v3 Chapter 306: France cannot afford to lose, Siam cannot win, England and the Netherlands cannot afford to lose

August 6, 1867.

The stubborn resistance of the Kingdom of Siam resulted in the loss of more than 60,000 French troops in South Vietnam, which angered the French in the French Empire.

The streets of Paris are full of this demonstration.

And there are two extremely different camps. One faction advocates to stop the war, and demands the resignation of the cabinet government formed by Prime Minister Olivier, and even, further, they also demand the abdication of Napoleon III.

Although the number of participants is only one-third of the number of participants, the attitude is very firm.

The other faction is the main war faction, which requires that the French Empire must increase its troops to participate in the war in the Far East. In order to maintain the great glory of France, it must win the victory of this war. To this end, they mainly maintained stability at home, supported Napoleon III's foreign policy, and even put pressure on the Olivier cabinet government to be bolder in using foreign troops.

This faction accounts for more than 50% of the population. Officially, under such circumstances, it is difficult for countries to have hope in the short term for the future softening of Paris, which is what worries the outside world.

Unsurprisingly, on August 9, under the nod of Napoleon III, the French Empire officially launched the second phase of the offensive against the Kingdom of Siam, and it was no longer the kind that was "kind".

Countries around the world have provided a lot of intelligence and weapons to the Kingdom of Siam, causing the French Empire to suffer heavy losses, making the French Empire feel that its opponents are European and American anti-French countries rather than the Siam Kingdom, but this anger cannot be vented on them, such as European and American countries, I can only vent to the Kingdom of Siam.

Just at this time, Rama IV of the Kingdom of Siam resisted the attack of the French Empire, so when he sent it to European countries, he even proposed to underestimate the strength of the French Empire, explained the historical reasons for the war to the countries, and criticized France. And the behavior of Napoleon III, this kind of disrespect for the status of France as a great power, in the eyes of the French, is a provocation.

If the strength is not compared, the small country angers the big country, which will only cause the retaliation of the big country, and cannot really reverse the situation. The sale of the angered French Empire will no longer be "kind". Therefore, the French Empire's style of play in the second stage is to let The world was shocked because it learned the lesson of losing 60,000 soldiers casualties for the first time. Following the practice of the Netherlands against Portugal in Africa before, the French Empire chose the mode of artillery bombing to clear the way. As a result of the city, the losses of the Siamese Kingdom have expanded dramatically. The Siamese Kingdom will not only lose staggering army losses, but even the collateral damage to civilians will be a serious increase.

On August 15, 1867, Sihanoukville in the southern coastal area of ​​the Cambodian region of the Kingdom of Siam was first captured. This city of about 100,000 people lost its original vitality. , the corpses can be seen everywhere, the cruelty of the war is revealed without hiding at this moment, it is really tragic.

Subsequently, Pakse to Saravan in the Laos region of the Central Anti-French Front was occupied successively.

The remaining cities of Kampong Spey, Kampong Chhnyang, Kampong Cham and Stung Ding are also at risk.

The victory of the French Empire made Paris cheer, and Europe looked complicated.

However, good fortune depends on misfortune, and what is shown to be beneficial may actually be harmful. This was the case in the previous Siam Kingdom resisting pressure, and now the French Empire is the same. As countries pay more attention to the battle of Siam Kingdom being invaded by France, There is an endless stream of news collectors from various countries. The artillery of the French Empire, regardless of the artillery bombardment of the military and civilians, is advancing rapidly, causing huge losses to the reserves of the Kingdom of Siam, but it will not affect the future of the French Empire in this battle. , is it really beneficial?

On January 18, 1867, in the literary world of European and American countries, a novel called "The Ugly Frenchman" appeared, which mainly described the diplomats of the Governor-General of the French Empire stationed in Southeast Asia. , unwilling to understand the customs of the host country locally, the failure of the foreign policy of the French Empire, the island owner, and even in the novel, there are many French Empire diplomats abroad and in their own country. , In the novel, Bi this believes that most French people are kind, but the successive French imperial governments are open to question.

Not to mention, the French Empire believed that the United States of America, a treaty that avoided continuing war with the United Kingdom, was inconsistent with the United Kingdom after the United Kingdom signed the Jay Treaty with Britain in 1895 at the end of the 18th century. France's interests, dissatisfied with Milliken's negotiation with Britain without the consent of France, is a betrayal of the French Empire. The proud French Empire diplomat did not listen to Milliken's dispatch to Paris. Albridge Gerry and John Marshall's explanations, so they directly refused the request for a meeting, which directly led to the extreme deterioration of the relationship between the two countries.

Even in the end, although they agreed to meet, they put forward conditions that made the Americans angry: they wanted to meet the Prime Minister and the United States paid France enough huge compensation to repair the loss that France was helping Milliken against the United Kingdom.

That's why the famous "kyz incident " three letters are the letters of those three Milician diplomats instead of names.

Fiction is this kind of French arrogant and unreasonable practice, which has lost the trust of European and American countries, and this reason has made readers from all over the world agree with this point of view.

After that, the novel finally talks about the fact that the evacuation of Mexico some time ago led to the loss of Maximilian I's advantage and the loss of life in Mexico, which made the Habsburg family very dissatisfied, coupled with the current war in the Far East, which made the countries of Europe and the Americas lose their lives. One after another joined the ranks of sanctioning the French Empire, and the author even made it clear that the French Empire is a typical party that has more help for the righteous and less for the loser. Therefore, the author calls on the French Empire to face up to its own problems in the book. Problems, improving the international outlook, withdrawing from the Kingdom of Siam, and reconciling the deteriorating relations in the surrounding areas are the most urgent tasks of Napoleon III at present, not the territories of others in the Far East.

Many readers read this and agree with it, so they are more interested in the content that follows.

The author emphasizes that there are no winners in wars.

In this war, the French Empire seems to be unable to lose the pressure, the Kingdom of Siam is even more unable to lose its own territory, and the members of the International Court of Justice in The Hague + the United Kingdom for the purpose of sanctions cannot lose.