v3 Chapter 361: France is our consumable

On March 22, 1868, the press secretary of the royal family of the Tsarist Russia stated that if Sweden and Denmark applied to join the Union of South America, the Russian Empire would support it.

The sudden stance of the Russian Empire made King William I of Prussia change his color when he first heard about it. He urgently summoned close people such as Bismarck and Moltke to discuss the move of the Russian Empire to tilt its stance to the Netherlands.

The participation of Denmark and Sweden in the South American Union caused dissatisfaction from the Prussian side. The press secretary of the Tsarist Russian Empire once again stated that he had understood Prussia’s position on the application of Redian and Denmark to join the South American Alliance, but the Tsarist Empire still believed that no country should be prevented from joining any country freely. organize.

William I's face was very gloomy, "Prussia early = early rise with the secret support of the Russian Empire against Austria, and then after 1850, Russia chose either neutrality or win over Austria to suppress us because of our scruples, and we successfully persuaded Britain to support us Against Russia.

In the past ten years, although our relations with Russia and Russia have eased, we have generally maintained a good or bad pattern. But now the Tsarist Empire is openly standing up to support the Netherlands. This will cause unnecessary trouble for our strategy. Everyone, we must conduct necessary research on this. How should we deal with it? "

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Bismarck and Mooch.

"Your Majesty, I think the Tsarist Russian Empire is a kind of throwing stones to ask for directions." Mao Qi is worthy of being the chief of the Prussian General Staff, and he is unique in both marching and strategic planning.

Seeing the two of them looking at him questioningly, Mao Qi said eagerly, "I think the reason why Tsarist Russia supports the Netherlands is that Gorchakov, the old fox, was throwing bones between the two wolves who were fighting for their prey. To determine which is passive and active"

Seeing the expressions of the two of them continuing to question, Mao Qi took a deep breath and said, "To put it bluntly, the Tsarist Russian Empire sees the dominant side, and then stands in line to profit."

William I couldn't help but ask: "Now the Russian Empire knows which side has the advantage?"

Mao Qi: "Waiting"

William I: "?"

Bismarck said at this time: "The chief of the general staff means that the Russian Empire is encouraging the Netherlands to make moves, and take the bench to see how the Netherlands will deal with us?".

Mao Qi: "Well, so the Russian Empire will not directly stand against us. After all, Nicholas I was almost forced to death by Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but he was the father-killer of Alexander II. Enemy, at the same time that the south needs to face the Ottiman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is completely hostile to Prussia, which is not in the national interests of the Tsarist Russia. Unless"

"Unless what?" asked William I.

Mao Qi: "Unless the Ottoman Empire and the Tsarist Russia Empire reconcile, it is possible, but the United Kingdom should not let the Ottoman Empire and the Tsarist Russia Empire reconcile."

William I nodded, let go of worry, turned his eyes to Bismarck, and asked: "Prime Minister, what happened to the Commonwealth of Millikin, Lincoln failed to impeach, should the influence of the Netherlands drop sharply?

As long as the influence of the Netherlands in North and South America is eliminated and replaced, we Prussia can quickly gain a firm foothold overseas, and then be able to expand in the east of the Indian Ocean and the west of the Pacific Ocean, catching up with Great Powers such as Britain and France.”

William I was Bismarck's Bole and the most trusted Bismarck boss. Bismarck could ignore anyone, but he attached great importance to his relationship with Bismarck.

Although many people seem to have more power in Prussia than William I, and his reputation is comparable to that of William I in Europe, there are several harmony between their monarchs and ministers, because this comes from the trust of William I.

He replied solemnly: "When we formulated the 'Snake Swallowing Elephant' plan, the selected target country was the Netherlands, so on the surface we supported the Holland-Prussian alliance proposed by the Netherlands in 1862, and on the surface we used the Netherlands to develop the Prussian navy. And in the end, the three countries successively supported each other in Africa to carve up African colonies.

Originally wanted to use the alliance relationship, Prussia can slowly penetrate the interior of the Netherlands, and then accumulate enough to make a fatal blow. However, we took everything for granted. Unexpectedly, William IV and the Dutch government had been prepared for a long time. Almost every time our deployment hit a nail, we finally had to give up the task of invading the Netherlands.

And the strategy of integrating the German Confederation finally gave up the plans for the Duchy of Nassau and the Duchy of Luxembourg. "

Bismarck seemed to grit his teeth when he said this.

It's all William IV. If it wasn't for him, maybe his plan would have already started.

William I asked worriedly: "The confrontation between the Netherlands and Prussia is very detrimental to our future strategy towards France. Should the plan of the French Empire be changed or suspended?"

"No," Bismarck and Mooch said at the same time.

William I looked at both of them.

Mao Qi: "Your Majesty, we have invested a lot of support, including on the Mexican issue at the beginning. In fact, we also led the French Empire to invade on the Mexican issue, and the French invasion of the Kingdom of Siam has long been established between us. For the deal, Napoleon III promised us to be silent about the occupation of Holstein and Schleswig, the German Union fusion plan, and we chose to turn a blind eye to the actions in France.

Originally, we wanted to consume France's power all at once, and to a certain extent, the Prussian plan was able to proceed smoothly, but the Netherlands repeatedly disrupted our actions, and I found that the Netherlands seemed to be able to see many of our actions, which had to be worrying"

Bismarck's heart moved, and Mo Qi's words were shocking. Bismarck suddenly thought of a question that needs to be vigilant. Is the North American plan really as smooth as before?

Bismarck's calm heart suddenly burst into annoyance said: "It is not appropriate to do something with the Netherlands at this time. As for North America, which His Majesty is concerned about, Lincoln is still cooperating. I believe that with the cooperation between Lincoln and Seward , in the next presidential election, Seward may really be elected. What we need is to appease the Democratic Party members, and of course, the votes of those other ethnic groups. For this, I have prepared for the next Wave shot means"

Mao Qi asked, "What means?"

Bismarck: "It's already played in North America, and everyone can see it right away"


On March 25, 1868, when King William I of Prussia attended a meeting of German nobles at the Berlin Palace, he said that "there is no problem" between Prussia and Denmark and Sweden, so Denmark and Sweden's entry into the South American Union did not pose a direct threat to Prussia, but established If the Nordic Union's joint training of the three major infrastructures is to expand on the border with Prussia, it will inevitably cause a response from Prussia.

The Prussian king said that "how to respond depends on what kind of threat is posed to Prussia".

William I also said that the alliance of the three Nordic countries is entirely due to the problems created by the diplomatic and strategic interests of a certain country. Prussia does not want the Nordic alliance to become a foreign policy tool of a certain country, which will cause the security situation in the countries around the Baltic Sea to deteriorate.