Huo Tingdong snorted and said coldly, "well, I won't move or turn over. Is that all right?"

With that, Huo Tingdong straightened up, put his hands on his stomach and didn't move.

Ye Jinxin was even more angry when he looked at him, but he couldn't say anything. He could only hum heavily and turned his back to him.

Both are sad.

Huo Tingdong thinks Ye Jinxin doesn't understand him.

Ye Jinxin thinks Huo Tingdong doesn't trust her.

There was no quarrel, but the atmosphere between them was colder than any quarrel.

The moonlight sprinkled on the bed through the window lattice. The silver light looked cold and lonely, which made the two wronged hearts feel more uncomfortable.

So deadlocked for a long time.

Ye Jinxin didn't feel sleepy at all. He just lay on his side, turned his back to him, and quietly listened to his repressed breathing.

Suddenly, Huo Tingdong said in a deep voice, "I apologize. I was wrong about this."

Ye Jinxin opened his eyes and his nose was sour.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I'm... I'm too scared."

Huo Tingdong said quietly, "you are so beautiful. In the past, your beauty belonged to me. No one can see it. But later, when you grow up, this beauty can't be covered. I'm afraid others can see it, but I can't stop others from seeing it. As you said, you are free."

"Girl, I know I'm too overbearing. I'll try my best to change it, but... Can you not force me first, because now... I really can't stand you laughing at others for the time being."

"Everything about you is mine. I don't want to share your beauty with anyone. I know I'm selfish, but this selfishness is because I love you too much."

Ye Jinxin kept silent.

Seeing her long silence, Huo Tingdong's heart became colder and colder. He was full of panic and ran around his body. Obviously, people were around him, but he couldn't hold her or kiss her. This distance was far more painful than thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Girl," Huo Tingdong said quietly, "I don't know when the fear of losing you began. Maybe it was after you fell into the sea or after you left me for the second time. In short, I can't control it."

"When you left that time, every night, I either drank or took medicine, a lot of tranquilizers, and even the doctor was frightened by me and thought I was going to commit suicide."

"In fact, I also thought about whether to choose a faster way to end myself, and then go to see you and tell you I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that shot."

"Later, I found it. I took the blade and scratched my wrist. Looking at the blood, it slipped drop by drop. My heart was very happy. The faster it flowed, the more excited I was, because I could see you soon."

"But I can't die. Before the blood dries, the people guarding outside will rush in."

"Later, even if it hurts again, I don't do this anymore. I have too many restrictions. I can't die until the burden on me is unloaded."

Ye Jinxin suddenly covered him, bit his chin and said, "stop talking!"

Huo Tingdong touched her face. "I just want to apologize."

Ye Jinxin stared at him, "you just want to be poor!"

Huo Tingdong pursed his lips and said nothing.

Ye Jinxin began to pull his clothes.

Huo Tingdong's face was stiff and asked, "what are you doing?"

While ye Jinxin unbuttoned him by moonlight, he muttered, "what can you do? If you have a single man and a few women, what else can you do in addition to that?"

Huo Tingdong was relieved and said softly, "aren't you tired?"

Ye Jinxin hummed, "don't pretend to be garlic for me!"

Huo Tingdong smiled low, covered her ear, patted her on the shoulder and said, "you're down there. Give me everything. Just enjoy it."

Ye Jinxin's face suddenly turned red. He was silent for a while before he said, "today... I'm up today."

Huo Tingdong was stunned. "What?"

Ye Jinxin said, "don't you understand? I'm up there!"

Huo Tingdong coaxed her patiently, "you can't. this position will be very tired. You can't hold on."

Ye Jinxin impatiently grabbed his collar and said, "I said, I'm up there! You're still trying to be strong, aren't you ready to take your arm!"

Huo Tingdong was stunned and silent for a while. He suddenly raised his head and kissed Ye Jinxin's face disorderly

"Honey, you were afraid of my injury just now, so you didn't let me move you. I wronged you."

Ye Jinxin shook his head back and forth and shouted unhappily, "don't kiss, it's itching to death!"

Huo Tingdong stopped, leaned his head back with his arms and said, "OK, I won't move. You dominate everything."

With a red face, ye Jinxin took the initiative for the first time in his life under the guidance of Huo Tingdong.

Huo Tingdong eats marrow and knows how to taste. From then on, he will teach and coax Ye Jinxin to use this posture as soon as he has time.

Of course, that's all later.

Their lives will be long.

End of text.