On November 3, 1991 in the holy calendar, the capital of Gabela was full of joy. Although the emperor's grand ceremony plan was shelved under the strong dissuasion of Bachelor Aldrich, after the news of the victory came out, there was still a great deal of excitement. Inspired the ruling and opposition parties.

As the capital of the empire, the resources of the entire country are given priority here. The people living here, whether they are nobles or commoners, enjoy great convenience, convenient transportation, low prices, and abundant commodities. Even the slaves here eat and drink better than the commoners in other places.

As the winner of the war, the empire will naturally plunder or force the defeated party to pay a large amount of spoils, and these spoils will be transported to the imperial capital first.

So different from other places, as the first wave of beneficiaries of the war, the residents of the imperial capital are eager to win from the bottom of their hearts. So when the news of the victory spread, they spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate.

Kevin followed the senior Mond among the happy crowd, singing and dancing on the street, and various musical instruments intertwined. While avoiding the girls who were enthusiastic enough to ask him to dance, he followed the senior closely.

"I can't see it, little brother, I didn't expect you to be so popular at such a young age." Mond said to him not without jealousy.

Kevin was very helpless: "Senior, don't make fun of me."

Alas, if Senior Mond's hairline was a little more up-to-date, he would actually be a pretty good-looking person.

After walking through the streets for a while, they turned into an alley.

"Well, I didn't expect there to be a tavern in such a place, shouldn't it be on the street." Kevin said to himself strangely, and after turning in, he actually came to the door of a tavern.

Although it was a bit remote, there were quite a lot of customers. After all, everyone was celebrating victory today, and the men went to the restaurant in twos and threes to drink.

There was a man standing in front of the tavern, waving to them after seeing Mond and his party.

Kevin followed Mond towards the man, and when he approached, he found that it was a burly man with a bushy beard.

Mond spoke first, pointing to Kevin and said to Lu Hu: "Let me introduce, this is my teacher's new student-Kevin. Kevin, this is my friend-Amberoff. Haha, don't look at him like that. Sloppy and unscrupulous, but the captain of the royal guard."

"Mond, you bad-minded guy, you know how to arrange me in front of others." Anbolov complained, and patted Kevin on the shoulder heavily. "Hello, Kevin, if you have any troubles in the capital, you can come to me. Guys like Mond who bury their heads in the pile of books all day are unreliable."

"Thank you, Captain Ambolov." Kevin said thank you, and secretly sighed in his heart, this guy has such strong hands, he deserves to be a royal guard.

Anbolov said to the two: "I have reserved a seat, let's go in."

The three of them entered the tavern, and under the guidance of the waiter, they entered a single room and sat down.

Amborov just kept chatting nonsense, and Mond asked angrily: "Why did you ask me to come? Really, I still have an article to write."

The captain of the guard made a sad look, shook his head and clicked his tongue, "It's so kind to treat you like a donkey's liver and lungs. If I didn't often ask you to come out to get some air, I'm afraid you would have suffocated your brains in the scholar's tower. Besides, everyone is celebrating the victory of the war against Nesta now, isn’t it too maverick for you to stay at home alone.”

"Don't you still have a group of royal guard brothers? Why did you leave them?"

"Last night, I got drunk those who were not on duty today. I guess they are still suffering from hangovers."

The two were arguing, when the waiter came to the room and served delicious food and wine, which made Kevin move his index finger.

After finishing the arrangement, the waiter smiled and said, "Three distinguished guests, please drink as much as you want. Our boss said that in order to celebrate the victory of the imperial army, drinks are free today!"

Anbolov was very happy, "Hahaha, your boss is so good at business, we will come here often in the future."

Then he seemed to have something to ask: "Then do you know who brought us this victory?"

The waiter hesitated for a second or two as if stunned, and then said quietly: "Uh...it seems to be...it seems to be...His Royal Highness Prince Antonio."

Anbolov glared at him unhurriedly: "Why are you so hesitant?"

The waiter smiled wryly and said, "Hey... nothing, nothing."

Anbolov sneered: "Are you concerned that he was born by a witch?"

The waiter was shocked: "You said this! I didn't say it! Guests, please be careful, talking about His Highness's background indiscriminately will be punished by His Majesty the Emperor."

Anbolov waved his hand: "Okay, let's not talk about His Royal Highness Antonio's background. Let me ask you, do you think that wizards and witches are inherently sinful?"

The waiter scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "To be honest, they are all frequent visitors in various horror stories. As a person who grew up listening to such stories, it is impossible to say that they are completely harmless. But it is impossible to say that they are born guilty. No, we are not like those foolish men and women in the countryside who take the stories of unknown lives as real things And I have never really seen these legendary people in reality."

The waiter put his hands on his lips and whispered, "I heard from customers who have been to Jiaowan that the church there is conducting a witch hunt and many people have been burned to death!"

This time it was Mond's turn to speak up: "Oh? Then what do you think of the witch-hunting movement of the Jiaowan Church? Are you in favor or against it?"

The waiter was startled, feeling that he had spoken too much.

"Hey, this kind of thing will never get a person like me to talk too much. Guests, please enjoy it slowly. If you need anything, call me at any time. I will take my leave first."

He bowed and hurried out of the room.

Ambolov and Mond smiled at each other, and then greeted Kevin to eat and drink while chatting.

After the three of them had almost eaten, Mond said to his junior brother, "Kevin, can you help out the door? I have something to discuss with Anbolov, and it's not good to be overheard by others."

"Yes, senior."

"Well, knock on the door if anyone approaches."

After Kevin went out, Anbolov asked, "Are you reliable as a junior?"

Mond grinned: "Don't worry, although it hasn't been long since we took him to the emperor, we have been friends for ten years, mountain boy, and there is still a blank sheet of paper in my heart. To be honest, he makes me feel more at ease than you. "

Ambolov complained: "Really, am I that unbearable in your heart?"

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Kevin stood outside the door, while pretending to be lying on the window sill facing the street to blow the air, usually paying attention to the movement in the corridor.

In the room, the senior and Captain Anbolov were discussing something quietly, but he couldn't hear clearly, only a few words were faintly heard.

"Grand Duke...aid...Edward...arrived...His Royal Highness...organized..."