Xianzundao soldier!

As a kind of extreme weapon, the existence of xianzun Dao weapon is already the symbol of the power peak of the star weapon.

At this time, the four immortals, such as the halberd, joined hands to strike. How terrifying was the power.

After the integration of the four utensils, their immortal divinity, like a miracle, traverses the universe and penetrates nine days and ten places.

Even though many star regions are far away, the earth is shaking. Some old Dujie xianzun who has practiced for millions of years are thrilled by it.

"This force What a powerful presence it is, reviving! "

At the same time, in the nine immortal families of the human race, those living fossil level monks who have been closed for many years have been forced to leave the pass one after another, urging the immortal pupil to look far away in an attempt to discover the truth.

Some super powers, together with divination and deduction, want to speculate what kind of earth shaking war has happened on the other side of the star field.

However, these monks' magic power was so powerful that it was still fruitless.

As the highest existence in the universe, can the way of heaven be deduced by monks? However, all the monks who tried to deduce were severely injured and dying!

At this time, on the other side of the universe, the real body of heaven, slapped by ice and no ripples, was constantly distorted and transformed.

On the face of heaven, it seems that you can see the roar of countless creatures.

"Ice! None! Yi! "

The way of heaven, which should have no emotion at all, is now angry and resentful to the extreme. It seems that he has become a demon escaping from hell, and he wants to destroy everything!

"Teacher mother! I'm waiting to help you! "

At this time of the war, Yichuan and others are also desperate. Even the little girl of Fengwu, who was afraid to the extreme before, is also desperate to cultivate. They want to join hands with yaochi Xianzi and others to resist the way of heaven.

But the way of heaven, which is the power of the way interwoven with resentment, can be called annihilation. As soon as Meng Ran's first apprentice Yichuan was contaminated, he flew out on the spot and directly smashed an ancient star, covered with blood.

"It's not something you can fight against. Get out of the way!"

Ice Wuyi suddenly drinks, and his whole body of magic power breaks out. He controls the integrated four immortal Taoist soldiers and shakes the army of resentful spirits.

"Bingwuyi, you are very good! You are very well! "

"So you are the detachment of the last era! I have been looking for you for so long, and you are finally willing to show up! "

The face of the way of heaven, the appearance is constantly twisted, a demon like resentment waves, resounding through people's minds.

"The last era? Detachment? What do you mean These nouns are the goddess of yaochi. They are all covered with mist.

"Scum! You are just the product of the negative emotions of all living beings, also called the way of heaven? beast! You've killed a generation of creatures, and you've been struck by thunder and lightning! "

After slapping the way of heaven, Bing Wuyi understood his identity and could no longer hide it.

He looked at the distorted face of the real body of heaven, his eyes showed a deep-seated hatred, crazy fury.

"I am heaven! I am the Tao! I am the master of all living beings! No one can resist me! No one can! "

Bing Wuyi's words deeply stimulated the way of heaven. He became more and more crazy. He was eroded by endless hatred and anger, just like a demon.

On the ancient battlefield, the army of millions of resentful spirits who rushed to Bing Wuyi and others seemed to be blessed by strength, more relaxed and crazy.

The confrontation between the four main road soldiers and the army of complaining spirits has reached the stage of intense heat.

The law, interwoven with pure resentment, suddenly burst into the universe, annihilating black holes everywhere, swallowing up the creatures in the star field.