"Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world (

The belief in the God of Light that spreads all over the world of mankind has different requirements for its clergy according to different regions and sects, but there are generally a few common ones. For example, high-level clergy cannot get married, You can't drink alcohol when you are young, and you must maintain a simple and simple material life, etc.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, except for the former Abbot of the North Shore and the current Northwest Archbishop Anderson, Paul has never seen a senior priest who lives a simple life.

But it's too…

"Fermented grape juice...yes, it's fermented grape juice, lol."

Violet felt that the lord's description was giving him a step down, but now he could only take Paul's words as a step down.

"Your Earl, please sit down, and the beautiful Miss Setia, please also sit down."

Seeing Violet entertain so attentively, Paul secretly laughed. If he knew that the beautiful lady in front of him was a witch, he didn't know how he would react. The scene must be very interesting.

"Have you been to Center lately?"

He chatted with Violet.

"Oh, I just visited Lord Anderson there last week."

"How is the old gentleman's health recently?"

A sad look appeared on Violet's face, "The situation is worrisome. Since being imprisoned once by the cursed Maltz Kent, the Archbishop has been in poor health for the past few years."

Paul shook his head, "What a sad thing."

"Yeah, it's sad."

After sighing for a while, Violet immediately revealed a tinge of joy, "Fortunately, with the assistance of Woz and other adults, all the affairs of the church can run normally."

Woz? Paul felt a block in his heart. According to the information he knew, this person was a thoroughly corrupt person.

Poor Anderson, he must have encountered some **** plot.

Forget it, I can't stretch my hand that long.

"What do you think of Archbishop Anderson?"

Hearing Paul's question, Vavaolet was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Master Anderson serves the Heavenly Father devoutly, and is proficient in all the essentials in the scriptures. Human beings are naturally excellent."

Paul asked again: "Recently someone proposed to me that in order to promote the development of medicine and better serve the world, doctors are allowed to dissect corpses. What do you think? If our archbishop knows about it, what will his attitude be?" "

"My God, this is blatant blasphemy!"

Violet stood up from her seat in shock.

"Huh?" Paul stared.

"Ah, I mean, this... this... this is contrary to tradition and teaching. My lord, is it the lunatic Doctor Walder in this city? He and his student named Susan always preach some shocking heresies .”

Although it is annoying, Violet has nothing to do with these two people, because Susan's grandfather Peter Sr. is an official of the city hall.

He figured that the lord might support the proposal.

Sure enough, I heard Paul say: "There is no unchangeable tradition in the world, don't you think so? As for the doctrine, I remember that there is no rule in the "Holy Scriptures" that you can't drink alcohol on weekdays, but I don't know when there was such a rule in the church. This... seems to be changing."

Hearing that the lord teased him with this matter again, Violet showed a slight embarrassment on his face. At the same time, I was complaining in my heart, yes, the holy scriptures are just a book to regulate the words and deeds of believers, and the content of a few hundred pages is not so wide at all. Which SBs in later generations added so many extra rules, especially for them The clergy have to take care of everything from eating, drinking, and messing around.

"However, if you are asking Mr. Anderson, he will definitely object."

Violet put his palms to his mouth, bowed his body and whispered mysteriously: "My lord, let me tell you, Lord Anderson is strict with himself, and he is also strict with the people below. To carry it out, he made everyone very hard when he first took office."

Fortunately he remained ill afterwards, and Violet did not say this.

"It's not that I'm slandering, everyone thinks so in private. All in all, with his character, he will definitely strongly oppose desecrating the body of the deceased."

It was within Paul's expectation that the staid archbishop would object, but Violet's attitude surprised him a bit.

It seems that clerics like Violet only objected habitually when they heard things like autopsy, but they definitely did not object in principle, they were the kind of people who were not very "firm".

The same is true of John Morrison who stayed in the North Shore Abbey as the vice-principal. They stayed in the church not so much to follow their faith as to regard it as a profession to earn a living.

Oh, and there is also the official dean of the North Shore Monastery, a disciple of Anderson, all the big and small things of the monastery are thrown to the vice-principal Anderson, and he is obsessed with observing flowers and plants all day longRecently, Paul mentioned Click to start planting peas, and explore the changes in their traits between different generations. You are obviously a theologian but doing the work of a biologist, hehe, just like another famous priest in a different time and space.

I just don’t know how many “enlightened” priests like them account for in the Northwest Church.


Just as Paul was about to say something, a person broke in from outside. It was the deacon just now.

He looked at Paul awkwardly, and bowed apologetically. Then turning to Violet said, "My lord, here comes that Hershey again."

Violet looked displeased, "It's that country bumpkin again, hurry him away, don't you see that I'm entertaining distinguished guests?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were sounds of pushing and shoving outside, and someone shouted, "I must see Lord Violet today."

In front of Paul, Violet looked embarrassed and began to flush.

Paul smiled, "Violet, let someone in for a meeting."

"My lord, you don't know..."

Before Violet could react, the outsiders broke in by themselves.

"So rude! So rude!"

Violet was furious at the visitor, pointed at the visitor angrily and said: "Hersey, you broke in without my permission and disturbed my distinguished guests, look at your current appearance, you still have a little body For the cultivation of the clergy?"

Paul looked at the person passing by, and saw that he was tall and thick. Although his beard had been carefully trimmed, his skin was rough and the joints on his hands were thick, as if he had been working all year round. The clean priest's robe on his body showed that he was a priest, but The robe is covered with patches.

Compared with Violet next to him, he is not so much a priest as an old country farmer.