Chapter 488: I'm still approaching him subconsciously

But... But why did Bo Jinyan hypnotize her memory? She only knows that she has a marriage contract with Bo Jinyan, he is her fiance, and Yu Lingfeng is her brother.

"Mo Jiangye, do you know that you have a triple personality?" Ye Erruo asked again.

This time, Mo Jiangye finally noticed the question she asked. She seemed to have asked him more than once or twice.

"What do you mean?"

"In the restaurant that day, you weren't who you are now." Yerro said in a low voice.

Mo Jiangye took her hand and kissed: "Sorry Ruoruo, I hurt you that day. I have mania. As long as someone hits you with a little idea, as long as a man treats you a little bit better, I can't control it. Myself, once mania strikes, I will lose control."

He explained to her patiently, and explained to her little by little.

She has him in her heart now, as long as she can persuade her to return to Country H with herself as soon as possible and let him do anything.

Yerruo breathed a sigh of relief, very strange, as long as he explained a little bit, her heart would be completely biased towards him, and she told herself that what he said was true and that he should be trusted.

He said that the woman in the photo is her, it is really her...

She stretched her hand to him, Mo Jiangye put her lips in her arms, and put her chin on her shoulder affectionately: "Even if you saw my out-of-control side that day, it should be a double personality. Triple personality?"

Ye Erruo took the clothes next to the chair, and as soon as she took it into her arms, she could smell the faint fragrance on it, exactly like her.

Unconsciously, her heart beat faster and faster, faster and faster, is she really his wife?

"Huh? Where's the triple personality?"

"Bo Jinyan said."


In an instant, Mo Jiangye's face turned cold: "What did he say to you?"

"He said that your other personality has a wife, called Ye Xiaonuo, you don't know this personality now."

"Hahahahahaha." Mo Jiangye laughed with a cold face.

"So, you believe Yerro?"

Ye Erruo snuggled in his arms: "I have seen it twice. I saw you and that Ye Xiaonuo twice. The car is exactly the same, and the woman is exactly the same as mine."

He squeezed her jaw: "Impossible!!"

"But I really saw it." Ye Erruo said strangely.

This incident also made her more compelling.

Normally seeing that kind of thing, she would definitely believe it directly, and she had witnessed it twice with her own eyes. She did believe it at first... But after hearing him explain all her doubts disappeared somehow.

When I met him for the first time, she insulted herself, she was not disgusted, he was playing rogue to herself, she was not disgusted, and even felt happy...

When we met again, he was ill, she was flustered and worried, and she became his girlfriend in the next few days, and all the things he gave to herself were regarded as sharp treasures.

This was the second time there was a conflict between them, but as soon as he explained her, he would immediately believe it, even following him regardless of Aby's life and death.

He did something to her to break through the last line of defense. Her body reacted before her brain and accepted him honestly, and she would be sweet every time he kissed herself.

There are many more things in this case. What do these show?

Even if she doesn't remember him, but she still feels about him, can she understand that?

After all, judging from the photos, she smiled very happily, indicating that she was also very happy before... He loves her, and she loves him, so she feels so deep that she can even forget her memory, but subconsciously Still approaching him constantly.