. Even if there is no Luo Zhen's foul level "heart eye" that can see through the enemy's magic and weakness in an instant, rocky is also an able person who has mastered the "eye of heaven". Rosenberg will only stick to the defense. Naturally, rocky successfully finds out the weakness that he can't make instant response, relying on one The super high-speed short sword control, from behind will Rosenberg's dexterous soldiers to be killed on the spot, officially won the victory.

In fact, even if rocky doesn't beat Rosenberg, Rosenberg is doomed to lose the qualification.

It is strictly forbidden to attack puppet envoys at night meetings, but Rosenberg has already launched attacks on Alice before. In addition, Alice is now under the suspicion of posing as the executive director of the night club to manipulate the ranking of the Knights of the cross. As a person who is in the same league with Alice, Rosenberg will definitely suffer even if she is not disqualified on the spot Investigation by the hospital.

In other words, Rosenberg's idea of forming another army to deal with Luo Zhen is also ridiculous.

If it had not happened too quickly at that time, the executive department of the evening meeting would have caused chaos because of Cedric's absence, then Rosenberg would have been dragged out of the field when she attacked Alice.

This is the so-called self sin can not live.

So, at the end of the night meeting, all the students in the order of the cross were disqualified and handed in their gloves.

Alice is also the same, in the case of numerous charges, the competition has been impossible, the qualification was canceled on the spot.

By the time Luo Zhen returned to the field training ground and returned to the night meeting, the announcement was over.

As for rocky, because he had already defeated Rosenberg and completed his standby duty, he left directly and did not stay in the same place.

After that, Veron came late, as if nothing had happened. He finished his standby duty for an hour with impatience on his face, and then left again.

This night, a large number of participants lost their qualification.

There are four people who still stay at the night meeting.

"Winter of fenbuhr" -- Lorelei agnezhen.

"Whirling sword" -- rocky.

"The last one" -- Auguste Veron.

And now still in the infirmary, can temporarily do not appear in the "multiple roar" -- Frey.

So far, almost one-third of the players have left the evening meeting.

It's a long time before the real end.

Of course, these are afterwords.

Now, there is another problem to be solved.

"Annette bilao."

In a reception room of the dean's residence, Avril gathered the people as the parties in the name of the College Council and made such an announcement.

"According to our investigation, the information in your application for admission is incomplete or even completely forged, which is not in line with the actual situation. Therefore, we are going to expel you from school."

Avril to stay there so announced, let the side of the Summer Dew jump up."Wait... Wait...!"

Summer Dew wants to shout what, the result is Avril stares over.

"I know you were involved in the incident because of Alice Bernstein's behavior. Amriette did not enroll voluntarily, but was forced to enroll. As a result, the enrollment information will be forged. Therefore, we do not intend to investigate your fault. Otherwise, the forged information will not only be expelled, but may even involve illegal intrusion and suspected involvement The problem of stealing the technology and research results of the college is very generous. Don't underestimate it. "

Avril's cold drink made Xia Lu sober up.

This is not alarmist.

You know, if it is true that forged data enrollment, then Avril mentioned those charges are likely to be established.

The college is an autonomous region. Forgery of enrollment information is equivalent to counterfeiting ID card and household registration to enter other countries' borders. This problem can be large or small.

Stealing the technology and research results of the college, not to mention, is the first institution of magic in any way. People who come to this point can be said to have everything. For this reason, it is very possible for someone to forge information and say that it is a college entrance, but actually it is a spy.

This is what enrey's entrance involves.

In view of this, although Avril's tone is very blunt, what she said is all the facts. If Xia Lu makes a fuss again, she is really not flattered.

That is to say...

"Anli has to leave college

Xia Lu is also in a daze.

"Elder sister..."

Anli is looking at Xia Lu, and her expression seems a little uncomfortable.

In the reception room, the atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

It's hard for the two sisters to meet again. It's really cruel to let them be separated.

What's more, ANRI had no place at all. She disappeared with her mother after the downfall of bilao's family. According to my opinion, she was kept under house arrest in a place until she was brought out by Alice. Now it's impossible to let her leave without any worries.

Just when Xia Lu and an Li don't know what to do, another person at the scene finally makes a voice.

"In this case, as long as you re apply for admission again and fill in the complete enrollment information, then there will be no problem?"

With the night has been quietly standing on the side of Luo Zhen is finally open.

What's more, as soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately attracted everyone's attention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!