v3 Chapter 318: Kalma tribe on the Arabian Peninsula

Riyadh is located in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, close to the British colony Qatar Peninsula in the east, and close to the Dutch colony UAE in the southeast.

To the south is the Oman region occupied by the French Empire, Spain, and Portugal.

The southwest was Yemen, the east was sold to Italy by Constantinople, and the west was won by Britain.

To the west is the Ottoman Empire in the Red Sea region, and the Yinrak region to the north also belongs to the Ottoman Empire.

Therefore, the kingdom of Najd was surrounded by these countries.

Mohammad bin Rashid looked at the Arabian Peninsula on the map, his eyes full of fiery anger.

As chief of the Sharma tribe and ruler of Najd at the same time, he thought more.

In 1750, Mohammed Saud, the pioneer chief of the kingdom of Najd, declared himself a emirate from the Ottoman Empire. After that, the leader of the Saudi family conquered Najd, occupied Riyadh, and annexed Kuwait and Karbala, which were ruled by the Ottoman Empire. Hassa, conquered Buyer and Medina, seized the entire Hejaz region from the Ottoman Empire, and established the first Wahhabi dynasty ruled by a Saudi family in 1811.

However, seven years later, the Egyptian provincial army sent by the Ottoman sultan leveled; the capital of the Etsarist Emirate of Der Yinye.

Their Saudi family was forced to flee to coastal towns in Kuwait and the Persian Gulf.

In 1824, the Saudi family made a comeback when Turki, the grandson of Mohammed Saud, took Riyadh and established a second Saudi emirate. Shortly after Turki's eldest son took the throne in 1834, the Ottoman Empire took advantage of his weakness and took advantage of the opportunity to start a war. The king was captured and exiled to Egypt, and the country was destroyed.

In 1843, the internal contradictions of the Ottoman Empire were serious, and there was no time for him to care.

King Faisal fled back to Riyadh from Egypt, regrouped, and resumed his rule over the central Arabian Peninsula in 1845. By this time, the Ottoman Empire was already weak, especially the northern Ottoman Empire. The northern Tsarist Empire rose rapidly, The repeated attacks south from the Caucasus and the Balkans caused great trouble to the Ottoman Empire.

Among them, the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856 reached its peak. The Ottoman Empire was unable to deal with the powerful Tsarist Russia alone, and chose to support the British colony in Egypt. At the same time, for the chaos in the north and south, Constantine Fort also negotiated with Faisal for the first time, eventually recognizing Faisal as Saudi emirate.

However, the Saudi emirate was also required to recognize that they were surrounded by the Ottoman Empire, and the two sides eventually reached an agreement to this end.

After Faisal's death in 1865, many of his sons fought for power, leading to a civil war.

So Mohammed bin and Rashid, the chiefs of the Shamar tribe in the eastern region, took the opportunity to invade, but although they were repelled, they also occupied a lot of places, including Riyadh. The second Saudi emirate fell.

Faisal's youngest son, Abdul Rahman, led the Saudi remnant to flee to Kuwait. sought refuge in the Ottoman Empire.

I originally thought that after gradually encroaching on the dominance of the princes in the Saudi emirate, it was slowly encroaching on more areas of the Ottoman Empire on the Arabian Peninsula. However, some time ago, under the coercion of various countries, the Ottoman Empire even The region was sold to major European countries, which made Muhammad bin Rashid very angry and helpless at the same time.

His ability is unable to launch an attack on a major European country, not even the Ottoman Empire, not to mention that even the Najd Kingdom has not been unified, and it is even more difficult to talk about other things.

In his heart, he was more uneasy. He suspected that the Ottoman Empire would adopt a more pacifying policy, in order to wait for the Balkans to negotiate a truce with the Czarist Empire and stop the war in the Caucasus, which might help Afghanistan. In the name of Buddul Rahman, he was encircling and annihilating him, and even he was vaguely uneasy, afraid that the Ottoman Empire would sell so much territory to European countries in order to let the countries help them in the southern and eastern joints to annihilate them, after all , On the Arabian Peninsula, his Sharma tribe has occupied the entire southern part of the kingdom of Najd, and the Saudi emirate has withdrawn to the north.

Under the confrontation between the north and the south, Sharma could use this to expand all around, and even occupy the Ottoman Empire's Qatar Peninsula, Yemen, Oman and other places, thus opening up their access to the sea, but now it is apart from the Haza area. Of their Kalma tribes there is not a trace of territory by the sea. Therefore, South Hassa has become the largest port of the Kalmar family, and Dammam has become the largest city of the Kalmar tribe except Riyadh.

"The eastern part of Dammam and Riyad used to be the Qatar Peninsula, which was weakly guarded by the Ottoman Empire. Originally, our Kalma tribe had the opportunity to seize it, as well as the southern United Arab Emirates, but now it has become a colony of the emerging powers of Europe, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Netherlands. Daoud, it is difficult for us to follow the previous plan now, what should we do?"

It was Chief Rasheed who spoke.

And next to him is only his subordinate, the capable general Daoud.

This person accompanied Rashid to lead the rise of the Kalma tribe step by step, and even rescued Rashid at the beginning. So Rashid held him very highly. At the same time, Daoud is also his important think tank.

Over the years, Daoud's every suggestion has shocked him inexplicably, and every time he follows it, he has a certain harvest. It can be said that if the Kalma tribe has made the greatest contribution to his growth, then Daoud is the second largest contributor.

Although sometimes Rasheed is also afraid of the opponent's high performance, Daoud knows how to advance and retreat. The Kalmar patriarch was very satisfied.

Therefore, it is more and more important to him.

Just like now, only Daoud is by his side and he is planning an analysis of the situation in the Arabian Peninsula to seek to expand his interests.

Ask the policy with him.

Daoud wears the hat of the Arab ethnicity, and he also wears the same clothes, but the status is different, and it is different from Rashid's clothes.

However, this person's eyes are very smart, which makes people look at him and give the impression that he is a wise man.

Between the age of 35 and 40, it is the prime age of flourishing and prosperous.

Daoud seemed to have guessed that he would be questioned, so he said unhurriedly: "Patriarch, for the present, we only have two choices."

Rashid looked at Daoud, waiting for his explanation.

Daoud said, "The first is that it is better to be quiet than to move, and to wait and see how things change. We wait for them to move and seek the way of liberation. However, the disadvantage of this choice is that it seems to be a bit of a feeling of sitting still, which is very uncomfortable."

Daoud knew in his heart that this was rejected because it was out of character with the patriarch Rashid. The patriarch is famous for my fate, and he will not wait for others to give him alms to survive. Space, or else they would not have chosen to attack when they saw the weakness of the Saudi emirate, an ally of the Ottoman Empire, and occupied the southern part of the Kingdom of Najd after succeeding in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, Rashid shook his head and said, "We won't choose this, because instead of waiting quietly to die, it's better to die on the battlefield more vigorously, at least that way we all fought hard and died without dying. Sorry. Say the second one, I'm a little curious about it."

Daoud nodded, only to see Daoud say astonishingly: "Since the patriarch does not want to wait, then there is only struggle, the Karma tribe has developed to a bottleneck, and the shackles at the top need to be lifted.

After decades and hundreds of years, the Saudi Emirate was recognized by the Ottoman Empire at the right time and place, and the rise of the Kalma tribe was too short. I think if we want to achieve the status of the Saudi Emirate quickly, the patriarch will become King, then the Ottoman Empire needs to be put under pressure"

King, emirate?

Rasheed's whole body was shocked, his eyes glowed fiercely, and his ambition was revealed.

Daoud didn't seem to see Rashid's gaffe, nodded and said: "Yes, I think the Kalma tribe is no worse than the Saudi emirate in the Najd region, both in terms of territory and army, and the Saudi emirate in the north has Weakness, this requires a new king to lead everyone to rise and complete the unification of the kingdom of Najd, and the patriarch is such an existence."

"However, in our surrounding area, you know, European countries are so powerful that even the Ottoman Empire is helpless."

Rashid couldn't help but hesitate. It was the fact that the powerful wars involving European countries over the past few years made him very alarmed. In particular, the Ottoman Empire, which he regarded as looking up to existence, was constantly being beaten by the Tsarist Russia on the Balkan Peninsula. defeat.

It is said that the Prussian Kingdom in the east is an existence that even the Russian Empire is very afraid of, and Prussia also defeated the Austrian Empire, which is stronger than the Ottoman Empire, last year and occupied the territory of the small country Denmark, agreeing to the German Confederation. How could he dare to provoke Qatar? Isn't that courting death?

Therefore, he has ordered the people of his Kalma tribe not to touch the Qatar Peninsula, and the Netherlands in the southern United Arab Emirates seems to be a little worse, but it depends on who is compared. Compared with Prussia and the Tsarist Empire, it is naturally inferior. But you must know that in the past few years, in South Africa, the Dutch proxy war has been miserable for the United Kingdom.

You must know that the United Kingdom just took Egypt from the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire dared not give a fart to the United Kingdom. The Netherlands dared to even attack the United Kingdom. Does Rashid dare to provoke the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates? Moreover, the Netherlands has a huge influence in the southern Indian Ocean. During this period, the Dutch warships have been as frequent as Prussia in the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Transport ships come in and out, which makes him very stressed. It is said that the Persian Gulf The Persian Empire on the other side even tightened the discipline of the army on the coastline, fearing that it would accidentally cause wars and cause conflicts between the two countries.

Daoud said inscrutable: "Since the patriarch knows that European countries are strong, and that the Ottoman Empire is afraid of European countries, can't we take advantage of this?"

Rashid's eyes lit up and he hurriedly looked at Daoud: "What did you say?"

Daoud said: "Hey, Kalma tribe, it's time to start relations with Europe"

"Then which country do you think is better?"

"Prussia and Holland are fine"

Rasheed nodded and said, "Bet on both sides, but one side is dominant. You are responsible for this matter."


Daoud lowered his head in agreement, but at the moment he lowered his head, he showed a mysterious smile.