"Oh," said Lu Jinhua calmly, who was a psychologist

"If you are still alive, as his psychologist, I think it is necessary to talk to you about Mr. Huo's condition."

Huo's mother once paid him a large visit fee. In line with his noble professional ethics, he must be responsible for Huo Tingdong.

"Talk to me?"

"Yes," Lu Jinhua's voice is serious. "According to Mr. Huo's oral statement, I think many of his signs of depression seem to come from you. Heart disease still needs heart medicine, so..."

"That's good." Ye Jinxin nodded hurriedly. "As long as you can cure his disease, you can let me do anything. I'll be there right now."

Lu Jinhua nodded. "Thank you for coming."

Ye Jinxin said goodbye and hung up.

She pondered for a while and began to open her mobile phone address book and call Aunt Liu.

It suddenly occurred to her.

Aunt Liu comes to clean Huo's house every week, so she has the key to her home in her hand.

"Hello? Aunt Liu? This is Jinxin. Now I want you to come and clean my room for me, OK?"

Aunt Liu came very soon.

Ye Jinxin opens the door with her key.

Then he hurried to Lu Jinhua according to the address of the psychological counseling room on his business card.

"Are you ye Jinxin?"

Lu Jinhua looked at the childish, pure and delicate face in front of him with great surprise.

He thought that the children raised by a deep and dark chaebol boss like Huo Tingdong had to be capable and beautiful elite backbone, but he didn't expect to be a delicate and weak Lily like Ye Jinxin.

"Yes, I am." Ye Jinxin sat down and didn't talk nonsense with him. He directly asked, "Dr. Lu, how is my father's mental state now?"

Lu Jinhua handed her a glass of water and said, "drink some water first. I see your face is very white."

"No, thanks." Ye Jinxin pushed the water cup back.

Lu Jinhua laughed. "Are you in such a hurry? You don't bother to delay drinking water."

I don't know why. Seeing ye Jinxin's small face, he wanted to talk to her for no reason.

I feel very kind.

"No." Ye Jinxin frowned in embarrassment and said, "my father won't let me drink the things handed over by strangers, so... I'm sorry."

Lu Jinhua pulled at the corners of his mouth.

Well, that's the reason why he failed to chat up for the first time.

"Miss Ye." Lu Jinhua said, "did you, er......"

"Something happened to me some time ago, so many people misunderstood that I was dead."

Ye Jinxin explained frankly.

"HMM." Lu Jinhua nodded. "I have to say that your sudden departure some time ago is the main reason why Mr. Huo is depressed."

Ye Jinxin sighed, remained silent for a while and asked, "if I come back now, will he completely return to normal?"

Lu Jinhua's face was dignified. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said, "not necessarily. There will be many fluctuating factors for mental illness, which is uncontrollable."

Ye Jinxin asked anxiously, "what should I do? How do I know now? Does he still have depression?"

"Miss Ye." Lu Jinhua said, "since you came back, has Mr. Huo had a very different abnormal situation from before?"

Ye Jinxin's eyes were bleary and said after a long time

"He, he seems to have become more threatening. This morning, he handcuffed me and restricted me from going out. This has never happened before."

Lu Jinhua's eyes darkened and said in a heavy tone, "the situation I'm most afraid of has happened."

Ye Jinxin frowned, "what's the situation?"

"He's getting worse than before."

Ye Jinxin exclaimed anxiously, "how! Didn't you say that his illness was caused by my departure? But now I'm back!"

Lu Jinhua sighed, "before you came back, he just simply felt desperate for your departure, but after you came back, this despair became a fear of you leaving again. From the day you came back, he will become very cautious. In other words, he will be unwilling to believe you."

"This distrust is not what he wants, but he can't control it. It's a morbid behavior."

Ye Jinxin collapsed on the back of the chair. "How could this happen?"

Lu Jinhua continued, "in fact, this is human nature. When he gets something he is very eager for, he will be more frightened than when he doesn't get it, because he should be on guard all the time. This thing will slip away from him again."

Ye Jinxin collapsed, lowered his head, covered his eyes and said stuffy, "what should I do now?"

"Follow him."

"Follow him?"

"Yes! No matter what he says, he will fully cooperate with him. If he wants to torture you, let him torture you. If he doesn't want you to go, stay where he can see, he..."

Ye Jinxin interrupted him

"If he forces me to do that, do I have to cooperate with him?"

"That kind of thing?" Lu Jinhua strangely raised his eyebrows. "What kind of thing?"

As soon as ye Jinxin's face changed, he quickly changed his words and said, "no, no, i.... I said he was good at torturing me."

Lu Jinhua nodded. "You should not only cooperate with him, but also pretend to enjoy it."

"Ah?" Ye Jinxin couldn't help protesting. "He forced me like that. I have to pretend to enjoy it?"

Lu Jinhua said seriously, "this is very necessary."

Ye Jinxin helplessly lowered his head and asked, "if I don't do this, what will happen."

Lu Jinhua shrugged. "Miss ye, as a psychologist, I responsibly tell you that there are countless patients who have to take the road of self mutilation or suicide because of depression every year."

"All right!" Ye Jinxin blocked his ears. "Please don't scare me anymore."