"Master Meng, these are three barrels of mineral water, and one hundred disposable paper cups. Is that enough? If not, I'll have someone ready at once. "

Soon, the middle-aged housekeeper and several male servants with mineral water buckets rushed forward.


Meng ran nodded slightly, motioning to put down the mineral water bucket, and then began to be busy, but did not pay any attention to Chen Zixuan.

Chen Zheng was so anxious that Meng Chang'an and his wife almost knelt down and begged in a low voice: "Chang'an, for the sake of my ten year old classmates, please ask Meng Xianshi for me and let her spare Zixuan this time."

"Brother Chen, you are Alas... " Meng Chang'an is eager to speak, but his eyes are hesitant between Meng ran and Chen Zixuan. There is still a gap between him and his son?

What's more, Meng Chang'an and Chen Zheng decided on the marriage, but today Chen Zixuan is making a big fuss about the Meng family in public, which makes the Meng Chang'an family lose face.

In the love in the reason, the marriage of these two younger generation, Meng Chang'an, as the elder, is not easy to be mixed up.

"Brother Chen, let them go for the mischief among their younger generations. You and I should not interfere any more. Zixuan and Chen Yu must have grown up after this time. "

Meng Changan patted his old classmate on the shoulder. The matter has come to this point, and he does not want to say anything more.

"Chang'an I... " Chen Zheng never expected that this time, even Meng Chang'an, a pedantic scholar, would not help him speak well.

Under all kinds of helplessness, she had to ask song Shuling again.

But before Chen Zheng opened her mouth, song Shuling stepped on her high-heeled shoes and helped Chen Zixuan who had fallen to the ground and comforted her in a soft voice.

Chen Zheng was overjoyed and bowed repeatedly to Meng Chang'an.

In this scene, Meng Ran's eyes are full of complaints. She is a powerful woman. She is really a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

She shook her head with a bitter smile, and Meng ran was too lazy to take care of it. Chen Zixuan said in Meng, however, that he was just a passer-by, whether he was alive or dead, he Meng ran would not care.

"These people are all mortal bodies, and a drop of 1000 day sweet is enough to melt the blood stasis in their bodies."

After scanning all the people in the courtyard, Meng ran made up his mind.

The finger caresses on the eternal acceptance ring, and Meng ran takes out Qianri Gan's wine jar. People who know the efficacy of xianjiu wine get excited when they see this scene.

Meng ran will a drop of fairy wine, into the mineral water bucket, instant wine fairy curl, fragrance floating ten miles.

This drop of immortal wine is enough for a mortal to quench the body and eliminate miscellaneous diseases. Meng ran with the aid of a whole barrel of mineral water, will be diluted xianjiu.

Although the effect has declined, it is enough for the people affected by their own Qi.

After pouring out two cups, Meng ran said to the middle-aged housekeeper:

"distribute the mineral water in the bucket to everyone. Each one has a cup, not more than one drop."

The middle-aged housekeeper did as soon as possible, and ordered the servants to distribute the mineral water.

Meng ran nodded with satisfaction, then holding two paper cups, came to the corner of the courtyard in front of Meng Shiqing.

Before the uprising of Meng ran, Meng Shiqing was also affected, and there were traces of blood left in the corners of his mouth.

Seeing Meng ran coming forward, Meng Shiqing Jiao's body trembled. She didn't know how to face Meng Ran's, so she had to turn her head aside and ignore Meng ran.

"Cousin Shiqing, I'm sorry. Believe it or not, I didn't really intend to kill your father. I just It's just that there was something wrong with the state at that time... "

Meng Ran's heart is full of guilt.

But Meng Shiqing is still facing the wall, silent.