"Customs Union?"

McLone and Henry asked together in surprise.

Paul nodded: "Yes, the customs union, the members of the union formulate a unified tax law, abolish checkpoints in the territory, cancel the collection of consumption tax and domestic customs duties, and allow the free flow of goods."

After thinking about it for a while, Macron understood what Paul meant. Once this so-called customs union and related tax-free policies are established, it will definitely be of great benefit to Arda and Bairdin. The people in these two places are not yet rich. , The various industries developed by Paul are extremely dependent on exports, and the canning processing among them relies heavily on the input of "raw materials" such as fruits, vegetables and meat from other places. Once the tariffs along the way disappear, it will be the best of both worlds.

Paul added on the side: "Of course, we still have to retain tariffs on goods that are not members of the alliance. We must protect our own manors and various factories!"

"Hmm...that sounds good..." Henry twirled his mustache while thinking about the possible benefits and possible disadvantages of the retained proposal.

Paul seductively said, "My lord, if you support my proposal, I can open some agricultural equipment to your territory..."

Henry became interested when he heard it: "Oh? Are you talking about that magical [harvester]?"

When he was traveling in the League of Anti-Ustors, he had heard that Arda had built a wonderful agricultural machine, which could harvest the grain of a large land in a short time with only one mule and one man.

"Hehe, it's not just harvesters." Paul said with a smile, "There are also cultivators for plowing, threshers for threshing—which can peel off the ears of grain from the stalks and separate the grains, and drills for sowing. machines—that can sow several rows at a time, as well as hay cutters, root cutters, mills, etc.”

One after another, the names of equipment that he had never heard of popped out of Paul's mouth, leaving Henry dumbfounded in surprise. He couldn't help asking: "God, Paul, don't you have a large number of artificers working under you?"

Paul nodded: "Uh... I did recruit a lot of artificers from the south, and asked them to realize some ideas that came to me inadvertently."

In addition to Guy Burns, Hansel has successively recruited many unsatisfactory artificers from Jingyao and other places, and they have made great contributions to the "agricultural modernization" of Arda and Bairding.

"Oh, no wonder, these ideas of yours are powerful enough."

After listening to Henry's words, Paul stuck out his tongue in his heart. It was also because of the information he collected in his previous life that he knew the structure and working principle of these machines that he could manufacture them so quickly.

During the process of leading the army to the Center, Paul observed along the way and found that the Duchy of Manda is a good place to develop agriculture. The land is fertile, the terrain is flat, and the water resources are abundant.

So he came up with the idea of ​​building Manda into a [big granary], and the land under his direct control will do his best to pave the way for future industries.

Even though Paul offered a very tempting condition, Henry still didn't immediately agree to Paul, "Paul, I'll think about it again, I think we should find more people to get together and discuss."

"Of course, of course." Paul agreed: "Of course there is no rush for this kind of thing, take your time and discuss more."

At this moment, a guard's voice sounded at the door: "Master Owen Schroeder is here—"

Henry said happily: "The Schroeder knights have finally come. Paul, you are so serious that you let your soldiers live outside the city. Schroeder's temper is also weird, and he insists on staying with the big soldiers. You Look, it’s not convenient to ask him to discuss something.”

Paul shook his head and retorted: "Staying in the city will drain their will to fight, no, no, absolutely no."

While the two were talking, Schroeder came in, followed by two people behind him. Neither Paul nor Myron knew each other, but Henry stood up all of a sudden: "Isn't this the deputy commander of the Watchmen Legion, Sir Hal Duke? How did you come to Center?"

Paul and Mellon glanced at each other: "Watchmen Legion?"

They knew that this was an army stationed in the Inner Rodan Valley in the northeastern part of the kingdom, and they were directly loyal to His Majesty the King. The Legion of the Watchers shoulders an important responsibility - defending against the orc invasion from the prairie.

Schroeder bowed to the three of Paul, turned to Paul and McLone and said, "Yes, these two are Sir Duke and his attendant Arthur from the Overwatch Legion. A good friend in the Legion."

Then I wanted Duke to introduce Paul and others.

After listening to Schroeder's introduction, Paul remembered that Schroeder had served in the Overwatch Legion before, and learned from previous chats that he seemed to be a bit stiff because of the relationship with the lords in the Northeast, so he couldn't help it. Don't choose to go back to your hometown.

Hal Duke led his attendants to salute Paul and the other three. He first said hello to Henry and Mellon, and finally turned to Paul: "Earl Paul Greiman, although I have heard about it from Schroeder, but seeing It still surprises me that you are so young."

"Haha, thank you for your appreciation."

Henry asked Schroeder and Duke to sit down, while Arthur stood behind Duke.

Paul said: "Sir Duke, please take a moment Let's talk about our affairs first, and it will be done right away. That's it, Lord Duke thinks that Manda has many knights and troops following Maltz's rebellion, Can't be trusted. He intends to create a new army and borrow a group of our soldiers to protect the security of the territory before that. I have no objection in principle, what do you think?"

Schroeder thought for a while, and replied: "I agree, the training of recruits is not a matter of a day or two, it's just the supplies..."

Henry interjected, "Don't worry about this, I will take care of the supply of Arda's army here."

Paul asked again, "How about choosing two battalions, more than a thousand?"

Schroeder nodded: "Yes, what do you think, Mr. Duke?"

Henry said with a toothache: "More than a thousand people, enough is enough."

Paul talked to him about the food and treatment of Arda's army, but for his own safety, admit it! A majestic duke like him can still feed and drink more than a thousand people.

So, the three discussed some details of the garrison.

After discussing the issue of the garrison, Henry looked at Hal Duke. He asked with a trace of respect, "May I ask why Sir Duke came here?"

Hal Duke first congratulated Henry on his appointment as the new Duke, and then expressed his intention: "I am here to confirm your views on our Watchman Legion."