v3 Chapter 407: Austro-Hungarian Empire

As for the Ottoman Empire, as long as it does not deviate from the British Empire’s Middle East strategy of preventing the Russian Empire from going south in the Middle East, and gets too close to the other side on the Russian issue, the British Empire can only open up to the Ottoman Empire. Who makes the Ottoman Empire the most important thing for the British Empire? What about the anti-Russian pawns?


Speaking of this, William IV couldn't help but think of the Kingdom of Italy, which was interspersed between Britain and France in the previous paragraph. It is not only a manifestation of the autonomy of a great power, which may be seen by the Ottoman Empire, so it also seized the British in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The strategic pain point is choking the lifeline of the British Empire - since the Ottoman Empire is used to oppose the spillover of the influence of the Tsarist Empire in Southeast Europe and the Middle East, the position of the Tsarist Empire of the Ottoman Empire will be sidelined.


The diplomatic strength of the Ottoman Empire also lies in the fact that it has seized the lifeline of the West, especially the British Empire, and regards the Ottoman Empire as a weapon to balance the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Balkans. The Victorian British strategy of the British Empire was very clear.


This is not only clear to William IV, but also all countries see it. The British Empire wants to control the entrances and exits of various oceans, so as to complete its own warships in the oceans, and at the same time want to stop other countries from following their pace Take the road to naval superpower.


The super-strong army of the Tsarist Russian Empire has become the object of British jealousy, and the size of the fourth navy is enough to make the British worry, not to mention that the Tsarist Russian Empire has landed across the central and northern parts of the Eurasian continent. An enclave entrance would be the worst for the UK, even if there was another seaport base in the Mediterranean that linked to mainland Europe.


At the moment, although the Ottoman Empire belongs to the Turkic Turks and does not belong to the same race as the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom regards the Russian Empire as its most important opponent.


Therefore, the British Empire strategically designed two geopolitical frameworks for the Russian Empire in the Middle East. One is the Ottoman Empire, the other is the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy.


The latter maintains the Mediterranean Sea, while the former maintains the Indian Ocean while simultaneously maintaining the Mediterranean Sea.


Therefore, the Ottoman Empire is more important to the British Empire than Italy, not to mention the role of the Ottoman Empire in helping the United Kingdom to strictly guard the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.


As a major consumer power system in which the United Kingdom deploys and collects energy resources globally, based on the consideration of security and diversification, the fact that the United Kingdom supports the Ottoman Empire cannot be changed in the short and medium term.


And also based on the consideration of security diversification, the Ottoman Empire can be regarded as seeing the dependence of the United Kingdom on itself, and the Ottoman Empire cannot completely rely on the security of the United Kingdom for itself.


It is said that many high-level executives in Istanbul are very envious of the Holland in the international arena. They have always been arrogant. When they see the rise of Holland's agglomeration status and strength, they are naturally unwilling to lag behind, so they have the idea of ​​balanced diplomacy. .


A lie needs a hundred other lies to make up, and often the implementation of a country's foreign policy also requires different auxiliary diplomatic measures to support its implementation.


Since the Ottoman Empire signed an armistice and peace agreement with the Tsarist Russia Empire, it has been traveling non-stop among European countries, and when countries face Constantinople's favor, they naturally refuse to come.


This round of diplomacy did not stop until July 10, 1868, when the Ottoman Empire announced that it had applied to join the Dutch-led International Court of Justice in The Hague.

This is the first time in history that a large country has voluntarily applied to join the gradual organization of small and medium-sized countries. This news instantly caused a sensation in Europe and the United States.


People seem to realize at this time that the International Hague Tribunal Organization, which was originally thought to be just a small and medium-sized country club to keep warm, seems to have new vitality at this moment, and it seems that its influence has just begun.


Newspaper reporters from various countries flocked to The Hague. It is said that because of the existence of the headquarters of these international organizations, it is said that the Hague has become one of the top 10 cities with the highest exposure in the world in recent years, second only to London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, After Amsterdam, St. Petersburg, Washington, D.C. and Constantinople, they overwhelmed the capitals of many other countries.


Roth, president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and Dutch justice minister, confirmed to newspapers of various countries that the head of the Ottoman embassy in the Netherlands had indeed submitted an application, which is currently being re-evaluated.


He also said that in a month, there will be a vote of all member states. As long as the Ottoman Empire can vote in favor of two-thirds of the members, the Ottoman Empire will become a new member of the organization.


He hinted that the Ottoman Empire is currently conducting diplomatic contacts among its member states.


When asked about his position as the Minister of Justice of the Netherlands, the information should be very sensitive, and the Netherlands' attitude towards the Ottoman Empire joining the organization, Ross said that the Netherlands is an open-minded country, and the Netherlands will not prevent other countries from joining the creation of the Netherlands. organization, and will not exclude them because of this, we welcome any country to join.


"The Netherlands has clearly expressed that it has no objection to the Ottoman Empire joining the organization. What should we do?"


Austria-Hungary, Vienna.


"The Ottoman Empire has applied to join the organization We naturally will not lag behind other countries. Therefore, we Austria-Hungary are preparing our materials and preparing to apply to join the organization at the same time, of course, according to the Dutch Minister of Justice. What Ross said, everything is decided according to the order of queuing. Therefore, we are watching the details of the process of the Ottoman Empire joining the organization. After all, we are very optimistic about the significance of any organization to everyone. Is it necessary to exist?"


Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister Reichberg made the above statement when asked by the newspaper after consulting the foreign policy meeting of the Austria-Hungarian Parliament in Vienna. From this statement, the Austria-Hungary Empire has obviously relented. The Ottoman Empire, the neighboring country of the Ministry, joined, which brought some pressure to it.


The relationship between southern Italy is not good, western Prussia is a powerful opponent that can ignore the covetous Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the eastern Tsarist Russia is even more so because of the death of Nicholas I, his heir, the king, Alexander II, has a very low favorability to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Under these circumstances, maintaining relations with the United Kingdom seems to have been inspired by the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the United Kingdom.


Therefore, this made the Austro-Hungarian Empire choose to make a move. It wanted to go back to Metternich’s policy of combining vertical and horizontal. Among them, this time Rechberg wanted to join the International Court of Justice in The Hague as an opportunity. , to open up a relationship with other countries. This is known from his frequent contacts with Constantinople recently. It seems that the Austro-Hungarian Empire wants to further ease relations with the Ottoman Empire, and intends to focus on the direction of northern Italy.
