Chapter 221

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di" some annoying voices suddenly ring out in a room that is not big or small, and is constantly noisy.

The source of the sound is an alarm clock.

Although the style of the alarm clock is a relatively new electronic type, the alarm clock is set to be very simple. It can be seen that the personality of the owner of the alarm clock is either rather rigid or rather lazy.

After that, the head of the alarm clock was pulled out from the bottom of the bed.

Staring at the time displayed by the alarm clock on the head of the bed, a pair of sleepy eyes of the teenager were so picky, until a long time ago, they just made a sound.

“…… Why isn't a day forty-eight hours, and sleep not twenty-four hours? "

In this way, even the law of the world can be difficult words to complain, the young people reluctantly from the bed up.

She was wearing a white short sleeve shirt.

The pants are comfortable.

His face is lazy.

There was a feeling of listlessness that didn't have much spirit all over the body.

Besides Luo Zhen, who can it be?

Of course, the name is now known only by itself.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was adopted by Tong Gucui, a computer editor, ten years ago, and brought out of the orphanage an incredible teenager -- Tonggu Qinghe.

"Ten years ago..."

Luo Zhen then patted the cheek, while unconsciously whispering, while looking around at his room.

This is a very ordinary room.

As long as it is not the children of a large family, or a very poor family, in this world, this country, the average family of children's single room is probably the same size as this room?

In the room, there are no magic books or distant communications from any place. There are only ordinary comic books, novels and magazines on the bookshelf, as well as textbooks, notebooks and schoolbags on the indoor desk.

If there is anything that stands out in this room, it is a desktop computer that looks very high-performance.

The computer interface is still on.

What appears above is the hang up interface of a very popular PC game, which tells others how much the owner of this room is keen on the game.

In fact, Luo Zhen also quite likes the present world.

In this world, the development of the game industry is very rapid, leading to the development of the rest of the industry are more or less affected by the game, some in the business sector gradually rise, some gradually decline, leading to the world can see the game related reports and news everywhere.

In particular, in recent years, the game industry has changed a lot, so Luo Zhen really enjoys it.

However, at the same time, Luo Zhen is also quite helpless.

"Why is there no mystery in this world?"

During the whole ten years, Luo Zhen also tried to use various methods to find, but Leng was unable to find a magician, even a little magic trace.

What's more, the world has even disappeared without a trace.

The so-called "Dayuan" refers to the vitality full of the outside world.

As we all know, magician's magic is transformed from vitality.

However, the vitality transformed into magic does not have to be itself. The vitality of the outside world can also become the source of huge magic.

In this case, there are two sources of magic for a magician.

One is the magic power based on Da Yuan.

One is the magic power based on "Xiaoyuan".

The great source is the vitality full of the outside world, that is, the vitality of the planet itself. Although it is almost the same as the small source, it is quite different from the small source.

Small source is the vitality held by the magician himself. Even because of different individuals, the amount of vitality is completely different. Compared with the whole big source, nature is still small.

The magician can draw vitality from the outside world to transform magic power by virtue of the mimicry nerve of magic circuit, and also can transform magic power with his own vitality.

However, the magic power that a magician can transform at one time is limited by the quality of the magic circuit. Even if the source is endless, it can not be used indefinitely. In addition, there is a limit to the amount of magic that can be kept. Therefore, it is difficult to transform the big source into magic power and save a large number of them.

On the contrary, it is small source. Because it is the magician's own thing, there is no process like big source to absorb, so it is easy to operate. Therefore, in modern times, many magicians use small source to generate magic.

Of course, the use of their own vitality to transform magic, it will be like Luo Zhen, once the transformation is excessive, it will affect the body.With this in mind, maybe even if it's troublesome, you should use big source magic.

However, for one thing, magicians don't think about their own safety. As long as they can reach the source, it doesn't matter even if they lose their lives. Secondly, the mysterious decline is also reflected in the continuous reduction and deterioration of big sources, which leads to the fact that today, magicians use small sources to generate magic.

Once the big source disappears completely, it is the time when the magician declines completely in this world.

In view of this, the more modern it is, the more crazy the magicians are. They are willing to reach the position of "root" at all costs. If there is a reason for this, it is OK.

That's the problem.

Since he came to this world ten years ago, Luo Zhen has found out.

"There is no big source in the world."

In the ingenious world, Luo Zhen can still feel the existence of Dayuan, even more rich than Chaldea, so that the magicians in that world have developed into groups that can be known by the public, even in the army, schools and families.

Can be in this world, Dayuan is completely disappeared, so that the original Luo Zhen really dull for a long time, not easy to slow over.

"Fortunately," miracle "can open the door between the world, otherwise, if there is no big source, even the use of magic will have an impact."

Only in this way can Luo Zhen continue to practice his magic and even carry out his own research in this extremely ordinary and completely mysterious world.

Although due to the loss of many external conditions, the progress of exercise and research is slower than at the opportune time, Luo Zhen has made progress in an orderly way in the past decade.

Even, Luo Zhen has found a way to improve his own strength in a short period of time.

Thinking of that method, Luo Zhen's mood suddenly became better.

"If it's really smooth, maybe I can get the strength of the follower directly, or even surpass it."

Luo really thinks so.

When Luo Zhen thinks so

"Green grass!"

A familiar voice came from outside the door.

To be more accurate, it should be said that it came from downstairs.

The owner of the voice was Tonggu Cui, Luo Zhen's adoptive mother, ten years ago.

"Come down to dinner!"

Tong Gu Cui so called, let Luo Zhen return to God.


Luo Zhen yawned and got out of bed and walked outside the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!