It is night, the moon is bright and bright, and the silver rays are falling down, just like putting on a layer of silver gauze for this misty Xiufeng mountain.

Meng ran stands on the roof platform of the villa, and his eyes are full of magic power.

His eyes crossed the calm lake like a mirror, over the red maple trees with withered maple leaves, and finally fell to the foot of the mountain through layers of cold fog.

"Mu an, Meng Mou really underestimated your determination."

Looking at the four mu family ancestors and grandchildren kneeling on the ground, Meng ran sneered. In his deep eyes, he was full of indifference.

Mu an's thoughts, for Meng ran, an old monster who has survived for thousands of years, can only be seen through at a glance.

For Meng ran, anyone in the Mu family is dispensable. In addition to Mu Qingya, Meng ran doesn't care about anyone at all.

Mu an is obviously aware of this, so he chose to let Mu Qingya kneel down together. What he gambled on is Meng Ran's affection for mu Qingya!

As long as there is mu Qingya this layer of fetters, Meng ran will never be able to kill Mu family!

"Bingfan, go to the foot of the mountain and bring the elegant villa."

After a word, Meng Ran's eyes looked at the placid Biluo lake.

"Let Meng have a look. What's the secret of this Biluo lake?"

With a laugh, Meng ran turned into a rainbow of gods, and with a sound of "bang", he smashed himself into the center of the lake!

The sky is already dark, blue lake, is a dark, deep bottomless.

Because the "Yuehua Hanzhi" in the middle of the lake was taken away by Meng ran, the chilling chill in the lake has disappeared.

Less than half a second, but see the bottom of the lake silt, a bright figure of the great bank, the knife immediately, steady step on the bottom of the lake!

The water pressure of 100 meters, for today's Meng however said, is to treat as nothing, leisurely walk!

The area of Biluo lake is as large as three or four football fields. On that day, Meng ran explored Biluo lake. Because he couldn't arouse his mind, he had to search one by one with his naked eyes.

Now that Meng Ran has divinity in his body, he doesn't have to be so troublesome.

However, seeing Meng Ran's eyes drooping closed, the surging power of the mind suddenly came out, covering the whole blue lake!

Whether it is the fish that perches in the water grass in the lake, or the grains of fine sand at the bottom of the lake, they are all presented in Meng Ran's mind.

"It's strange that I don't have any clue. Am I really too sensitive?"

"No! This mana wave? It's array magic! "

Meng ran, who was aware of something wrong, suddenly opened her closed eyes!


When Meng ran sneaks into the bottom of Biluo lake, Fang rubing runs down Xiufeng mountain according to his teacher's instruction.

"Mu Lao It's not your fault. With the relationship between elegance and Meng ran, this matter may not have no room for turning around. Why do you have to do this? "

Seeing the old general kneeling at the foot of the mountain, Hua Mingfeng couldn't look down on it. He still admired the "fearless general" and the God of Chinese army.

Moreover, after his marriage with Mu Qingya, the Huajia family in Yanjing and the Mu family in Jiangbei were firmly bound together, and they were both prosperous and damaged.

If the Mu family in Jiangbei is so destroyed in Meng Ran's hands, it is bound to be a great loss to Hua Mingfeng, who is in urgent need of strength.

How can he sit back and ignore him?

However, the old general Mu an ignored Hua Mingfeng's words.


Hua Mingfeng had no choice but to sigh and ponder over how to help Mu family to tide over the difficulties.