v3 Chapter 561: Fifty Years Peace Agreement

William IV's remarks in an interview with the "European Times" made people feel that the royal family supported the move of the capital proposed by the ruling liberals. Affected by this, the leader of the liberals, Julius von Louise, changed his tone. He expressed his full support for the relocation of the capital.

On February 25, 1869, the Dutch House of Representatives passed a motion proposed by Prime Minister Tolbeck to move the capital from Amsterdam to Melbourne, Australia.

On March 1, 1869, the Dutch Senate passed the bill, and on March 2, Prime Minister Tolbeck signed it and sent it to King William IV of the Netherlands, and it became effective when William IV signed it on that day.

With the signing of William IV, an internal political issue that the international community thought would lead to endless domestic disputes in the Netherlands was hastily ended. This made everyone stunned, like a full punch, only to find that it was just air.

The clean and neat way of doing things in the Netherlands shocked European countries.

On March 5, 1869, the French Empire sent a diplomatic team headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmund Derouen de Luis (who did), to visit Amsterdam. The news shocked the world.

This is since the French launched a war of aggression against the Kingdom of Siam on November 19, 1866, and the Netherlands launched the International Hague Tribunal to sanction France in the name of humanitarianism. There has been almost no high-level official contact between the two countries.

It is the first time that the ministerial level has appeared. What's more, the visit was made even when there was no news from the whole world. No one would think that the French Foreign Minister, Edmund Derouen de Lu, ran up by himself. After all, there was no consent from the Netherlands. Even the border is difficult to enter.

Apparently this is the Netherlands, after a lapse of two and a half years, finally willing to start a high-level dialogue with France.

The visit of French Foreign Minister Edmund Derouen de Luis to the Netherlands made the surrounding countries mention it, especially Prussian Bismarck and others. The top Dutch leaders are familiar with Prussia's future plans. Will the Netherlands be affected by this? It was leaked to Paris, which made them so worried that even Bismarck's iron-willed heart began to beat wildly.

Secretly decided that if the Netherlands is found to have leaked half of the points, Prussia will definitely arrange actions against the Netherlands in order to vent.

However, he and other Prussian top brass were quickly reassured.

On March 10, 1869, Dutch Foreign Minister Heisbert Feng and French Foreign Minister Edmund Derouen de Luy held a closed-door meeting. Afterwards, the two made a public press conference. A message, at the request of the Netherlands, the French Empire agreed to the Dutch proposal.

Edmund Derouen de Lu said, "France agrees with the Dutch point of view, and we agree to a truce in the Far East, and the border line of the truce is from Kamalapumin in the southwest of Cambodia to Pusat and Tebongmian in the north. The city of Tse, north to the entire eastern part of Laos, to Mount Phucelle on the border between North Vietnam and Laos, if the Kingdom of Siam is willing to negotiate an armistice, we are willing to negotiate on this.”

When a reporter asked about the location of the negotiation, the French foreign minister glanced at Heisbert Fung and said meaningfully that he was willing to conduct the negotiations on Phu Quoc Island, a Dutch territory on the southern coast of Cambodia occupied by the French.

Many people present did not know the location of Phu Quoc Island, but some were familiar with it. Therefore, after the explanations of those familiar with the island, they learned that the east of Phu Quoc Island in the Netherlands is actually the French colony of South Vietnam in the east, and the north is currently occupied by France. Kampot City and Sihanoukville City, and the Gulf of Siam (Gulf of Thailand) to the south. France chose to hold negotiations here. It seems that they came prepared.

Haysbert Feng didn't seem to hear the slightly threatening meaning, and smiled: "Yes, Phu Quoc Island is the northernmost territory of the Netherlands in the Asiatic region of the Pacific region. The Netherlands purchased it from the Kingdom of Siam back then, and the procedures were legal. We have legitimate reasons to carry out various legal governance policies there, so we oppose countries to carry out illegal actions, because this will trigger other countries in the world to follow suit, so yo, there will be chaos in the international community. The Netherlands is a country As a law-abiding country, the governance of our country is to have laws to abide by and act according to the rules. Therefore, the Netherlands created the International Hague Tribunal to lead the world into a law-based system to handle bilateral relations and prevent the expansion of conflicts and wars.

Based on this, we chose to hold negotiations on Phu Quoc Island in the Netherlands. For this reason, we propose to establish a branch of the International Hague Court on Phu Quoc Island, in order to urge the establishment of the Hague National Court to carry forward the original intention of the Far East. Of course, I would also like to thank the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam for their cooperation.”

Fight back!

This is what everyone is thinking at the moment.

French Foreign Minister Edmond indicated that the negotiated Phu Quoc Island was close to French colonies and occupations to express his intimidated home field advantage, while Haysbert Fung emphasized that Phu Quoc Island has become a branch of the International Hague Tribunal Organization.

Many people know that France is currently fighting for the cancellation of the sanction order of the International Hague Tribunal Organization. Heisbet Feng’s emphasis made everyone unable to help but like it, because France wants to cancel the sanctions, and it is impossible to share the organization. The Ministry is attacking, right?

The reporters can think of this, and Edmund Drouin de Lu, the French foreign minister, is naturally aware of Heisbet Feng's intentions.

Although he didn't want his threat to be ineffective, he had to admit that the counterattack hit the spot.

So in order to prevent being kidnapped by this issue and undermining his original intention of coming to the Netherlands this time, he was eager to change the subject and gave a wink to a reporter with Le Figaro.

So the reporter of the newspaper asked: "Foreign Minister Edmond, as the highest foreign minister in charge of foreign affairs in France, what do you think of the current agreement between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on Belgium?"

Sure enough, as this question was raised, everyone's attention was immediately drawn to it. This question is actually what everyone wanted to ask. Originally, many people thought of asking it later, but now it is "Fejia" Luo Pao is ahead, but it doesn't matter. The answer is the same for anyone who proposes the answer. The answer is all that is needed. Therefore, they all stared at the French Foreign Minister who was being questioned in front of them, and wanted to get from the mouth of France's agreement with the UK and the Netherlands. "Dispose of" attitude.

Haysbert Feng looked at the reporter who asked the question meaningfully, and secretly wrote down the way the French played this time. I have to say that the French are still very good at playing, and they prepared for the press conference early. The response plan for the situation, which is worth learning from the Netherlands, he even prepared, in the course of the Dutch Diplomatic Academy in a few days, he was going to start a debate on this topic to promote the nutrients of the flowers in the talent pool of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Edmund Drouin de Luis: "To tell the truth, the French Empire did not want to see Belgium disappear"

Edmund Drouin de Lu's words made everyone present almost take a breath. Seeing this, he was overjoyed, and he was obviously happy that he had managed the changes in these people's emotions. , but he knew that it was too much, didn't he see that many people in the Dutch newspapers were displeased.

So he followed: "It is precisely because of this that when France received the news, she actually wanted to stand up and oppose it, but"

Seeing Hesbet Fon's calm smile listening to him, Edmund Drouin de Lu seemed to realize that he was a bit like a performer on the stage of the theatre. The audience is actually the director, and he suddenly felt a little annoyed that he seemed to be spoiled.

Who told me that I had just held a secret meeting with others.

He had to continue to "perform" and said: "But after we went through the right way, Belgium was not destroyed, but the territory was reduced. After careful consideration by our great His Majesty Napoleon III, finally"

Motivating his emotions again, he said in a loud voice: "We support the agreement reached by the UK and the Netherlands. This trip to the Netherlands, we also visited the Netherlands and Belgium with France who did not want to see the lives of the Netherlands and Belgium being ruined. One stop in Belgium, we will tell His Majesty Leopold II in Brussels what the Netherlands thinks.”

Haysbert Feng glanced gratefully at Edmund Derouen de Lu, and said, "Belgium and France are the neighbors of the Netherlands, we, the Netherlands, are willing to continue to have good relations with the two countries, and do not want to see any war. happened, and for this, the Netherlands made a lot of concessions when it negotiated with Britain.”

Edmund Drouin de Lu said darkly: Ghosts believe in youHaysbet Feng said amazingly: "If Leopold II accepts it, we are willing to talk to Belgium. reach a peace agreement"

A reporter from the "New Rotterdam" asked: "Can you know what the agreement is?"

Heisbet Feng nodded and said, "Of course, we, the Netherlands, are ready to sign with Belgium on this peace agreement for 50 years of mutual non-aggression and mutual non-aggression and not allowing hostile forces to use their own territory to carry out actions that endanger the sovereignty of the Netherlands or Belgium. ."

It has reached half a century, 50 years!

This time, even Edmund Drouin de Lu was shocked by the length of time.

You know, it will only take 50 years for the Netherlands to re-establish itself again, and Napoleon I also lost the war 50 years ago. Even 65 years ago, France still had this large territory in North America, and France sold the Louisiana area to the Commonwealth of America.

Now this peace agreement between the Netherlands and Belgium is definitely a great gift to the Belgian Kingdom, which has been in constant troubles and unstable in the country. He doesn't even have to think about it, Leopold II will definitely promised.

Because East Flanders, West Flanders, and Flanders-Brabant were not ruled by Leopold II, they were Dutch territories. Now returning to the Netherlands can actually relieve Leopold. Pod II pressure.

Edmund Derouen de Lu also thought that the Netherlands might even be able to use this to stabilize Leopold II and ease the relationship between the Dutch and him. After that, the two sides turned their guns and aimed at Walloon. - French predominant in Brabant. In this way, it seems that the two sides can still overwhelm the French, or at least maintain a balance.

Think of this. The French foreign minister's heart suddenly began to sink.


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