Chapter 820: If baby, do you want to eat leopard's claws?

"Boss? What are you talking about?" Xu Xu asked loudly.

He said with a cold face: "Look again, send someone out to investigate clearly."


When the white gas gradually dissipated, Bo Jinyan and his people evacuated first when they found that Mo Jiangye had come out to investigate.

Soon, Mo Jiangye received news that Bo Jinyan and the others did leave.

There were leopards in the stockade and outside the stockade. Tie Zhu and the others approached them with fear and lifted these leopards and tied them to the tree.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The big leopard who had already fainted suddenly woke up and called out again, and Tie Zhu and the others were scared and ran away before they even got to the front.

"What is called, what is called."

"They haven't fainted, they haven't fainted." Tie Zhuhun was shocked.

Wang Yiyang jumped down from the tree and walked to the leopards and kicked their bulky body with his feet: "Didn't you faint?"

Tie Zhu: "..."

"Hurry up and lift them all outside."

Everyone joined hands to lift the big leopards outside one by one.

After busying for a long time, it was getting dark outside, and more than a hundred leopards were carried into the woods outside, and then they placed the scented incense made by Zheng Yi. As long as the surrounding animals smell it Fainted, a dedicated person looked at the bunch of leopards.

In the yard of the village, a group of people gathered to cook rice porridge, stir-fry, and eat barbecue for so many days. Don't miss all kinds of grains too much.

Human wisdom is unimaginable, and human survival ability is also the strongest. Tie Zhu and his ancestors have survived here for so long, and some things have been passed down.

There are some basic things like bowls, clothes, rice noodles, etc. Of course, there is no electricity.

Tie Zhu’s ancestors were also outsiders at first, and I heard that Tie Zhu said that hundreds of years ago, there were often large R boats swimming here, and they would send people up regularly. Sometimes there would be ships in trouble, some on board. Things will float here, and they will always find something useful on the beach.

But their generation has never seen a new person sent up.

In the yard of the village, there are two big pots gurgling rice porridge and rice porridge, and there is also a special cooking pot for them. There is also oil here. Of course, these oils are not the salad oil or soybean oil we usually eat, but tree knots. Yes, they call it "youguo" here.

The trees here are just like omnipotent trees, what they want, just like the milk that the little star drank is formed on the tree.

The shell of the oil fruit is very hard. They can eat an oil fruit for a long time, so they will pour the oil in the oil fruit into the bottle and store it.

Many things here are extinct outside, and trace elements that the human body lacks are contained in these fruits.

There are wild eggs, minced meat, salt and unique seasonings in the pot and soon a pot of "preserved egg and lean meat porridge" comes out.

Xu Xu and the others were cooking dried fish, frying side dishes, and eating big pot of rice, as if they had gone back to the days when they were camping out with the boss.

The good things are in the stockade. Bo Jinyan and the others are not bad. They are now in the big cave at the back, eating and drinking a lot, and are discussing with Alan how to get Yerruo in. The lifeless atmosphere is not good. It was lively like Mo Jiangye.

On this side, Wang Yiyang and the others were dancing in straw skirts, singing and dancing around the fire. When they were hungry, they would eat something. Mo Jiang was lying on a big rock at night, sitting in front of Yerruo leisurely eating fruit.

"Baby, do you want to eat leopard's claws?" he asked suddenly.