
Ning Wenbin and others were stunned at first, and then looked at each other.

The identity of the master of Taiji is the best in the world in mainland China!

Looking at the world, who can make him call Miss?

"Don't ask me more about this. I only heard from you. Are you going to hand it in or not?"

The old man's face is plain, but the threat in his words is not hidden.

Tonight, he Yin Ping has already made up his mind to take Meng ran away!

With a wave of his hand, an invisible force shot from his palm, destroying all the camera equipment in the broadcasting building!

Because Ping always had his back to the camera in the broadcasting center, from the beginning, the camera could not capture his face.

At the moment, Mr. Ping destroyed the camera equipment. No matter what the conversation was or how it was done, it could never be revealed.

Liu Chengwu's forehead was already in a cold sweat. He said with a bitter smile, "master Yin, what Meng ran did tonight is really too weak It's too shocking. "

Liu Chengwu originally wanted to say "brutality." when he got to his mouth, he swallowed it.

"Master Yin, Liu Chengwu knew that master Meng had a reason to do it, but it has already spread to the south of the Yangtze River. I'm afraid that after tonight, it will spread to Yanjing center. We I can't afford to wait! "

Liu Chengwu, who is over 60 years old, sighs heavily, as if he is sorry for Meng ran.

The old general originally attached great importance to Meng ran, but now things have come to such a state that even if he and Ning Wenbin come forward, it is difficult to protect Meng ran.

On the contrary, Ning Wenbin also pretends to be embarrassed. He obviously wants to force the old man to come forward and suppress this matter, and he does not want to participate too much.

Meng ran saw through Ning Wenbin's mind with a sneer, but didn't say anything more.

Mr. Ping obviously didn't expect that the matter would be so serious that he could not even show up.

But when he saw Ping's white eyebrows wrinkled, he took out a square white gold seal and handed it to Ning Wenbin.

"You two should know this thing?"

Ning Wenbin took over the seal, only to take a look, the whole person immediately showed panic, as if to see something should not appear in general, was immediately bent down to salute!

With an impatient expression on his face, Ping Lao waved his hand and said, "there is no need to salute."

"They will understand the intention of handing it over to Yanjing central giants. In my spare time, I will go to Yanjing in person to explain this matter clearly. "

"That's all I've said. Can I take it away?"

Ning Wenbin said in a respectful voice that he did not want to think about: "I will try my best to suppress this matter. Ning Wenbin would like to send Mr. Yin off!"

"Let's go, boy?" Pinglao gave Meng ran a bad look, and then turned into a god rainbow, shooting at Fengsheng company in the development zone.

Meng ran took a deep look at Ning Wenbin and said, "Minister Ning, do yourself well."

After a word, the boy in white turned into a blue god rainbow in front of hundreds of guards and went straight after him.

"Old friend, you You just let Meng ran go? How can we report to Yanjing central

When Liu Chengwu saw that Meng ran had left, he could not help but feel anxious.

Ning Wenbin grinned bitterly and spread out his hand holding the seal. He said helplessly, "if there is such a thing in China, who dares to stop him?"

On the seal, three golden characters of flying dragon and Phoenix came into view immediately, and they were as follows:

"Yin Tianzheng"!