After bypassing the phalanx of Arda's army, Derrick led the family knights and stopped not far away.

They planned to return to the phalanx of their allies to help after a short rest. Although the flags of Arda's army are neat and well-trained, they are all infantry after all, and they are too passive in the face of fast-moving cavalry.

Just leaving his allies behind and running away by himself, Derrick wondered if he couldn't do such a thing.

Before they could catch their breath, a heart-wrenching scene happened. The two cavalry units of the Kent family, one on the left and one on the right, charged fiercely at the Arda army.

When many people began to pray for the friendly army, something surprising happened.

There was a sound like popping beans, followed by a thick puff of smoke, and a large number of Kent family cavalry who charged into the phalanx fell down in an instant. .

It's amazing that the cavalry fell off their horses before they even threw their javelins. Obviously, that invisible thing can cause them fatal injuries, because most of the people who fell to the ground could not stand up .

Only a few lucky people threw spears, causing some casualties to Arda's army, but the entire phalanx did not loosen at all.

Derrick and the knights under him watched in a daze as the attack of another group of Kent family cavalry was easily resolved by the friendly army, and then the two sides confronted each other.

It wasn't until the artillery roared like thunder that they woke up from their sluggish state.

"Quick! Meet the Ardas!"

Derrick clamped his horse's belly and led the knights towards the phalanx.

"My friends from Arda, I am Viscount Derrick Heller, the son of Earl Winifred Heller. May I ask who is your highest leader here?"

Hearing Derrick announce his name, Bryce adjusted his neckline, raised his chest and responded loudly: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Bryce Alder, Commander of the 1st Battalion of Arda Infantry, Fengge Command this army in the name of Earl Lyman."

Derrick jumped off his horse and walked quickly towards Bryce, and the soldiers made way for him.

The hands of the two were tightly held together.

"Alder... Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for saving us from the Kent family. On behalf of the Heller family, I would like to pay tribute to the Greiman family, you and your subordinates."

"It's only natural for friendly troops to help each other. On behalf of Earl Greiman, I also pay tribute to the Heller family."

The two were courteous, and Bryce was Arda's military chief when he was old Gleiman, and Derrick had heard his name several times, and knew that the other party was just a "wild knight". With Derrick's disposition as the son of an earl, he has always been honest with such common people, but today he was saved by the other party, and he unconsciously became polite.

"Are the weapons you use to defeat the cavalry the legendary 'Fire Crossbow' and 'Thunder Hammer'?"

Although he endured it again and again, Derrick still couldn't help asking. Such a powerful weapon will definitely be regarded as an important military secret by the other party. Just now he has been struggling to ask or not to ask, for fear of causing the other party's displeasure.

"Firebolt? Thunder Hammer? The name is quite vivid. Indeed, Viscount Heller, we officially relied on them to defeat the cavalry of the Kent family."

Derrick further asked: "This... can I touch it?"

Bryce understood Derrick's thoughts at this time, but still showed a embarrassed expression. Firearms are the biggest reliance of Arda's army.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be so abrupt. Everyone, let me lead the way to the station!"

Derrick quickly changed the topic.

"Then it's time to work!"

Bryce ordered the troops to gather and go back on the road. The speed of Arda's army's assembly once again surprised Derrick and his knights—they sounded the bugle, and everyone quickly found themselves as if they had rehearsed many times in advance. In this position, within 20 minutes, a neat marching line stood up.

When Bryce and others followed Derrick to approach the station, the armies of other lords in the coalition had just finished fighting with the Kent family army.

"Today was really a foolish battle!"

The officers complained to each other, and the ranks were demoralized.

The two teams met on the way.

"Derrick! You're still alive! I thought..."

Earl Malcolm exclaimed when he saw Derrick.

"Heavenly Father bless, otherwise how should we explain to your father."

Although the content of the words was rejoicing, the tone was full of sarcasm.

"I retreated to the north after breaking through!"

Derrick looked ashamed, "Sorry for causing trouble to everyone!"

Earl Parker rode over and said, "We'll sum up what happened today when we go back. Who is this?"

He had already recognized the flag of the Greyman family, and turned to the leader, Bryce, to ask.

Bryce bowed forward.

"Bryce Alder was ordered by Earl Greyman to lead an army to join you all. You must be Earl Price Kent, right? Greetings from my lord."

"Yes, I am Price Parker. You have come at the right time. Our battle with the Kent family is imminent, and we need a fresh force like you."

Earl Parker saw that the army from Arda was well-organized and did not look like random soldiers at all, and he was secretly glad that Ragleyman was right in joining the group.

So the two armies cooperated and returned to the village where they were stationed.

After arriving at the station, Bryce found that it was originally a village, but there were no villagers in it, and they all hid in the lord's castle before the arrival of the coalition forces.

Looking towards the west of the village, a castle can be seen. This is Bido Fort. Although the castle is not large, it is located on a high cliff, and there is only a narrow road leading to its east. It is so steep, no wonder the coalition forces Can't attack for a long time. However, the way out of the castle was firmly blocked by the coalition forces.

Although the size of the village was not small, there were six to seven thousand people in the coalition army, and the houses had already been divided by the troops who arrived first. Arda's army could only camp in an open space in the north of the village.

Bryce ordered the two deputy battalion commanders to direct the soldiers to build a camp and bury pots for cooking. Before we had time to eat lunch today, we fought a fierce battle with the Kent family. During the battle, everyone was very nervous and forgot about hunger for a while, but after the battle, they were even more hungry than before.

He and Joyce were invited to a military meeting to discuss future battle plans. After eating a few biscuits in a hurry, they walked to the largest house in the center of the village. This was originally the house of the village chief. It is now used as a meeting room by the coalition forces.

"Welcome! All of you from Arda!"

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Derrick's voice.