Chapter 157: Surprise

"Do you like the clothes?" Suddenly, Mo Jiangye asked quietly.

Ye Erruo pursed his lips, and some were afraid to answer his question. What he gave should really be clothes, right?

"Huh? Do you like it?"

Ye Erruo said softly: "Like it, as long as it is something you give me, I will like it, whether it is clothes or other things, I will like it very much. By the way, are you in the Blue Tower now?"

She wisely chose to break the subject!

"In a country near the Blue Tower."

"It's already snowing on that side. It will be very cold. Have you brought clothes? Wear more."

"Well, the dress I gave you is waiting for me to wear it every day."

"it is good!"

"Heh~" Huo Ran, with a cold low laugh, made Ye Erruo tremble with caution.

"Baby~" he whispered dangerously.

"what happened?"

"Do you really open the thing to see?"

Ye Erruo pursed her lips: "Actually, I haven't opened it yet."

"Since it is not opened, why did you tell me that it was opened?"

Ye Erruo's mouth twitched, how did she know that her own brain was convulsed just now! ! !

"I will ask you again, have you received something from me!?"

Ye Erruo rubbed his forehead: "I received it."

"What about things? Did they open it? Need I call back and ask?"

Ye Erruo sighed: "I really received it, but I thought it was someone else who sent it to the wrong place, and the person who gave it had already left, so I can only give it to the servant."

At the moment, Mo Jiangye's face turned cold: "Sent the wrong thing?"

"I'll get it back soon." She told him truthfully every word.

In the hotel, Mo Jiang's heart was full of fire and panic! What he gave her was not taken apart by her hands, but a little servant?

"Don't take it!" His voice was cold.

The things he gave her have been touched by other women and are dirty!

"Sorry~" Ye Erruo said guiltily in a soft voice.

Mo Jiangye, who was originally upset, turned darker when she heard her apologizing: "Retract the two words just now!"

"I really didn't mean to give something to the servant. If I knew that you gave it, I would never let the servant touch it."

"What are you giving me? Isn't it clothes?"

Seeing the packaging, she didn't know why she first thought of the packaging of the clothes.

"Ring." He just said the same.

Now, Ye Erruo thinks that the thing should be retrieved, and that a ring needs such a big box?

"Okay, don't ask for it, I will send you again."

It must have been tried on if the servant took it, and he would naturally not let her wear the thing touched by others!

"Why didn't you say hello to me?" Her regretful intestines were green! !

"Surprise." He vomited lightly.


"Don't look any more, have you heard?" Mo Jiangye said warningly.

"Then you mean to give the ring to another woman?" Ye Erruo was not reconciled! If it's the little thing next to it, maybe she will bear it and really don't want it.

But that is the ring! The meaning is different, and it is the first gift he gave her, why can't I find it?


After getting off the drip car, Yerro rushed into the manor.

"Young lady."

"Young lady, are you back?"

"Where is the person who cleans my bedroom often?"

"Madame Shao is talking about Xiaomei? She has resigned and returned to the country."