v3 Chapter 372: Alexander Hamilton

When William IV of the British House of Commons was preparing to "take action" to rectify the British Crown Prince Edward, all countries were closely watching Britain's every move.

April 20, 1868.

The Dutch weekly "Echo", which is well-known in Europe, published an article entitled "Britain wants to reunite the old countries behind it", which is most valued by European countries.

The article is a historical and political scientist of the weekly "Echo", the youngest historian and political scientist of The Hague University in the Netherlands but with international influence, and also a special commentary expert of the "Echo" weekly, which is influential in Europe. Ni's interview.

The main researcher of Dutch and European foreign policy, Catini said in the interview that in previous conflicts between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the change in the Netherlands between the UK's position and toughness and its goals seems to indicate that there is a degree of global competition between the UK and the Netherlands. , Of course, unlike France and the United Kingdom in full competition, the Netherlands in the South African issue and the North American issue is just an opportunity to be cautiously seized in the situation of the United Kingdom's comprehensive suppression of global powers.

According to the article, Cartini pointed out that in his relationship with Queen Victoria, William IV did not show impatience or even vicious language (sometimes directly mocking Queen Victoria for ruling Britain as a widow) and strategic restraint like Napoleon III.

William IV stated that he would not send a single soldier to the Kingdom of Siam, and refused to send the most sophisticated steam battleships to the Kingdom of Siam. But he proposed to Britain to cooperate in the Far East and Southeast Asia to suppress France.

At the same time, the Netherlands also wooed small and medium-sized countries and other countries to pull up an anti-French alliance, and wooed allies to launch an economic war against France, attracting the attention of major powers.

Although it won't hurt France's muscles, it's also a headache.

William IV even declared that if there is a war between the Netherlands and France on the mainland, the European continent will face the all-European war at the beginning of this century, and even the United Kingdom will not be spared.

So William IV felt that the Netherlands should try to stop it.

Britain's attitude was sometimes ambiguous, making the Netherlands seem to be playing a one-man show.

But this is Europe, and in America, the Netherlands is fighting against the British, and even after Prussia was pushed back after the British exit, the British invited William IV to visit London.

Many people feel that it is unnecessary. However, the attitude of the Netherlands in the past few weeks has made many European countries aware that the Netherlands has become increasingly tough. Open, began to increase the number of attack weapons to South America. In the United States of America, the United States of America in North America personally intervened in the interior and intervened in the plan of the United States, which may be a continuation of this tough attitude of the Netherlands.

The article quoted Kakartini as saying that the Dutch government is obviously adjusting its strategy according to the situation, but the reason why the Netherlands pays more attention to the Americas than expected is because it is conducive to the realization of another goal: facing the rise of American power and bringing about The challenge of the Pacific Ocean has given the Netherlands a sense of crisis. It is better to win over them from the outside than to attack them from the outside. Internal control is more convenient.

The internal struggle in the United States highlights the influence of the Netherlands on the United States, which currently seems unshakable, and also allows the joint issue to reaffirm its influence across the Pacific and the Atlantic, and can dominate the Pacific.

In recent years, the United Kingdom has been severely suppressed by North America in the Commonwealth of America. At present, it can only recharge its batteries in Canada and the United States of America. Because of this, the emergence of the Netherlands has made the United Kingdom realize that it can make the Netherlands one of the British thugs. Therefore, Cartini believes that Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom may be aware of the role of the Netherlands and wants to win over the Netherlands as a first-level ally of the United Kingdom in the Americas and the Antony region, as well as a second-level ally in Europe to help the United Kingdom maintain its global presence. Influential auxiliaries.

The article also said that Cartini reminded that in British geopolitics, no matter what position the Russian Empire occupies, the French Empire is always at the heart of everything.

The UK often considers the situation in Europe and the whole overseas issue at the same time. However, the specific situation is different. Unlike the immediate fear of the political equilibrium in Europe, the UK attaches great importance to the Far East and other overseas colonies. Of course, the chaos in North America gave Britain a chance, that is, the United Kingdom may have the possibility of returning in North America, but the premise is the support of the Netherlands, so the purpose of the United Kingdom inviting William IV is full of reverie.

Of course, the Dutch mold also needs the UK to help pacify the other parties, so as to melt the recently absorbed nutrients.

At the end of the article, Cartini said that he dreamed that William IV and Queen Victoria would have an invitation to meet this time, and they would really go to the bottom of each other and reach an agreement. Although it may not achieve the expected results, the two need each other's help. Moment, dry wood and fire can also be described in the same way.

However, if the UK thinks that William IV is settled, then it is very wrong. The world has changed, and the Netherlands is no longer the Netherlands. The UK should realize that the Netherlands will get a piece of the world cake. A bigger share than ever, not just the scraps of the past. Holland wants cheese and bread.

Buckingham Palace, Queen's Office.

"He was a big man in the respectful manner in which he entered the room, wearing a blue coat with shiny buttons and an unusually long hem. The gentleman who greeted him took him Introduced to the guests present as if they had never known each other. He bowed formally to everyone, bowing low, without shaking hands, and at dinner, painkillers joined the conversation, and everyone listened.

His way of speaking is thoughtful and serious His voice is moving and pleasant. On the same night, he epitomized the mix of men and women, and dinner was a show of quiet composure giving way to a playful social demeanor, as if he had to stand alone in this too. over others"

Louise was shocked when she read this, as if thinking of a person, William IV!

Alexander Hamilton, as the founding father of the United States in the early days of the United States, can be said to have made one of the greatest contributions to the United States, and as the first Minister of Finance of the United States of America, the father of the U.S. Constitution, the father of the U.S. Central Bank, and the U.S. currency. The father of the Yuan, the father of the U.S. fiscal system, the father of the U.S. credit system, the father of the U.S. federal system, the father of the U.S. two-party system, the father of the U.S. tax burden, the father of the U.S. standing army, and the leader of the first political party in the United States, the Federalist Party.

Looking at this book with American legends written on it, she couldn't help thinking of William IV who was in the London Parliament. She couldn't help but feel a little bit hot as she was always strong.

"It seems that it's not bad to marry his younger brother, Crown Princess of Greece, hehe"

Princess Louise took this special gift that William gave her, and she felt strange.

"However, what's the point of him giving me this book?"