v3 Chapter 579: Fight back, we support Indian claims

When all countries in the world are discussing the struggle for greater power by the black indigenous people in the Netherlands, the two top figures in the Netherlands are also paying great attention to this, and even "suggesting ideas" for it.

Dutch Prime Minister Thorbeck: "Some Dutch indigenous-black politicians have been elected to the provincial council or the provincial government to hold important positions. Many indigenous people are diligent and hard-working in their posts, and gradually won the trust of others and It is well received. Although the number of indigenous members of the House of Representatives in the Dutch provinces and cities is not small, the Senate is still controlled by white Dutch people, and the provincial governors (the positions of high officials), mayors and speakers are all played by white people. It is not difficult to see that although Madagascar, Uganda and Congo are the provinces with the highest proportion of black indigenous participation in politics, there is still a long way to go before indigenous people become the highest leaders in the province.”

William IV said: "This also shows that in addition to the limitations of the black-aboriginal struggle in the construction of the Netherlands, the indigenous people do not have their own political party organization, nor are they able to form their own political party. They can only follow the white Christians and liberals in the Netherlands. Obedience. The indigenous rights struggle is still in a spontaneous stage at this time, the British Empire's provocation is just a fuse, even if it burns, it is only a small fire.

Only small-scale protests launched by one or two leaders could not fundamentally solve the problem. In addition, most of the natives in the Netherlands had just been converted from slaves to freemen, and the native black-people who lacked political experience were difficult to compete with the white Dutch. , so the natives wanted to have the same status as whites in the Netherlands, and power was still a distant dream at this time. "

Tolbeck sneered: "The British Crown Prince Edward wants to use this to attack His Majesty William IV, and he has chosen an object."

William IV also smiled and said: "At present, the natives are weak all over the world. Prince Edward may have forgotten that the British Empire is the largest native 'slaves' in the world. If the British Empire shows too much support for the natives, I am very happy. "

Tolbeck asked, "Why?"

William IV said: "The Netherlands will strike back in their own way against the natives of the Indian subcontinent and Africa under their British Empire, and the Indians of Canada are said to be presently gaining against the Indians of the Commonwealth of Millikin. The power has increased greatly, and he has expressed his dissatisfaction with London, but there is only a lack of a fuse.

Since Queen Victoria did not control her future heir, it is very good, order the Alaska Peninsula, let us there contact the Indians in Canada, make those Indians stiff, and let the United Kingdom join in the fun. "

Prime Minister Tolbek naturally nodded in approval.

On April 23, 1869, when the world was watching the protests of the riotous struggle for power in the Dutch African territories of Uganda and Congo, and Kenyan indigenous people, a resolution signed by King William IV of the Netherlands and passed by the Prime Minister and Parliament, Amsterdam. It is rumored that localities are required to implement the draft in accordance with the Electoral Fairness Law. In the 20 overseas provinces, the seats of the bumiputera must be guaranteed at 25% of the seats.

This legislation in the Netherlands immediately caught the eyes of indigenous peoples all over the world, and then they all turned their attention to their colonial overlords.

And these colonial suzerains, who originally wanted to watch the excitement, suddenly became enemies, and began to be wary of the troublemakers of the colonial natives.

The first is the British Canadian Indians, whose number exceeds 500,000, and the British in Canada are also between 500,000, but the British occupy all important positions in this overseas territory, including the so-called parliament, so the The MPs are all white.

This has made the Indians dissatisfied for a long time, but in the past, the indigenous people all over the world were calm, and people's psychology was that everyone was uncomfortable, but if someone in an equal position lived better than him, then of course he had to fight for the same treatment.

Not to mention that the natives of the Netherlands have won a quarter of the seats for the first time in history. Although this is not based on the number of people to obtain the corresponding proportion, it is enough to have their own voice in the Dutch parliament, and it is still four in one step. one part.

On the other hand, Canada under British rule was nominally not a colony but an overseas territory, but the native Indians had no power at all, the government had no positions, and even the parliament had no place for Indians.

In contrast, does the UK still have the face to interfere in the struggle for indigenous rights in the Netherlands?

The Indians used this to blackmail the British government. Will the British government be forced to make concessions?

So with this kind of thinking, Canadian Indians were on the streets of Quebec and Toronto. Indians who picked up hoes and wooden sticks took to the streets, forming a bright-beautiful landscape. On April 25, 1869 The news that spread the world in an instant included the Indians asking the British government to give the Indians more power.

Even the Indians pointed out by name that their inspiration came from the British government's support for the rights of the natives in the Netherlands So they trust the British government and believe that it can help them in Canada, where **** is fully covered, to give up some of the rights they should have. acquired rights.

Many white people in London showed their reluctance, and even heard that the Tory Conservative Governor of Canada, Charles Stanley Munch, made it clear that he did not support the British government to give Indians too much power.

He said: "We think the Indians have enough power at the moment and don't need to give them as much power, because it would be contrary to the legal rule of the British here, so our attitude is against it."

There are many people in London who support Charles Stanley Munch's statement, most of them the conservative Tories.

However, before London could wait for the Tory party's Disraeli cabinet to come out with the results, some people have already contributed to this, which is getting more and more turbid.

The President of the Commonwealth of America, Johnson Andrew, made a special trip from Washington, D.C. to British Columbia, a new state in the United States, where he received a warm welcome. He sang and danced with the local Indian chief, and made a clear promise that his communist The -and-Party cabinet government will focus on the future well-being of Indians and strive to empower them.

"We support the Indians' approach, because in the United States of America, Indians have become an important part of the Congress of the United States of America, and in British Columbia, a new state in the United States of America that was only assigned to the United States a few years ago. People, there is also a senator and several representatives from Indians, the Indians of the United States and the Indians of Canada are one family, we support equality, and we call on the British Disraeli government to try to decentralize.”


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