Chapter 357: Military uniform 1 must be handsome

In the lord's mansion of Huxin Town, a special clothing exhibition is being held.

More than a dozen well-selected young men are tall and tall over 1.8 meters. Each of them wears unique clothes. They are judged by the people around them. They either stand upright, or act according to the requirements of the audience. Take various poses.

"It's a really nice outfit and looks very energetic."

"This one is still better, with temperament."

"This one looks the best, but it's also the most complicated to make, right?"

The audience at the exhibition included military leaders such as Schroeder and Bryce, senior officials of the State Council such as Ford and Cecil, and of course the lord of Arda Paul Grayman and his ally Myron Garnard, commenting on the exhibits in a hurry.

And the target they are watching and tasting is a suit of army uniforms of various shapes and colors.

With the large-scale promotion of flying shuttle looms, the textile industry is developing in full swing in Arda, Bairding and Emden. One after another, weaving factories that use machines to produce cloth—perhaps they should be called "factories" now. ’” — and it sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Everyone who has watched the work of the flying shuttle loom realizes that this machine will bring about a leap in efficiency. The original manual workshop owners have reluctantly paid for this magical machine from the Huxin Town Machinery Factory. To upgrade their own weaving field, some newcomers who smelled business opportunities also invested heavily in the textile industry.

In this wave, many people tried to imitate the flying shuttle loom, and many of them succeeded, but they were soon sanctioned by the iron fist of the "Patent Law". The patent for the shuttle loom belongs only to the Huxin Town Machinery Factory, and the orders keep coming in like snowflakes.

In order to cope with this huge demand, the Huxin Town Machinery Factory once again expanded and recruited workers to increase its production capacity. The Industrial Machinery Factory has two workshops. The former is responsible for the development and production of agricultural machinery such as harvesters, threshers, and cotton gins, while the latter focuses on the production of "industrial" machinery such as flying shuttle looms.

The improvement of weaving efficiency has greatly stimulated the demand for cotton yarn, and the demand for cotton yarn has been in short supply for a while. The price of cotton yarn has risen, and many spinning factories and family workshops have made a lot of money. While working harder to produce cotton yarn, while happily counting money, many newcomers also started to engage in the cotton spinning industry.

The rapid expansion of the cotton spinning industry has led to many industries such as printing and dyeing and clothing making. The final result is that the prices of clothing materials and clothing on the market have been greatly reduced.

With the cost of clothing reduced, plans were put on the agenda to replace the uniforms of Arda's army. At present, the uniforms of both the Arda army and the navy are simple "earth road" clothes. When Paul commands such an army to queue up and shoot, there is always a strong sense of disobedience.

Line up and shoot, gorgeous and colorful is the right way.

Paul convened a joint meeting of the department heads of the Government Affairs Council and the generals of the army. He had already told them about the replacement of uniforms and asked them to make their own designs. Now Paul asked them to make samples according to their respective designs and send them to the Lord's Mansion for centralized tasting. , to pick a new uniform.

In Paul's eyes, the clothes worn by these models are all in the so-called "Renaissance" style. They are basically designed by senior military officials such as Schroeder and Austin. Filling is used to make the shoulders, chest and upper arms of the clothing bulge and full, and the lower body is tight leggings. Some styles are also equipped with robes or cloaks, and felt hats with curly feathers on their heads. This is a popular dress for young children of nobles or rich people in the Jiaowan area. According to the requirements of the lord, the new uniform should break through the stereotypes, keep up with the frontier of the times, be flamboyant, domineering, and embody the high-spirited spirit of Arda's army, so they specially consulted the female advisor Setia and the old shipwright class People like Jaymin from Kok Wan, a well-known fashion hub.

"These are the military uniforms you designed?"

Paul's words contained a lot of questioning. Obviously, the Earl was not very satisfied.

Schroeder and Austin glanced at each other, and replied to Paul hesitantly: "Yes, my lord, don't you like these styles?"

Heavenly Father, this is already a very bold and avant-garde design. In the past, the Northwest Bay was closed and poor, and people’s clothing was often conservative and simple. In the affluent Jiaowan, people’s clothing was bright and complicated. Refer to the Style has deeply disturbed designers—a violation of the canon's teachings against luxury.

Then, according to the earl's instructions, they added some designs that they thought could reflect the temperament of Arda's army on the basis of reference.

How ostentatious, how domineering, how...the aura of nouveau riche!

It's already like this, the Earl is still not satisfied?

"Gentlemen, I have also designed several sets of uniforms There are both navy and army uniforms, let's taste them together."

After saying this, Paul clapped his palms.

"Dear Earl! Winthrop is at your service!" A man with glasses and a flattering smile trotted all the way to Paul's side.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out that it was the chief tailor of the Lord's Mansion. The nobles all had their own tailors, and the Greiman family was no exception.

Paul asked, "Winthrop, are our new uniform samples ready?"

Winthrop made a no-problem gesture, "Everything is in order, and we are waiting for your call, my lord!"

"Okay!" Paul turned to the crowd: "Gentlemen, let you see the real epoch-making design. Winthrop, let the models come in!"

As soon as Paul finished speaking, there was a burst of tight and rapid drumbeats. After the frequency of the drumbeats slowed down, two groups of soldiers came to the drumbeats. That's right, they were soldiers. Schroeder, Bryce and the others could tell at a glance from the walkers and movements that they were well-trained soldiers, and they should be from the Internal Guard.

"Stand still!" The leader shouted, and the two groups of soldiers stopped in unison.

The first group of soldiers, wearing a black tall hat, wearing a single-breasted blue and white coat with cuff buttons on the cuffs, wearing a white shirt inside, white trousers underneath, and a pair of black leather boots .

The soldiers of the second team also wore black tall hats, red jackets with black lapels, white half trousers, and black leather shoes and long shoe covers. They looked... like cooked lobsters.

Paul smiled to the surprised crowd.

"Everyone, as I said, the military uniform must be handsome!"