v3 Chapter 498: If you have the ability, don't pick soft persimmons to eat (patriotic topic)

On February 16, 1869, the international community was calling for Huntington, the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, to visit Madrid and the border with Gibraltar, but was strongly dissatisfied by the British and expressed that they would fight back against Spain and the Netherlands.

For this reason, when everyone could not figure out what the intention of the Netherlands was, one of the parties involved, the leader of the Spanish opposition party, the leader of the minority in the Spanish Senate, and always known as pro-British Francisco Pi. Magar, however, came out to make a strong comment on the British counterattack.

The powerful influencer in Spanish politics believes that "whether or not Dutch officials or members of the Dutch parliament should go to Spain, or even where to visit, is not something that Spain can decide unilaterally, and calls on the British Empire to speak directly to the Netherlands if it has the guts. Don't use Spain as a punching bag."

Francisco Pi. Magar told the Herald of Spain after a meeting of members of the Senate in Madrid on Friday (February 16, 1869), "The British Imperial Navy is roaming around Spain almost every day, and in the Gibraltar, the Spanish territory, has even deployed troops, and their warships are also sailing around the troupe in the Spanish Atlantic Ocean and the western Mediterranean from time to time. If high-ranking Dutch officials or Dutch parliamentarians come, the British Empire seems to be fighting back. It seems that I want to take this opportunity to be more energetic and take this opportunity to come more frequently.”

In response to the news that the Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington arrived in Spain in the past few days, the leader of the opposition party, Francisco Pi. Magar, said that the British Empire gave a more severe warning. The Home Fleet held military-military exercises directly outside the most important ports in Spain to achieve the demonstration effect."

Spain's "Spanish Herald" released news on February 9 that the fourth figure in Dutch politics plans to visit Spain before February 20, and stimulates a British-like visit to Gibraltar on the Spanish side, expressing support for Spain against Gibraltar. The territorial demand for support will be the first time in Spain's history that a senior European political official at the national level will make a statement, which has triggered shocks in Britain and Europe.

The Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington refused to answer whether he would visit Spain, or more accurately the Spanish side of Gibraltar, on the grounds of security reasons at the House of Representatives press conference in Amsterdam on February 13, without even making a statement. Whether to support Spain's claim of territorial sovereignty.

Francisco Pi. Magar believes that the powerful warships of the British Empire have grown over the years, and the Spanish people have become accustomed to it, which cannot achieve the purpose of intimidation, and threatening the commander with harsh words will only increase the Spanish people's dislike of the British Empire. , all of London's goodwill towards Spain and even the various enticements to ease relations have been offset by the diplomatic threat of the British Empire's warships, and the only function is to replace the ruling party's ruling conservative Prime Minister Ramon Narva to the British Empire. The Ace cabinet government helped to canvass votes and consolidate the conservative-government-power.

He felt that it was not up to Spain to decide whether or not the Dutch senator or congressman should come to Spain or what to do. "If they want to come, you can't stop him. If he doesn't want to come, you kneel down and beg Grandpa. He will not come to sue the grandmother. The initiative is entirely in the hands of the Netherlands, so what can Spain do? London is not happy with the Netherlands but seeks out the kingdom of Spain.

Francisco Pi. Magar appealed: "If the British Empire really has the backbone and the ability, it will not be a punching bag for Spain during this visit, but directly to the Netherlands to reason and vent their anger, and accuse the Netherlands of warships in the north. hai even detours around the British Isles in the Atlantic Ocean, saying what is freedom of navigation, freedom of cargo navigation, etc. In fact, the British Empire can do the same with the Netherlands, and pull its own warships to the mainland of the Netherlands and even to Australia and the Far East. To sail freely around the Dutch East Indies”

He also said, "The British Empire is only surrounded by fathers in Spain, what's the point of threatening the Spanish mainland? It is recommended that the high-level political parties in London go to places in the Far East and Holland to vigorously promote the prestige of the British Empire. I don't believe that the Kingdom of the Netherlands really dares to Beat you"

Francesco Pi. Magar also said, "'Take the way of others' is what a big country should do. The Netherlands intends to exert pressure or even bully the British Empire. The British Empire should not To deal with Spain, do you think that Spain is weaker than the Netherlands, and that persimmons are soft to eat, what is the act of an upright global power?"


The long-awaited Prime Minister of the British Empire, Disraeli, finally stood up in the escalating incident, but did not directly respond to the question, but a British view on the Dutch strategy was revealed.

In an exclusive interview with the Times of London, the British prime minister said that London is looking very deeply into the UK's view of the Netherlands when asked about the UK government's imminent Dutch strategy.

He said: "The Netherlands is a systemic competitor and we have to make it clear that no one can blackmail us and that we have never been too dependent on the French Empire, even in a sea as small as we are separated by the English Channel. .And this is the basis of our strategy to deal with the rising Kingdom of the Netherlands. We will cooperate where we can cooperate, but also in some key areas, the strategy of independent British exclusive interests is what we care about and value the most. consistent with our foreign policy

Disraeli stressed that His Majesty the British Empire should avoid repeating the current mistakes of the French Empire, that is, the French Empire has become more and more isolated in front of the world's countries like self-destruction, and has become an aggressor that everyone calls and fights, making its own strength vulnerable. damage.

The Siam War caused people to impose sanctions on the French Empire and caused a lot of concerns about the decline of the economy. The import and export of French industrial products and food was basically blocked, and the French Empire was therefore weakened.

In response to the current provocation by the Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington's visit to Spain, Disraeli, the British Prime Minister, said in an exclusive interview with the "London Times" that the Netherlands is constantly changing its internal voice, changing its arguments, and targeting the British Empire. All kinds of extortion, this is just a new way of promoting the Dutch voice in the Netherlands.

He said, "The Netherlands has a different reason each time, and they will attack when they expand their interests and influence in the Netherlands, just as they did with Belgium and the Commonwealth of America, both of which are currently in Dominion in the hands of the Dutch


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