v3 Chapter 257: The Ottoman Empire's Counterattack against Great Britain

At the same time, Dutch Foreign Minister Hesbert Feng said in Amsterdam on June 28 that he was not sure what the outcome of Britain's trip to southern Europe would be, and whether he would reach an agreement with southern European countries on Uruguay. He doubted it.

Hesbet. Feng said that no matter what the UK and southern European countries do or not, it will not have any impact on the actions of the Netherlands in South America, because everything is going according to plan in the Netherlands.

He even said that Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, members of the South American Union, have successively announced to join the International Women's League and the International Red Cross, which are led by the Netherlands, and have been approved by the two organizations. Will officially become a member on July 1.

Heisbet Feng also "leaked" that these countries have collectively applied to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to become members, and the application is currently being accepted.


June 28, 1866, is a day to remember.

Because on this day, the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire began to negotiate in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the negotiations between the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire on the armistice agreement in the Balkans.

It is ridiculous that the Ottoman Empire, one of the main exhibitors, was not asked to participate.

This surprised many people. After investigation, it turned out that Constantinople did not agree that the United Kingdom would compromise with the Russian Empire on the Balkans. Therefore, anonymous sources from Constantinople said that the top officials of the Ottoman Empire expressed no participation. Negotiations between Britain and Tsarist Russia, and expressed dissatisfaction with Britain's desire to withdraw its troops from the Ottoman Empire alone.

However, in the end, although the news was denied by Constantinople, there was no wind, and no one would think that this news was just groundless.

Obviously, in order to make peace with Tsarist Russia, Britain ignored the sentiments of the Ottoman Empire.

How could the Ottoman Empire let Britain "get out" so easily.

July 1, 1866.

The Ottoman Empire greeted the Prussian visiting delegation team in Constantinople with a high profile. The leader of the team is now the Prussian Governor of Africa Somalia and the Commander of the Prussian African Combined Fleet, Prince Frederick Karl.

Prince Frederick Carl received a grand reception from the Ottoman Empire and was received by the Ottoman Emperor Sultan Abdul Aziz I in Constantinople.

This is an exceptional treatment, which shows the importance the Ottoman Empire attached to Prussia.

The series of actions that followed was even more overwhelming.

The Ottoman Empire signed many trade contracts with Prussia, and even arms were on the list.

On the above, the Ottoman Empire will buy arms from Prussia, and also ask Prussia to send military strategists to Constantinople to teach and train the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, and increase the military capabilities of the Ottoman Empire.

What makes Britain most jealous is that in order to win over Prussia, the Ottoman Empire is considering the demands put forward by Prussia. Prussia wants to buy the barren land that the Ottoman Empire considers uninhabited at a high price of 1 million pounds on the southern side of the Persian Gulf in the eastern Arabian Peninsula. Qatar Peninsula, the Ottoman Empire is very happy about this, Constantinople has approved the deal and will sign with Prussia after making a final assessment. .

To this end, the British protested against the Prussian military influence into the northern tip of the Indian Ocean.

In order to express dissatisfaction, the United Kingdom even summoned the Ottoman ambassador to London to ask the Ottoman Empire to withdraw this decision.

However, the Ottoman Empire also summoned the British ambassador to Constantinople. According to rumors, the Ottoman Empire asked the United Kingdom to withdraw from the negotiations with the Russian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire would withdraw the decision to sell the Qatar Peninsula.

Whether it’s true or not, the negotiations between the British and Tsarist Russia in Belgium have come to a standstill, and the deal between Prussia and the Ottoman Empire on the Qatar Peninsula seems to have been temporarily stopped by the Ottoman Empire for technical reasons, but the discerning person understands that this is just Constantine Tinburg was just waiting for a response from London.

It is precisely because of this that the constant rumors from the United Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire are obviously testing each other's bottom line. Behind them, the secret rivalry between the Russian Empire and Prussia began gradually.

"London should be in a dilemma right now"

This is William IV's view on today's issues during an interview with the weekly newspaper "Echo", a weekly newspaper with influence in Europe and the Far East.

"Echo" is based in the Netherlands, and its influence is thrown to the world for the purpose. Even in the Far East and America outside Europe, it is a newspaper with huge influence. In addition to news focus, its layout also has focus-people -Interviews, etc., each issue is a famous person in the Netherlands.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper is the former deputy editor-in-chief of the world's most influential "European Times". The year before last, he joined this newspaper that only serves the Netherlands.

It is precisely because of his work experience in "European Times" that he, who is only 40 years old this year, is not reconciled to the status quo and believes that since "European Times" can rise, why not "Echo".

So, since he won the position of editor-in-chief of the newspaper by virtue of his ability, and gradually mastered the right to operate the newspaper, he began to carry out reforms, cut off many small pages, and finally completed the current pattern.

When William IV first came into contact with this weekly newspaper, he was very surprised, because it was very similar to a certain newspaper called Time-Weekly in his previous life. After investigation, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was blaming him, because when he remodeled the "European Times", he accidentally described the possibility of the weekly magazine to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. In the end, it was rejected. The Dutch hidden in the "European Times" leader Seiros is a strong person has a high self-esteem, has a close relationship with William III, and has good talents. The most important thing is that he is right. Holland was loyal, so William IV left him alone.

Unexpectedly, in the conversation between the editor-in-chief and the deputy editor-in-chief of James in front of him, the latter actually listened to and understood the idea of ​​William IV.

If the treasure was obtained, he bid farewell to the "European Times" not long after, and joined the "Echo". After consulting William IV, he even made the "Echo" very impressive.

Although it is not as influential as "European Times" in daily reporting in Europe, the professionalism of "Echo" is unique.

Tracing the ins and outs of isolated events, introducing foreign countries, analysing their territories, citing their political situation, helping readers overcome spelling difficulties, and using graphs that no newspaper in Europe has ever used, etc., it makes the complex post-19th century Half-term International I ask you to head personal, and in the process break the framework of European journalism stifling spirituality.

It is precisely because James combined with William IV's idea that it is based on professionalism, making it even more influential in the upper classes of the world than the "European Times".

Take a look at who are the figures of the previous two issues?