Chapter 658


When Felix's body released a spectacular magic, in his outstretched hand into countless streamers of light into the body of the automatic doll named Eliza, the girl type automatic doll raised her head with a helmet and looked at the night.

The next second, Eliza's figure suddenly flickered and became transparent.

Because, it is just a shadow left in place.

The doll girl named Eliza flew out with amazing speed and came to the front of the night in an instant.

"Shua Shua...!"

The silver sword turned into countless shadows in Eliza's hands, and stabbed at night like flashes.

"Sonorous, sonorous...!"

Every night, he started the magic circuit of "Vajra power" and blocked his hands in front of him. All the sharp spikes of Eliza's sword were connected in front of him. The sharp point of the sword fell on all parts of the body, causing a strong metal fight, which made the sparks splash.

"Oh?" Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows, laughed and said, "is it because she is good at pricking that she is called" the girl with silver spear "

At the same time, Luo Zhen also released the magic power into his body every night.

The power of the night suddenly soared.


In Jiao's voice, she waves her hand suddenly every night, so that the sleeves of kimono flash like a shadow, and meet the sharp point of the big sword.


In the sound of the bell, the kimono sleeve becomes as hard as steel, and it is the big sword that is suddenly thrust to open.


Eliza took a silent step back, turned the big sword into a sword, pulled out the sword light, and cut into the night.

The fierce chopping attack seemed swift and strong, but there was no escape under Luo Zhen's "heart and eye", and every track was clearly observed by Luo Zhen.

At present, every night under the control of Luo Zhen, her body twinkles like a shadow. She avoids all the countless slashes that come, and swims her body into Eliza's arms.


Under the heavy impact, Eliza was hit by a surprise, staggered back.

Luo Zhen was almost unreasonable and directly controlled night and night. He let night bully him again. His thin fists turned into raindrops, and he released countless punches and kicks to Alisha, who was staggering backward.

"BAM, BAM, BAM...!"

The powerful boxing and kicking fell on Eliza one by one, which made the doll girl shiver under the fierce attack of the storm. In the fierce attack of night and night, the figure kept regressing out.

"Pa Ji...!"

Soon Eliza's armor began to crack.


Felix was taken aback.

Not to mention Felix. Even the discipline committee members who retreated to a safe distance could not believe their eyes.

Presumably, no one thought that Felix, ranked fourth, would be so crushed in front of Luo Zhen?

But it was Felix who asked for it.

"I don't even know the heart and eye, and it's stupid to choose close combat in the face of the" Vajra power "every night."

Luo Zhen sneered and made a sound, so that every night's attack turned into a powerful whirl kick, like a moon wheel, fell on Eliza's body.


Just like the stab in the abdomen at the beginning, the whirling kick at night directly hit Eliza's stomach, which suddenly turned Eliza's body into a 〈 shape. She was kicked out at the same time.

The sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and Eliza rubbed the air, like an inverted shell, and hit the body of phiklis heavily. At the same time, it broke the ground and raised a strong dust.


As he retreated in a hurry, phiklis blurted out, his face distorted a little, and then was replaced by a fake smile.

"It is worthy of being able to compete with Magnus, and the close combat can not win."

That's what he said, but Felix's expression on his face told others that he could not accept the result.

Of course, phiklis is not stupid. He doesn't think that he can win without even using magic when facing the "Vajra power" which is exerted to the limit through Luo Zhen's "heart eye".

"Let's show you the real strength of the Thirteen! Lorelei

Phileas spoke in a loud voice.

"Don't think that Magnus is really the only match in this college!"

With that, Felix released his magic power, so that the magic wire did not enter the dust in front of him.

In this moment, Eliza's magic circuit is opened."Boom

In the sound of gas explosion, the rich dust, as if something had burst, let a flash from it.

It was a torrent of water.


Luo Zhen couldn't help being stunned and frowned.

It's not because of how powerful the water spear is, or how powerful Eliza's magic is.

"Didn't Felix's puppets be able to manipulate lava and fog?"

That's right.

According to Luo Zhen's intelligence on the thirteen men from hualiuzhai, it is obvious that although the magic circuit of Felix's automatic puppet is unknown, he once manipulated lava to heat the land, dig a trench, and manipulate the fog to disturb the enemy's troops.

As a result, students in the college speculated that Felix's magic loop had the effect of manipulating heat, so that both lava and fog could be produced.

Now, phoenicus's puppet shows the ability to manipulate the water, which is not the same as the intelligence.


Luo Zhen looked at Felix with a sneer on his face.

"Let me see what secrets you have hidden."

Luo Zhen opened up the observation ability of "spirit sight", "heaven eye" and "heart eye", and at the same time, he released more magic power to night and night.

Receiving Luo Zhen's magic power, the power of night rises again and becomes stronger.

At present, the night does not retreat, not only did not avoid the jet of high-pressure water, but also head-on collision in the past.


The long gun of water, which can even be shot through steel, falls on the body at night, not to mention the skin. Even the kimono on his body can't be cut. It is disintegrated and scattered into countless water spray in the moment of contacting with night.

Luo Zhen adjusted the controllable monomer with "Vajra power" every night to isolate the water flow and the magic activity of enemy magic.

The jet stream had no effect at all. It was directly broken through every night, and her body was like a shadow, blowing in front of Eliza like a gust of wind.


At Felix's command, Eliza immediately understood her master's will, and her whole body turned into a stream of water.

In this way, pure physical attack will not hurt Eliza.

In this way...

"play smart!"

In exchange for Luo Zhen's evaluation.


Suddenly, Eliza, who turned into water, swung her foot every night, which made the air emit a sharp whine.

This foot is far more powerful than any previous one.

This foot, even the air can squeeze flat.

The kicks, which raise the strength and speed to a limit, produce enough heat to evaporate water into gas.

In other words, it was a fatal blow to Eliza's death on the spot.

"Not good!"

Felix is an excellent puppet after all, ranking No. 4 is not a false name, timely discovery of bad, shout out.

"Come back! Eliza

In Felix's eager tone, Eliza, who turned into a stream of water, was sluggish and quickly turned back to reality.


That terrible foot of the night landed on Eliza's side waist, which made a shocking impact, which rocked the atmosphere and shattered the ground.


Another sound came from Eliza.

Only, this time, it was no longer the sound of armor cracking, but the sound of rib fracture.

Every night, a powerful kick blew the armor on Eliza's side waist, and even broke Eliza's ribs. Eliza, who had just changed from water body to entity, was like a kite with broken string. She whirled violently and flew backward. She hit a big tree on one side, knocked it down and broke into countless pieces.


at night, I slowly let out a breath, lowered my hands and calmed down my breath.

There was a dead silence.

"How can..."

among the members of the discipline committee, I don't know who murmured such a sound, which made everyone present at the scene look at each other in a helpless way.

"Good... So powerful..."

the flower bud hiding in the side also exclaimed.

As for Felix, it's already causing the muscles in the face to twitch.

It wasn't long before Felix spoke hard.

"You... How can you be so strong..."

I'm afraid it's something Felix never dreamed of?

Luo Zhen has to tell each other about this."Is that strong?" Luo really didn't like to smile and said: "Magnus, but only send a puppet can with such a me to draw?"

Although, it was only after Magnus used the foul trick of "Red Wing array", the result was right.


"I haven't put all my strength into it yet."

Rojan hooked his finger at Felix.

"Come on, what else can you do? Let me have a look at it."

Luo Zhen so in front of everyone, provoked Felix.


Felix can no longer hide his emotions, has been full of cordial smile in the past has been full of ferocity caused by the frustration of self-esteem.

This is a side Felix would never show in front of others.

Now, Felix finally tore off the mask.

"I'll make you regret it!"

Felix squeezes out her teeth in a low voice and, as if out of her way, restarts Eliza's magic circuit.

At this moment, no one can detect that Eliza's magic circuit has changed.

Specifically, the effect is completely changed as if the switch was switched.

Then the wind came up.

"Hoo Hoo!"

The surging hurricane rolled up on Eliza, who fell to the ground like two pieces, and grew stronger.

"The wind?"

Luo Zhen's eyes suddenly congealed.

In my heart, all the clues are finally connected together.

"Is that so?"

In the strong wind, Luo Zhen smiles slowly.

Smile very cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!